References by Keywords: D
- Dalit Women
- Dangerous Work
- Darstellung
- Das Kapital
- Dasein
- Data
- Data Analysis
- Data Centre Metrics
- Data Centres
- Data Discrimination
- Data Economy
- Data Ethics
- Data Governance
- Data Privacy
- Data Processing
- Data Security
- Data Storage
- Databases
- De Beauvoir
- De-Skilling
- Dead Labour
- Death
- Debt
- Decent Work
- Deception
- Decision Making
- Decision Support Systems
- Decision-Making
- Declining Labour Force
- Decoloniality
- Decolonisation
- Deep Learning
- Deep Neural Networks
- Defense Industry
- Defoe
- Degredation
- Degrowth
- Dehumanisation
- Dejour
- Dejours
- Deleuze
- Deliberative Democracy
- Deliberative Politics
- Deliberative Rationality
- Demand Control Support Model
- Demeaning Work
- Dementia
- Democracy
- Democratic Citizenship
- Democratic Deliberation
- Democratic Firm
- Democratic Firms
- Democratic Freedom
- Democratic Institution
- Democratic Process
- Democratic Rights
- Democratic Theory
- Democratization
- Demogrant (See Basic Income)
- Demographic Change
- Denizens
- Deomcracy
- Dependence
- Dependency
- Dependency Labor
- Depoliticization Of Work
- Depolitisation
- Depressive Symptoms
- Der Arbeiter
- Deranty
- Derrida
- Descola
- Desire
- Desire To Work
- Deskilling
- Despair
- Destruction
- Desubjectification
- Detachment
- Detective
- Deutsche Arbeit
- Developed Countries
- Developing Countries
- Developing Nations
- Development
- Development Studies
- Developmental Economics
- Developmental Psychology
- Developmental Studies
- Developmental Theory
- Deviance
- Dewey
- Diagnosis
- Dialectic
- Dialectical Materialism
- Dialectical Naturalism
- Dialectics
- Dickens
- Dictatorship
- Difference Principle
- Digital
- Digital Capitalism
- Digital Culture
- Digital Displacement
- Digital Economics
- Digital Economy
- Digital Ethics
- Digital Labor
- Digital Labour
- Digital Media
- Digital Media Industry
- Digital Networks
- Digital Piracy
- Digital Platforms
- Digital Revolution
- Digital Taylorism
- Digital Technology
- Digital Transformation
- Digital Transformations
- Digital Work
- Digitalisation
- Digitalization
- Digitial
- Digitial Employees
- Digitisation
- Digitization
- Dignity
- Dirty Work
- Disabilities
- Disability
- Disabled People
- Disabled Workers
- Disaffection
- Disaffiliated
- Disaster
- Disaster Capitalism
- Disasters
- Disciplinary Power
- Disciplinary Societies
- Discipline
- Discipline And Punish
- Disclosure
- Discourse
- Discourse Analysis
- Discourses
- Discrete Knowledge
- Discrimination
- Discursive
- Discursive Construction
- Discursive Formations
- Discursive Knowledge
- Discursive Politics
- Discursive Practice
- Discursive Subject
- Disease
- Disenchantment
- Disenhancement
- Dislocated Workers
- Disobedience
- Dispair
- Dispositif
- Disposition
- Dispositional Analytics
- Dispositive
- Disruption
- Distress
- Distribution
- Distribution Of Labour
- Distributiv Justice
- Distributive Egalitarianism
- Distributive Injustices
- Distributive Justice
- Ditigal Workspaces
- Divergence
- Diversification
- Diversity
- Divinity
- Division Of Labor
- Division Of Labour
- Divisions Of Labor
- Docile
- Domestic Economy
- Domestic Labor
- Domestic Labour
- Domestic Violence
- Domestic Work
- Domestic Worker
- Domesticity
- Domination
- Double Exposure
- Downsizing
- Downtime
- Doxa
- Dreaming
- Dreams
- Dreyfus
- Drivers
- Drought
- Drug Discovery
- Dryfus
- Dual Systems Theory
- Dual-Career Family
- Dual-Use
- Dunphey
- Durkheim
- Dutch Art
- Dutch Context
- Dutch History
- Duties
- Duty
- Duty Of Care
- Duty To Work
- Dworkin
- Dynamic Administration
- Dynamic Network Structure
- Dystopia
Dalit Women
- Mookerjea, Sourayan
Dangerous Work
- Sundt, Jody L; Cullen, Francis T
Das Kapital
- Baran, Paul; Sweezy, Paul
- Dreyfus, Hubert L
- Being-in-the-world: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I (1991) (p.129)
- Being-in-the-world: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I (1991) (p.185)
- Being-in-the-world: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I (1991) (p.228)
- Being-in-the-world: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I (1991) (p.32)
- Being-in-the-world: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I (1991) (p.70)
- Being-in-the-world: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I (1991) (p.93)
- Being-in-the-world: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I (1991) (p.97)
- Being-in-the-world: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I (1991) (p.99)
- Being-in-the-world: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I (1991)
- Being-in-the-world: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, División I (1991) (p.190)
- Heidegger, Martin
- Being and Time (1962) (p.100)
- Being and Time (1962) (p.102)
- Being and Time (1962) (p.105)
- Being and Time (1962) (p.116)
- Being and Time (1962) (p.143)
- Being and Time (1962) (p.153)
- Being and Time (1962) (p.412)
- Being and Time (1962) (p.413)
- Being and Time (1962) (p.98)
- Being and Time (1962) (p.99)
- Being and Time (1962)
- Adams-Prassl, Jeremias
- Aloisi, Antonio; Gramano, Elena
- "Artificial intelligence is watching you at work: digital surveillance, employee monitoring, and regulatory issues in the EU Context" (2019) (p.102)
- "Artificial intelligence is watching you at work: digital surveillance, employee monitoring, and regulatory issues in the EU Context" (2019) (p.112)
- "Artificial intelligence is watching you at work: digital surveillance, employee monitoring, and regulatory issues in the EU Context" (2019)
- Aneesh, A
- Branting, L Karl
- Corbett, Charles J
- "How Sustainable is Big Data?" (2018) (p.1685)
- "How Sustainable is Big Data?" (2018) (p.1692)
- "How Sustainable is Big Data?" (2018)
- Couldry, Nick; Mejias, Ulises A
- Diebolt, Vincent; Azancot, Isaac; Boissel, François-Henri; Adenot, Isabelle; Balague, Christine; Barthélémy, Philippe; Boubenna, Nacer; Coulonjou, Hélène; Fernandez, Xosé; Habran, Enguerrand; Lethiec, Françoise; Longin, Juliette; Metzinger, Anne; Merlière, Yvon; Pham, Emmanuel; Philip, Pierre; Roche, Thomas; Saurin, William; Tirel, Anny; Voisin, Emmanuelle; Marchal, Thierry
- Levy, Karen; Barocas, Solon
- "Refractive Surveillance: Monitoring Customers to Manage Workers" (2018) (p.17)
- "Refractive Surveillance: Monitoring Customers to Manage Workers" (2018)
- Surden, Harry
- Todolí-Signes, Adrián
- Tucker, Catherine
- Wisskirchen, G; Biacabe, B T; Bormann, U; others
Data Analysis
- Strickland, Eliza
Data Centre Metrics
- Whitehead, Beth; Andrews, Deborah; Shah, Amip; Maidment, Graeme
Data Centres
- Morozov, Evgeny
- Whitehead, Beth; Andrews, Deborah; Shah, Amip; Maidment, Graeme
Data Discrimination
- Noble, Safiya Umoja
Data Economy
- Stiegler, Bernard
Data Ethics
- Cath, Corinne; Wachter, Sandra; Mittelstadt, Brent; Taddeo, Mariarosaria; Floridi, Luciano
- Tucker, Catherine
Data Governance
- Morley, Jessica; Floridi, Luciano; Kinsey, Libby; Elhalal, Anat
Data Privacy
- Simbeck, K
Data Processing
- Korinek, Anton; Stiglitz, Joseph E
- "Artificial Intelligence and Its Implications for Income Distribution and Unemployment" (2019) (p.350)
- "Artificial Intelligence and Its Implications for Income Distribution and Unemployment" (2019) (p.353)
- "Artificial Intelligence and Its Implications for Income Distribution and Unemployment" (2019)
Data Security
- Tucker, Catherine
Data Storage
- Corbett, Charles J
- Tolan, Songül; Pesole, Annarosa; Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Fernández-Macías, Enrique; Hernández-Orallo, José; Gómez, Emilia
De Beauvoir
- De Beauvoir, Simone
- The Second Sex (2011) (p.538)
- The Second Sex (2011) (p.68)
- de Beauvoir, Simone
- Veltman, Andrea
- Jarrahi, Mohammad Hossein
Dead Labour
- Cederstrom, Carl; Fleming, Peter
- Pavsek, Christopher
- Blanchot, Maurice
- L'écriture du désastre (1980) (p.139)
- The Work of Fire (1995)
- The Space of Literature: A Translation of "l'Espace Littéraire" (2015) (p.20)
- The Space of Literature: A Translation of "l'Espace Littéraire" (2015) (p.21)
- The Space of Literature: A Translation of "l'Espace Littéraire" (2015) (p.53)
- The Space of Literature: A Translation of "l'Espace Littéraire" (2015)
- Douthwaite, Richard
- Kallis, Giorgos; Kerschner, Christian; Martinez-Alier, Joan
Decent Work
- Bonnet, Florence; Figueiredo, Jose B; Standing, Guy
- Deranty, Jean-Philippe; MacMillan, Craig
- Ioannides, Dimitri; Gyimóthy, Szilvia; James, Laura
- Tcherneva, Pavlina R
Decision Making
Decision Support Systems
- Howard, John
- Dahl, Robert Alan
Declining Labour Force
- Rifkin, Jeremy
- Dengler, Corinna; Seebacher, Lisa Marie
- Mohanty, Chandra Talpade
- Molinier, Pascale
- Shiva, Vandana; Mies, Maria
Deep Learning
- Brunn, Matthias; Diefenbacher, Albert; Courtet, Philippe; Genieys, William
- "The Future is Knocking: How Artificial Intelligence Will Fundamentally Change Psychiatry" (2020) (p.462)
- "The Future is Knocking: How Artificial Intelligence Will Fundamentally Change Psychiatry" (2020)
- Dikli, Semire
- Doraiswamy, P Murali; Blease, Charlotte; Bodner, Kaylee
- "Artificial intelligence and the future of psychiatry: Insights from a global physician survey" (2020) (p.4)
- "Artificial intelligence and the future of psychiatry: Insights from a global physician survey" (2020)
- Fleming, Nic
- Granter, Scott R; Beck, Andrew H; Papke, David J
- Kolog, Emmanuel Awuni; Montero, Calkin Suero
- Peters, Michael A
- Robert, Nancy
- Sachan, Dinsa
Deep Neural Networks
- Nakamura, Karen
Defense Industry
- Cole, George Douglas Howard
- Cole, George Douglas Howard
- Knights, David; Willmott, Hugh
- Akbulut, Bengi
- Alcott, Blake
- Alier, Joan Martinez
- Andreoni, V; Galmarini, S
- Barca, Stefania
- "Degrowth and the Liberation of Work" (2019)
- "The labor (s) of degrowth" (2019)
- "The Labor(s) of Degrowth" (2019)
- Bollier, David; Helfrich, Silke
- Brandl, Jana; Zielinska, Irina
- Brownhill, Leigh; Turner, Terisa E; Kaara, Wahu
- Buhl, Johannes; Acosta, José
- Demaria, Federico; Schneider, Francois; Sekulova, Filka; Martinez-Alier, Joan
- Dengler, C; Lang, M
- Dengler, Corinna; Seebacher, Lisa Marie
- Douthwaite, Richard
- D’Alisa, Giacomo; Cattaneo, Claudio
- Escobar, Arturo
- Fioramonti, Lorenzo; Thümler, Ekkehard
- Foster, Karen
- Giampietro, Mario; Mayumi, Kozo; Sorman, Alevgül H
- Hardt, Lukas; Barrett, John; Taylor, Peter G; Foxon, Timothy J
- Heikkurinen, Pasi
- "Degrowth by means of technology? A treatise for an ethos of releasement" (2018) (p.1657)
- "Degrowth by means of technology? A treatise for an ethos of releasement" (2018) (p.1660)
- "Degrowth by means of technology? A treatise for an ethos of releasement" (2018)
- Houtbeckers, Eeva
- Jackson, Tim
- Kallis, Giorgos; Kerschner, Christian; Martinez-Alier, Joan
- Kallis, Giorgos
- "In Defence of Degrowth" (2011)
- "Societal Metabolism, Working Hours and Degrowth: a Comment on Sorman and Giampietro" (2013)
- "The degrowth alternative" (2015)
- Latouche, Serge
- Leonardi, Emanuele
- Littig, Beate
- Mair, Simon; Druckman, Angela; Jackson, Tim
- Martínez-Alier, Joan
- Nierling, Linda
- "This Is a Bit of the Good Life: Recognition of Unpaid Work from the Perspective of Degrowth" (2012)
- Norgaard, Richard B
- Nørgård, Jørgen S
- O'Neill, Daniel W
- Perkins, Patricia E Ellie
- Schor, Juliet B
- Sekulova, Filka; Kallis, Giorgos; Rodríguez-Labajos, Beatriz; Schneider, Francois
- Simms, Andrew; Johnson, Victoria; Chowla, Peter; Murphy, Mary
- Speth, James Gustave
- Strunz, Sebastian; Bartkowski, Bartosz
- "Degrowth, the project of modernity, and liberal democracy" (2018) (p.1160)
- "Degrowth, the project of modernity, and liberal democracy" (2018) (p.1164)
- "Degrowth, the project of modernity, and liberal democracy" (2018)
- Unti, B J
- Van den Bergh, Jeroen C J M; Kallis, Giorgos
- Van den Bergh, Jeroen Cjm
- Victor, Peter A
- Managing without Growth, Second Edition: Slower by Design, not Disaster (2008)
- "Growth, Degrowth and Climate Change: A Scenario Analysis" (2012)
- Weiss, Martin; Cattaneo, Claudio
- Grey, Christopher
- Linhart, Danièle
- Pelletier, Caroline; Buchan, Kay; Hall-Jackson, Megan
- Dashtipour, Parisa; Vidaillet, Bénédicte
- "Work as affective experience: The contribution of Christophe Dejours’ ‘psychodynamics of work’" (2017)
- "Work as affective experience: the contribution of Christophe Dejours’‘psychodynamics of work’" (2017) (p.19)
- "Work as affective experience: the contribution of Christophe Dejours’‘psychodynamics of work’" (2017) (p.21)
- "Work as affective experience: the contribution of Christophe Dejours’‘psychodynamics of work’" (2017) (p.22)
- "Work as affective experience: the contribution of Christophe Dejours’‘psychodynamics of work’" (2017) (p.31)
- "Work as affective experience: the contribution of Christophe Dejours’‘psychodynamics of work’" (2017)
- Dejours, C
- Dejours, Christophe; Bouniol, Béatrice
- Dejours, Christophe; Bègue, Florence
- Dejours, Christophe; Molinier, Pascale
- Dejours, Christophe
- Travail, usure mentale (2000)
- "L'Evaluation du travail a l'epreuve du reel" (2003)
- "Alienation and the Psychodynamics of Work" (2006)
- Conjurer la violence: travail, violence et santé (2007)
- "Subjectivity, Work, And Action" (2007)
- "Corps et psychanalyse" (2009)
- Souffrances en France. La banalisation de l'injustice sociale (2015)
- Deranty, Jean-Philippe
- "Repressed Materiality: Retrieving The Materialism In Axel Honneth’s Theory Of Recognition" (2007)
- "What Is Work? Key Insights From the Psychodynamics of Work" (2009)
- "Work as Transcendental Experience: Implications of Dejours' Psycho-dynamics for Contemporary Social Theory and Philosophy" (2010)
- "En quels sens le travail vivant est-il une catégorie politique ?" (2016)
- Hirata, Helena
- Smith, Nicholas H; Deranty, Jean-Philippe
- Checchi, Marco
- "Spotting the Primacy of Resistance in the Virtual Encounter of Foucault and Deleuze" (2014) (p.199)
- "Spotting the Primacy of Resistance in the Virtual Encounter of Foucault and Deleuze" (2014) (p.202)
- "Spotting the Primacy of Resistance in the Virtual Encounter of Foucault and Deleuze" (2014)
- Deranty, Jean-Philippe
- Villadsen, Kaspar
Deliberative Democracy
- Cohen, Joshua
- Gutmann, Amy; Thompson, Dennis F
- Rostbøll, Christian F
Deliberative Politics
- Dagger, Richard
Deliberative Rationality
- Rawls, John
Demand Control Support Model
- De Lange*, A H; Taris, T W; Kompier, M A J; others
- "The relationships between work characteristics and mental health: Examining normal, reversed and reciprocal relationships in a 4-wave study" (2004) (p.163)
- "The relationships between work characteristics and mental health: Examining normal, reversed and reciprocal relationships in a 4-wave study" (2004)
Demeaning Work
- Cicero
- On Duties (1991) (p.57)
- On Duties (1991) (p.58)
- Andel, Ross; Crowe, Michael; Pedersen, Nancy L; Mortimer, James; Crimmins, Eileen; Johansson, Boo; Gatz, Margaret
- "Complexity of work and risk of Alzheimer's disease: a population-based study of Swedish twins" (2005) (p.251)
- "Complexity of work and risk of Alzheimer's disease: a population-based study of Swedish twins" (2005) (p.252)
- "Complexity of work and risk of Alzheimer's disease: a population-based study of Swedish twins" (2005) (p.255)
- "Complexity of work and risk of Alzheimer's disease: a population-based study of Swedish twins" (2005) (p.256)
- "Complexity of work and risk of Alzheimer's disease: a population-based study of Swedish twins" (2005)
- Kröger, Edeltraut; Andel, Ross; Lindsay, Joan; Benounissa, Zohra; Verreault, René; Laurin, Danielle
- "Is complexity of work associated with risk of dementia? The Canadian Study of Health And Aging" (2008) (p.820)
- "Is complexity of work associated with risk of dementia? The Canadian Study of Health And Aging" (2008) (p.828)
- "Is complexity of work associated with risk of dementia? The Canadian Study of Health And Aging" (2008) (p.829)
- "Is complexity of work associated with risk of dementia? The Canadian Study of Health And Aging" (2008)
- Adams, Abi
- Adman, Per
- "Does workplace experience enhance political participation? A critical test of a venerable hypothesis" (2008) (p.116)
- "Does workplace experience enhance political participation? A critical test of a venerable hypothesis" (2008)
- Albert, Michael; Hahnel, Robin
- Arneson, Richard J
- Azmanova, Albena; Mihai, Mihaela
- Beck, Ulrich
- Bowles, Samuel; Gintis, Herbert
- Breen, K
- "Freedom, Democracy, and Working Life" (2015) (p.471)
- "Freedom, Democracy, and Working Life" (2015) (p.477)
- "Freedom, Democracy, and Working Life" (2015)
- Budd, John W; Lamare, J Ryan; Timming, Andrew R
- "Learning about Democracy at Work: Cross-National Evidence on Individual Employee Voice Influencing Political Participation in Civil Society" (2018) (p.957)
- "Learning about Democracy at Work: Cross-National Evidence on Individual Employee Voice Influencing Political Participation in Civil Society" (2018) (p.979)
- "Learning about Democracy at Work: Cross-National Evidence on Individual Employee Voice Influencing Political Participation in Civil Society" (2018)
- Carter, Neil
- Cohen, Joshua
- Cole, George Douglas Howard
- Guild Socialism Restated (1920)
- Social Theory (1920)
- Rousseau's Social Contract and Discourses (1923)
- The War on the Home Front (1939)
- Considerant, Victor
- De Tocqueville, Alexis
- Deranty, Jean-Philippe
- Dewey, John
- Public and its Problems (1927)
- The Ethics of Democracy. In The Early Works of John Dewey, 1882–1898, volume 1 (1969) (p.246)
- Democracy and Education. The Middle Works of John Dewey, 1899-1924, Volume 9 (1980) (p.269)
- Elden, Maxwell J
- Elster, Jon
- Emmenegger, Patrick; Marx, Paul; Schraff, Dominik
- "Off to a Bad Start: Unemployment and Political Interest during Early Adulthood" (2017) (p.317)
- "Off to a Bad Start: Unemployment and Political Interest during Early Adulthood" (2017) (p.326)
- "Off to a Bad Start: Unemployment and Political Interest during Early Adulthood" (2017)
- Estlund, Cynthia
- Feenberg, Andrew
- Fioramonti, Lorenzo; Thümler, Ekkehard
- Frank, Tom
- Frega, Roberto; Herzog, Lisa; Neuhäuser, Christian
- Fricano, Alessandro
- Gintis, Herbert; Bowles, Samuel
- González-Ricoy, Iñigo
- Gould, Carol C
- Rethinking Democracy: Freedom and Social Co-operation in Politics, Economy, and Society (1988)
- Rethinking Democracy: Freedom and Social Co-operation in Politics, Economy, and Society (1990)
- Gramsci, Antonio
- Gutmann, Amy; Thompson, Dennis F
- Hahnel, Robin
- Hemming, Laurence Paul
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008) (p.234)
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008) (p.242)
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008) (p.243)
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008) (p.244)
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008) (p.245)
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008) (p.247)
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008) (p.248)
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008)
- Honneth, Axel
- "Democracy as Reflexive Cooperation: John Dewey and the Theory of Democracy Today" (1998)
- Freedom's Right: The Social Foundations of Democratic Life (2014)
- Hsieh, Nien-Hê
- "Workplace Democracy, Workplace Republicanism, and Economic Democracy" (2008)
- "Justice at Work: Arguing for Property-Owning Democracy" (2009)
- Hyland, James L
- Jacob, Daniel; Neuhäuser, Christian
- Landemore, Hélène; Ferreras, Isabelle
- Malleson, Tom
- Mayer, Robert
- "Is There a Moral Right to Workplace Democracy?" (2000)
- "Michael Walzer, Industrial Democracy, and Complex Equality" (2001)
- McCormick, John P
- McGranahan, Lucas
- "Meaningful Labour, Employee Ownership, and Workplace Democracy: A Comment on Weidel" (2020) (p.7)
- "Meaningful Labour, Employee Ownership, and Workplace Democracy: A Comment on Weidel" (2020)
- Mill, John Stuart
- Narveson, Jan
- Neves, Ianaira Barretto Souza; Vianna, Fernando Ressetti Pinheiro Marques; do Nascimento Sutil, Bruno
- Pateman, Carole
- Pencavel, John
- Pettit, Philip
- Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government (1997)
- "Republican Freedom and Contestatory Democratization" (1999)
- Poole, Michael
- Rawls, John
- Rostbøll, Christian F
- Schaff, Kory
- Shapiro, Ian; Hacker-Cordón, Casiano; Hardin, Russell
- Smith, Adrian; Fressoli, Mariano
- Stiegler, Bernard
- Disbelief and Discredit 1: Decadence of industrial democracies (2011)
- "Democracy, Consumerism and Industrial Populism" (2015)
- Sudmann, Andreas
- Thomas, Alan
- Wajcman, Judy
- Weber, Wolfgang G
- Yeoman, Ruth
Democratic Citizenship
- Kymlicka, Will
Democratic Deliberation
- Azmanova, Albena; Mihai, Mihaela
Democratic Firm
- Bowles, Samuel; Gintis, Herbert
- Gintis, Herbert; Bowles, Samuel
Democratic Firms
- Frega, Roberto; Herzog, Lisa; Neuhäuser, Christian
Democratic Freedom
- Acemoglu, Daron
Democratic Institution
- Cukier, Alexis
Democratic Process
- Dahl, Robert Alan
Democratic Rights
- Schaff, Kory P
Democratic Theory
- Barca, Stefania
- Budd, John W; Lamare, J Ryan; Timming, Andrew R
- "Learning about Democracy at Work: Cross-National Evidence on Individual Employee Voice Influencing Political Participation in Civil Society" (2018) (p.957)
- "Learning about Democracy at Work: Cross-National Evidence on Individual Employee Voice Influencing Political Participation in Civil Society" (2018) (p.979)
- "Learning about Democracy at Work: Cross-National Evidence on Individual Employee Voice Influencing Political Participation in Civil Society" (2018)
- Cohen, Joshua
- Considerant, Victor
- Emmenegger, Patrick; Marx, Paul; Schraff, Dominik
- "Off to a Bad Start: Unemployment and Political Interest during Early Adulthood" (2017) (p.317)
- "Off to a Bad Start: Unemployment and Political Interest during Early Adulthood" (2017) (p.326)
- "Off to a Bad Start: Unemployment and Political Interest during Early Adulthood" (2017)
- Fioramonti, Lorenzo; Thümler, Ekkehard
- Hirvonen, O; Breen, K
Demogrant (See Basic Income)
- Van Parijs, Philippe
Demographic Change
- Acemoglu, Daron; Restrepo, Pascual
- Standing, Guy
- Breen, Keith; Hirvonen, Onni
- Atkinson, A B
- Calvão, Filipe
- Kittay, Eva
Dependency Labor
- Kittay, Eva
Depoliticization Of Work
- Staudinger, Alison Kathryn
- McCormick, John P
Depressive Symptoms
- Kim, T J; von dem Knesebeck, O
- Niedhammer, Isabelle; Lesuffleur, Thomas; Coutrot, Thomas; Chastang, Jean-François
Der Arbeiter
- Hemming, Laurence Paul
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008) (p.234)
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008) (p.242)
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008) (p.243)
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008) (p.244)
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008) (p.245)
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008) (p.247)
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008) (p.248)
- "Work as total reason for being: Heidegger and Jünger’s Der Arbeiter" (2008)
- Jünger, Ernst
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.10)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.102)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.103)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.105)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.107)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.108)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.112)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.124)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.129)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.13)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.130)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.134)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.14)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.140)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.155)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.16)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.17)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.178)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.184)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.186)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.19)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.194)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.201)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.206)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.209)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.211)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.26)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.27)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.28)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.38)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.41)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.43)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.44)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.45)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.46)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.48)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.49)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.5)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.51)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.52)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.57)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.58)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.59)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.62)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.65)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.73)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.8)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.83)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.9)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017) (p.98)
- The Worker: Dominion and Form (2017)
- Boston, Timothy
- "New Directions for a Critical Theory of Work: Reading Honneth Through Deranty" (2018) (p.111)
- "New Directions for a Critical Theory of Work: Reading Honneth Through Deranty" (2018) (p.112)
- "New Directions for a Critical Theory of Work: Reading Honneth Through Deranty" (2018) (p.115)
- "New Directions for a Critical Theory of Work: Reading Honneth Through Deranty" (2018) (p.116)
- "New Directions for a Critical Theory of Work: Reading Honneth Through Deranty" (2018) (p.119)
- "New Directions for a Critical Theory of Work: Reading Honneth Through Deranty" (2018)
- Connolly, Julie
- "Honneth on work and recognition: A rejoinder from feminist political economy" (2016) (p.104)
- "Honneth on work and recognition: A rejoinder from feminist political economy" (2016) (p.99)
- "Honneth on work and recognition: A rejoinder from feminist political economy" (2016)
- Deranty, Jean-Philippe
- Monteith, W; Giesbert, L
- Blanchot, Maurice
- The Work of Fire (1995)
- The Space of Literature: A Translation of "l'Espace Littéraire" (2015) (p.20)
- The Space of Literature: A Translation of "l'Espace Littéraire" (2015) (p.21)
- The Space of Literature: A Translation of "l'Espace Littéraire" (2015) (p.53)
- The Space of Literature: A Translation of "l'Espace Littéraire" (2015)
- Boldt-Irons, Leslie-Anne
- Brewis, Joanna
- Deranty, Jean-Philippe
- Heidegger, Martin; Wolin, Richard
- Jones, Campbell
- Stiegler, Bernard
- Descola, Philippe
- Beyond Nature and Culture (2013) (p.322)
- Beyond Nature and Culture (2013) (p.323)
- Beyond Nature and Culture (2013) (p.325)
- MacIntyre, Alasdair
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.106)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.111)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.118)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.129)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.130)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.170)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.171)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.173)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.175)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.176)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.179)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.180)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.192)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.222)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.4)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.71)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016) (p.72)
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016)
- Mayer, Robert
- Oliver, Kelly
- Stiegler, Bernard
Desire To Work
- Cholbi, Michael
- Adler, Paul S
- Attewell, Paul
- Gleicher, David
- Smith, Tony
- Timmermann, Cristian
- Stiegler, Bernard
- Costea, Bogdan; Amiridis, Kostas
- "Ernst Jünger, total mobilisation and the work of war" (2017) (p.480)
- "Ernst Jünger, total mobilisation and the work of war" (2017)
- Zimmerman, Michael
- Ek, Richard; Fougère, Martin; Skålén, Per
- "Revisiting Foucault through reading Agamben: implications for workplace subjectification, desubjectification and the dark side of organizations" (2007) (p.4)
- "Revisiting Foucault through reading Agamben: implications for workplace subjectification, desubjectification and the dark side of organizations" (2007)
- Cohen, Gerald A
- Nealon, Jeffrey T
Deutsche Arbeit
- Buggeln, Marc <li id="Deutsche Arbeit-Rüstung, Kriegswirtschaft und Zwangsarbeit im "Dritten Reich""> Rüstung, Kriegswirtschaft und Zwangsarbeit im "Dritten Reich" </li>
Developed Countries
- Barro, Robert J
- Brynjolfsson, Erik; Hitt, Lorin M; Yang, Shinkyu
- Brynjolfsson, Erik; Hitt, Lorin M
Developing Countries
- Barro, Robert J
- Bayat, Assef
- Craig, John G
Developing Nations
- Burzynska, Agnieszka Z; Jiao, Yuqin; Ganster, Daniel C
- "Adult-Life Occupational Exposures: Enriched Environment or a Stressor for the Aging Brain?" (2018) (p.13)
- "Adult-Life Occupational Exposures: Enriched Environment or a Stressor for the Aging Brain?" (2018) (p.3)
- "Adult-Life Occupational Exposures: Enriched Environment or a Stressor for the Aging Brain?" (2018) (p.4)
- "Adult-Life Occupational Exposures: Enriched Environment or a Stressor for the Aging Brain?" (2018) (p.5)
- "Adult-Life Occupational Exposures: Enriched Environment or a Stressor for the Aging Brain?" (2018)
- Hoare, Carol
- "Work as the Catalyst of Reciprocal Adult Development and Learning: Identity and Personality" (2006)
- Kohn, M L
- Kohn, Melvin L; Schooler, Carmi
- Miller, Joanne; Schooler, Carmi; Kohn, Melvin L; Miller, Karen A
- "Women and Work: The Psychological Effects of Occupational Conditions" (1979) (p.66)
- "Women and Work: The Psychological Effects of Occupational Conditions" (1979) (p.82)
- "Women and Work: The Psychological Effects of Occupational Conditions" (1979) (p.90)
- "Women and Work: The Psychological Effects of Occupational Conditions" (1979) (p.91)
- "Women and Work: The Psychological Effects of Occupational Conditions" (1979)
- Sachs, Jeffrey D
- Sandberg, Jörgen
- "Understanding of Work: The Basis for Competence Development" (2009) (p.13)
- "Understanding of Work: The Basis for Competence Development" (2009) (p.18)
- "Understanding of Work: The Basis for Competence Development" (2009)
- Snarey, J; Lydens, L
- "Worker equality and adult development: the kibbutz as a developmental model" (1990) (p.86)
- "Worker equality and adult development: the kibbutz as a developmental model" (1990) (p.87)
- "Worker equality and adult development: the kibbutz as a developmental model" (1990) (p.88)
- "Worker equality and adult development: the kibbutz as a developmental model" (1990) (p.92)
- "Worker equality and adult development: the kibbutz as a developmental model" (1990)
- Standing, Guy
Development Studies
- Mookerjea, Sourayan
Developmental Economics
- Cato, Molly Scott
Developmental Psychology
- Allan, Blake A; Duffy, Ryan D; Douglass, Richard
Developmental Studies
- Cato, Molly Scott
- Hamilton, Clive
Developmental Theory
- Snarey, J; Lydens, L
- "Worker equality and adult development: the kibbutz as a developmental model" (1990) (p.86)
- "Worker equality and adult development: the kibbutz as a developmental model" (1990) (p.87)
- "Worker equality and adult development: the kibbutz as a developmental model" (1990) (p.88)
- "Worker equality and adult development: the kibbutz as a developmental model" (1990) (p.92)
- "Worker equality and adult development: the kibbutz as a developmental model" (1990)
- Ackroyd, Stephen
- Bensman, Joseph; Gerver, Israel
- Dewey, John
- "Syllabus: Social Institutions and the Study of Morals" (1923) (p.232)
- "Syllabus: Social Institutions and the Study of Morals" (1923) (p.253)
- Public and its Problems (1927)
- Ethics. The Later Works of John Dewey, 1925-1953, Volume 7 (1932) (p.356)
- Ethics. The Later Works of John Dewey, 1925-1953, Volume 7 (1932) (p.381)
- Ethics. The Later Works of John Dewey, 1925-1953, Volume 7 (1932) (p.386)
- The Ethics of Democracy. In The Early Works of John Dewey, 1882–1898, volume 1 (1969) (p.246)
- Ethics. The Middle Works of John Dewey, 1899–1924, Volume 5 (1978) (p.435)
- Ethics. The Middle Works of John Dewey, 1899–1924, Volume 5 (1978) (p.446)
- Democracy and Education. The Middle Works of John Dewey, 1899-1924, Volume 9 (1980) (p.269)
- "The Economic Basis of the New Society" (1988) (p.314)
- "The Economic Basis of the New Society" (1988) (p.318)
- "The Economic Basis of the New Society" (1988) (p.319)
- Fischbach, Franck
- Honneth, Axel
- Renault, Emmanuel
- Fakhoury, Marc
- Bantwal Rao, Mithun; Jongerden, Joost; Lemmens, Pieter; Ruivenkamp, Guido
- Carr, Adrian; Zanetti, Lisa A
- Cohen, Gerald A
- Colletti, Lucio
- Fischbach, Franck
- Hanzel, Igor
- Horkheimer, Max; Adorno, Theodor; Noeri, Gunzelin
- Kain, Philip J
- Mansfield; Harvey, C
- Starosta, Guido
Dialectical Materialism
- Hartsock, Nancy C M
- Mendus, Susan; Horton, John
Dialectical Naturalism
- Biehl, Janet; Bookchin, Murray
- Alakavuklar, Ozan Nadir; Alamgir, Fahreen
- "Ethics of resistance in organisations: A conceptual proposal" (2018) (p.32)
- "Ethics of resistance in organisations: A conceptual proposal" (2018) (p.35)
- "Ethics of resistance in organisations: A conceptual proposal" (2018)
- Biehl, Janet; Bookchin, Murray
- Foucault, Michel
- Louttit, Chris
- Parker, Martin
- Brinton, Maurice
- Cole, George Douglas Howard
Difference Principle
- Arnold, Samuel
- Meckled-Garcia, Saladin
- Rawls, John
- Van Parijs, Philippe
- Petropoulos, Georgios
Digital Capitalism
- Fuchs, Christian; Mosco, Vincent
- Fuchs, Christian
- "Marx’s Capital in the Information Age" (2017)
- "Appropriation of Digital Machines and Appropriation of Fixed Capital as the Real Appropriation of Social Being: Reflections on Toni Negri’s Chapter" (2019)
- Stiegler, Bernard
Digital Culture
Digital Displacement
- Fan, Haichao; Hu, Yichuan; Tang, Lixin
- Zhang, Yunan
Digital Economics
Digital Economy
- Elliott, Christopher Shane; Long, Gary
- Fish, Adam; Srinivasan, Ramesh
- Fuchs, Christian; Mosco, Vincent
- Huws, Ursula
- Ipeirotis, Panagiotis G
- Lemmens, Pieter
- McKenzie, Wark
- Rainnie, Al; Dean, Mark
- "Industry 4.0 and the future of quality work in the global digital economy" (2020) (p.19)
- "Industry 4.0 and the future of quality work in the global digital economy" (2020) (p.20)
- "Industry 4.0 and the future of quality work in the global digital economy" (2020) (p.27)
- "Industry 4.0 and the future of quality work in the global digital economy" (2020)
- Schiller, Dan
- Spencer, David
- Stiegler, Bernard
- Terranova, Tiziana
- West, Darrell M
- Wittel, Andreas
Digital Ethics
- Morley, Jessica; Floridi, Luciano; Kinsey, Libby; Elhalal, Anat
Digital Labor
- Altenried, Moritz
- Cherry, Miriam A
- Kost, Dominique; Fieseler, Christian; Wong, Sut I
Digital Labour
- Acemoglu, Daron; Restrepo, Pascual
- Agrawal, Ajay; Gans, Joshua; Goldfarb, Avi
- Biagini, Cédric
- Bresnahan, Timothy F; Brynjolfsson, Erik; Hitt, Lorin M
- Brynjolfsson, Erik; Hitt, Lorin M; Yang, Shinkyu
- Brynjolfsson, Erik; Hitt, Lorin M
- Casilli, Antonio
- Elliott, Christopher Shane; Long, Gary
- Fish, Adam; Srinivasan, Ramesh
- Graham, Mark; Hjorth, Isis; Lehdonvirta, Vili
- Irani, Lilly
- Kingsley, Sara; Gray, Mary-Louise; Suri, Siddharth
- Lallement, Michel
- Terranova, Tiziana
Digital Media
- Fuchs, Christian; Mosco, Vincent
Digital Media Industry
- Terranova, Tiziana
Digital Networks
Digital Piracy
- McKenzie, Wark
Digital Platforms
- Steinberg, Marc
Digital Revolution
- Abuselidze, G; Mamaladze, L
- Adams, Abi
- Chuah, Lay Lian; Loayza, Norman; Schmillen, Achim D
- "The Future of Work: Race with—not against—the Machine" (2018) (p.2)
- "The Future of Work: Race with—not against—the Machine" (2018)
- Makridakis, Spyros
- "The forthcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution: Its impact on society and firms" (2017) (p.59)
- "The forthcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution: Its impact on society and firms" (2017)
- Méda, Dominique
- Sennett, Richard
Digital Taylorism
- Altenried, Moritz
- Brödner, Peter
- Cole, Matthew; Radice, Hugo; Umney, Charles
- Delfanti, Alessandro; Frey, Bronwyn
- Moorkens, Joss
Digital Technology
- Biagini, Cédric
- Fuchs, Christian; Mosco, Vincent
- Lemmens, Pieter
- McKenzie, Wark
- Schiller, Dan
- Stiegler, Bernard; Ross, Daniel
- Stiegler, Bernard
- Technics and Time 2: Disorientation (1998)
- Taking Care of Youth and the Generations (2010)
- "For a Neganthropology of Automatic Society" (2019)
- von Busch, Otto; Palmås, Karl
- Wittel, Andreas
- Østerlund, Carsten; Jarrahi, Mohammad Hossein; Willis, Matthew; Boyd, Karen; Wolf, Christine
Digital Transformation
- Abe, Ethel Ndidiamaka; Abe, Isaac Idowu; Adisa, Olalekan
- Bessant, Judith; Watts, Rob
- Casilli, A A
- Dijmărescu, Irina; Ionescu, Luminița
- Hammer, Anita; Karmakar, Suparna
- Harayama, Yuko; Milano, Michela; Baldwin, Richard; Antonin, Céline; Berg, Janine; Karvar, Anousheh; Wyckoff, Andrew
- Tangi, Luca; Janssen, Marijn; Benedetti, Michele; Noci, Giuliano
Digital Transformations
- Aloisi, Antonio; Stefano, Valerio
Digital Work
- Graham, Mark; Hjorth, Isis; Lehdonvirta, Vili
- Arntz, Melanie; Gregory, Terry; Zierahn, Ulrich
- De Stefano, Valerio
- Kaivo-Oja, Jari; Roth, Steffen; Westerlund, Leo
- Méda, Dominique
- Balsmeier, Benjamin; Woerter, Martin
- Minbaeva, Dana
- Parker, Sharon K; Grote, Gudela
Digitial Employees
- Moghaddam, Yassi; Yurko, Heather; Demirkan, Haluk; Tymann, Nathan; Rayes, Ammar
- Moniz, António; Krings, Bettina-Johanna; Frey, Philipp
- Semin, A N; Örs, A
- "Labor Polarization in the context of Agricultural Robotization in the Middle Urals" (2020) (p.9)
- "Labor Polarization in the context of Agricultural Robotization in the Middle Urals" (2020)
- Wexler, Steven
- Ali, Ali Abdalla
- Anthony, Peter D
- Bal, Matthijs; Kordowicz, Maria; Brookes, Andy; Others,
- "A Workplace Dignity Perspective on Resilience: Moving beyond Individualized Instrumentalization to Dignified Resilience" (2020) (p.12)
- "A Workplace Dignity Perspective on Resilience: Moving beyond Individualized Instrumentalization to Dignified Resilience" (2020) (p.14)
- "A Workplace Dignity Perspective on Resilience: Moving beyond Individualized Instrumentalization to Dignified Resilience" (2020)
- Bergman, Ann; Karlsson, Jan Ch
- Bowie, Norman E
- Chiaburu, Dan S; Thundiyil, Tomas; Wang, Jiexin
- Cholbi, Michael; Weber, Michael
- Forget, Evelyn L
- Gilabert, Pablo
- Gurtler, Sabine
- Healy, Mike; Wilkowska, Iwona
- "Marx, Alienation and the Denial of Dignity of Work" (2017) (p.101)
- "Marx, Alienation and the Denial of Dignity of Work" (2017)
- Hodson, Randy
- "Dignity in the Workplace Under Participative Management: Alienation and Freedom Revisited" (1996)
- Dignity at Work (2001)
- Murphy, James Bernard
- Pavlish, Carol L; Hunt, Roberta J; Sato, Hui-Wen; Brown-Saltzman, Katherine
- Phillips, Robert A; Margolis, Joshua D
- Schoolman, Morton
- Scott-Campbell, Casey; Williams, Matthew
- Sultan, Lutfi Ali
- Thomas, Benjamin; Lucas, Kristen
- "Development and Validation of the Workplace Dignity Scale" (2019) (p.75)
- "Development and Validation of the Workplace Dignity Scale" (2019) (p.76)
- "Development and Validation of the Workplace Dignity Scale" (2019) (p.99)
- "Development and Validation of the Workplace Dignity Scale" (2019)
- Weidel, Timothy
- "Moving Towards a Capability for Meaningful Labor" (2018) (p.74)
- "Moving Towards a Capability for Meaningful Labor" (2018) (p.80)
- "Moving Towards a Capability for Meaningful Labor" (2018) (p.86)
- "Moving Towards a Capability for Meaningful Labor" (2018)
- White, Mark D
- Yeoman, Ruth; Bailey, Catherine; Madden, Adrian; Thompson, Marc
- Yeoman, Ruth
Dirty Work
- Molinier, Pascale
- Simpson, Alexander; Slutskaya, Natasha; Hughes, Jason; Simpson, Ruth
- Simpson, Ruth; Hughes, Jason; Slutskaya, Natasha; Balta, Maria
- "Sacrifice and Distinction in Dirty Work: Men’s Construction of Meaning in the Butcher Trade" (2014)
- Simpson, Ruth; Slutskaya, Natasha; Hughes, Jason
- Nakamura, Karen
- Moore, R; Williams, A B
Disabled People
- Lillywhite, Aspen; Wolbring, Gregor
Disabled Workers
- Moore, R; Williams, A B
- Gutman, Herbert G
- "Protestantism and the American Labor Movement: The Christian Spirit in the Gilded Age" (1966) (p.83)
- "Protestantism and the American Labor Movement: The Christian Spirit in the Gilded Age" (1966) (p.84)
- "Protestantism and the American Labor Movement: The Christian Spirit in the Gilded Age" (1966) (p.85)
- "Protestantism and the American Labor Movement: The Christian Spirit in the Gilded Age" (1966)
Disaster Capitalism
- Blanchot, Maurice
- L'écriture du désastre (1980) (p.139)
Disciplinary Power
- Dalgliesh, Bregham
- "Foucault and creative resistance in organisations" (2009) (p.45)
- "Foucault and creative resistance in organisations" (2009) (p.46)
- "Foucault and creative resistance in organisations" (2009)
- Deetz, S
- Sakolsky, Ron
- "“Disciplinary Power,” The Labor Process, and the Constitution of the Laboring Subject" (1992) (p.114)
- "“Disciplinary Power,” The Labor Process, and the Constitution of the Laboring Subject" (1992) (p.115)
- "“Disciplinary Power,” The Labor Process, and the Constitution of the Laboring Subject" (1992) (p.117)
- "“Disciplinary Power,” The Labor Process, and the Constitution of the Laboring Subject" (1992) (p.118)
- "“Disciplinary Power,” The Labor Process, and the Constitution of the Laboring Subject" (1992)
Disciplinary Societies
- Deleuze, Gilles
- Clegg, Stewart R; Courpasson, David; Phillips, Nelson
- Cole, George Douglas Howard
- Crane, Andrew; Knights, David; Starkey, Ken
- "The Conditions of Our Freedom: Foucault, Organization, and Ethics" (2008) (p.300)
- "The Conditions of Our Freedom: Foucault, Organization, and Ethics" (2008)
- Dalgliesh, Bregham
- "Foucault and creative resistance in organisations" (2009) (p.45)
- "Foucault and creative resistance in organisations" (2009) (p.46)
- "Foucault and creative resistance in organisations" (2009)
- Feldman, Alex J
- "Power, labour power and productive force in Foucault’s reading of Capital" (2019) (p.312)
- "Power, labour power and productive force in Foucault’s reading of Capital" (2019) (p.318)
- "Power, labour power and productive force in Foucault’s reading of Capital" (2019)
- Foucault, Michel
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.120)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.121)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.150)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.174)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.200)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.202)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.203)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.205)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.215)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.232)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.233)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.240)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.241)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.242)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.244)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.285)
- Society must be Defended (2003) (p.35)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.70)
- Haunschild, Axel
- Jackson, Norman; Carter, Pippa
- Knights, David
- Lotringer, Sylvère; Hochroth, Lysa; Johnston, John
- Foucault Live: Collected Interviews, 1961--1984 (1996) (p.187)
- Foucault Live: Collected Interviews, 1961--1984 (1996)
- McCabe, Darren
- McKinlay, A; Starkey, K
- McKinlay, Alan; Starkey, Ken
- McKinlay, Alan
- O'Neill, John
- "The Disciplinary Society: From Weber to Foucault" (1986) (p.43)
- "The Disciplinary Society: From Weber to Foucault" (1986)
- Raffnsøe, Sverre; Gudmand-Høyer, Marius; Thaning, Morten S
- "Foucault’s dispositive: The perspicacity of dispositive analytics in organizational research" (2016) (p.272)
- "Foucault’s dispositive: The perspicacity of dispositive analytics in organizational research" (2016) (p.274)
- "Foucault’s dispositive: The perspicacity of dispositive analytics in organizational research" (2016)
- Raffnsøe, Sverre; Mennicken, Andrea; Miller, Peter
- "The Foucault Effect in Organization Studies" (2019) (p.156)
- "The Foucault Effect in Organization Studies" (2019) (p.162)
- "The Foucault Effect in Organization Studies" (2019) (p.175)
- "The Foucault Effect in Organization Studies" (2019)
- Willmott, Hugh
Discipline And Punish
- Rowlinson, Michael; Carter, Chris
- Luo, Xueming; Tong, Siliang; Fang, Zheng; Qu, Zhe
- Breen, Kieth
- Foucault, Michel
- Archaeology of Knowledge (2002) (p.194)
- Archaeology of Knowledge (2002) (p.197)
- Kisselburgh, Lorraine G; Berkelaar, Brenda L; Buzzanell, Patrice M
- Kuhn, Timothy; Golden, Annis G; Jorgenson, Jane; Buzzanell, Patrice M; Berkelaar, Brenda L; Kisselburgh, Lorraine G; Kleinman, Sharon; Cruz, Disraelly
- Marcuse, Herbert
Discourse Analysis
- Curtis, Rowland
- Freshwater, Dawn; Cahill, Jane; Esterhuizen, Philip; Muncey, Tessa; Smith, Helen
Discrete Knowledge
- Molinier, Pascale
- Burleigh, Nina; Goldberg, Stephanie Benson
- Cohen, G A
- Collins, Patricia Hill
- Epstein, Richard A
- Fourie, Carina; Schuppert, Fabian; Wallimann-Helmer, Ivo
- Greer, Ian
- Jaggar, Alison M
- Feminist Politics and Human Nature (1983) (p.155)
- Feminist Politics and Human Nature (1983) (p.177)
- Feminist Politics and Human Nature (1983) (p.74)
- Feminist Politics and Human Nature (1983) (p.78)
- Feminist Politics and Human Nature (1983)
- Levine, Martin P; Leonard, Robin
- Shalla, Vivian; Clement, Wallace
- Timmermann, Cristian
- Weller, Sally A
- Özkiziltan, Didem; Hassel, Anke
- Foucault, Michel
- Archaeology of Knowledge (2002) (p.194)
- Archaeology of Knowledge (2002) (p.197)
Discursive Construction
- Hodgson, Damian E
Discursive Formations
Discursive Knowledge
- Gieser, Thorsten
Discursive Politics
- Ferree, Myra Marx; Martin, Patricia Yancey
Discursive Practice
- Clegg, Stewart
Discursive Subject
- Magala, Slawomir; Arnaud, Gilles; Vanheule, Stijn
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- Stiegler, Bernard
- Loi, Michele
Dislocated Workers
- Rifkin, Jeremy
- Jackson, Norman; Carter, Pippa
- Paulsen, Roland
- Rawls, John
- Paulsen, Roland
- Jackson, Norman; Carter, Pippa
- Calvão, Filipe
Dispositional Analytics
- Raffnsøe, Sverre; Gudmand-Høyer, Marius; Thaning, Morten S
- "Foucault’s dispositive: The perspicacity of dispositive analytics in organizational research" (2016) (p.272)
- "Foucault’s dispositive: The perspicacity of dispositive analytics in organizational research" (2016) (p.274)
- "Foucault’s dispositive: The perspicacity of dispositive analytics in organizational research" (2016)
- Raffnsøe, Sverre; Gudmand-Høyer, Marius; Thaning, Morten S
- "Foucault’s dispositive: The perspicacity of dispositive analytics in organizational research" (2016) (p.272)
- "Foucault’s dispositive: The perspicacity of dispositive analytics in organizational research" (2016) (p.274)
- "Foucault’s dispositive: The perspicacity of dispositive analytics in organizational research" (2016)
- Minbaeva, Dana
- Aytac, Isik
- "Sharing household tasks in the United States and Sweden: A reassessment of Kohn's theory" (1990) (p.357)
- "Sharing household tasks in the United States and Sweden: A reassessment of Kohn's theory" (1990) (p.358)
- "Sharing household tasks in the United States and Sweden: A reassessment of Kohn's theory" (1990) (p.360)
- "Sharing household tasks in the United States and Sweden: A reassessment of Kohn's theory" (1990) (p.367)
- "Sharing household tasks in the United States and Sweden: A reassessment of Kohn's theory" (1990)
- Kohn, M L
- Kohn, Melvin L; Schooler, Carmi
- "Occupational Experience and Psychological Functioning: An Assessment of Reciprocal Effects" (1973) (p.108)
- "Occupational Experience and Psychological Functioning: An Assessment of Reciprocal Effects" (1973) (p.117)
- "Occupational Experience and Psychological Functioning: An Assessment of Reciprocal Effects" (1973) (p.97)
- "Occupational Experience and Psychological Functioning: An Assessment of Reciprocal Effects" (1973) (p.98)
- "Occupational Experience and Psychological Functioning: An Assessment of Reciprocal Effects" (1973) (p.99)
- "Occupational Experience and Psychological Functioning: An Assessment of Reciprocal Effects" (1973)
- "Job Conditions and Personality: A Longitudinal Assessment of Their Reciprocal Effects" (1982) (p.1258)
- "Job Conditions and Personality: A Longitudinal Assessment of Their Reciprocal Effects" (1982) (p.1261)
- "Job Conditions and Personality: A Longitudinal Assessment of Their Reciprocal Effects" (1982) (p.1281)
- "Job Conditions and Personality: A Longitudinal Assessment of Their Reciprocal Effects" (1982) (p.1282)
- "Job Conditions and Personality: A Longitudinal Assessment of Their Reciprocal Effects" (1982)
- Miller, Joanne; Schooler, Carmi; Kohn, Melvin L; Miller, Karen A
- "Women and Work: The Psychological Effects of Occupational Conditions" (1979) (p.66)
- "Women and Work: The Psychological Effects of Occupational Conditions" (1979) (p.82)
- "Women and Work: The Psychological Effects of Occupational Conditions" (1979) (p.90)
- "Women and Work: The Psychological Effects of Occupational Conditions" (1979) (p.91)
- "Women and Work: The Psychological Effects of Occupational Conditions" (1979)
- Schooler, C; Mulatu, M S; Oates, G
- Stansfeld, Stephen; Candy, Bridget
- "Psychosocial work environment and mental health—a meta-analytic review" (2006) (p.443)
- "Psychosocial work environment and mental health—a meta-analytic review" (2006) (p.444)
- "Psychosocial work environment and mental health—a meta-analytic review" (2006) (p.454)
- "Psychosocial work environment and mental health—a meta-analytic review" (2006)
- Arneson, Richard J
- "Meaningful Work and Market Socialism Revisited" (2009) (p.140)
- "Meaningful Work and Market Socialism Revisited" (2009) (p.144)
- "Meaningful Work and Market Socialism Revisited" (2009)
- Marx, Karl
Distribution Of Labour
- Rubin, Isaak Illich
Distributiv Justice
Distributive Egalitarianism
- Néron, Pierre-Yves
Distributive Injustices
- Néron, Pierre-Yves
Distributive Justice
- Attas, Daniel; De-Shalit, Avner
- "Workfare: the Subjection of Labour" (2004) (p.315)
- "Workfare: the Subjection of Labour" (2004) (p.316)
- "Workfare: the Subjection of Labour" (2004)
- Carens, Joseph H
- Celentano, D
- Celentano, Denise
- "Automation, Labour Justice, and Equality" (2019)
- "What is the Point of Work? Pandemic's Lessons about Work Injustice and Social Inequality" (2020)
- Husami, Ziyad I
- Lovett, Frank
- Meckled-Garcia, Saladin
- Murphy, James Bernard
- Rawls, John
- Justice as Fairness: A Restatement (2001)
- The Law of Peoples: With "The Idea of Public Reason Revisited" (2001)
- Sayer, Andrew
- "Contributive justice and Meaningful Work" (2009)
- "Capabilities, Contributive Injustice and Unequal Divisions of Labour" (2012)
- Stanczyk, Lucas
- Veltman, Andrea
- Walsh, Adrian J
- Walsh, Adrian
- Walzer, Michael
- Young, Iris Marion; Allen, Danielle S
Ditigal Workspaces
- Kouzov, Orlin
- Glaeser, Edward
- Moretti, Enrico
- Lomba, Cédric
- Anna, B
- Anna, Bona
- Boyer, Robert; Freyssenet, Michel
- Chakrabarty, Dipesh
- Estlund, Cynthia
- Gardiner, Rita A; Fulfer, Katy
- "Family matters: An Arendtian critique of organizational structures" (2017) (p.507)
- "Family matters: An Arendtian critique of organizational structures" (2017) (p.509)
- "Family matters: An Arendtian critique of organizational structures" (2017) (p.516)
- "Family matters: An Arendtian critique of organizational structures" (2017)
- Parboteeah, K Praveen; Paik, Yongsun; Cullen, John B
- Schnell, Tatjana
- Hesiod
- Theogony. Works and Days. Testimonia (2018) (p.111)
- Theogony. Works and Days. Testimonia (2018) (p.119)
- Kidwell, Jeremy
- Nancy, Jean-Luc
- The Inoperative Community (1991) (p.19)
- The Inoperative Community (1991) (p.2)
- The Inoperative Community (1991) (p.31)
- The Inoperative Community (1991) (p.32)
- The Inoperative Community (1991) (p.35)
- The Inoperative Community (1991) (p.39)
- The Inoperative Community (1991) (p.40)
- The Inoperative Community (1991) (p.60)
- The Inoperative Community (1991) (p.72)
- The Inoperative Community (1991) (p.73)
- The Inoperative Community (1991) (p.74)
Division Of Labor
- Braverman, Harry
- Carver, Terrell
- Daston, L
Division Of Labour
- Aassve, Arnstein; Fuochi, Giulia; Mencarini, Letizia
- Amodio, Suzanne M
- Arneson, Richard J
- Atzeni, Maurizio; Ghigliani, Pablo
- Bakken, Tore; Holt, Robin; Zundel, Mike
- "Time and play in management practice: An investigation through the philosophies of McTaggart and Heidegger" (2013) (p.21)
- "Time and play in management practice: An investigation through the philosophies of McTaggart and Heidegger" (2013)
- Bergmann, Barbara R
- Bhattacharya, Tithi
- Bidet-Mordrel, Annie; Galerand, Elsa; Kergoat, Danièle
- Bowman, John R; Cole, Alyson M
- Brandth, Berit; Haugen, Marit S
- Celentano, Denise
- Chinchilla, Norma S
- Cohen, Gerald A
- De Regt, Marina
- Deranty, Jean-Philippe
- Dewey, John
- Durkheim, Emile
- Durkheim, Émile
- D’Alisa, Giacomo; Cattaneo, Claudio
- Ehrenreich, Barbara; Hochschild, Arlie Russell
- Ekbia, Hamid; Nardi, Bonnie
- England, Paula
- Federici, Silvia
- Ferree, Myra Marx
- Fournier, Valérie
- Galerand, Elsa; Kergoat, Danièle
- "Le potentiel subversif du rapport des femmes au travail" (2008)
- "Le travail comme enjeu des rapports sociaux (de sexe)" (2013)
- Glenn, Evelyn Nakano
- Glucksmann, Miriam A
- Gomberg, Paul
- Gurtler, Sabine
- Harley, Sharon
- Hayden, Dolores
- "What Would a Non-Sexist City Be Like? Speculations on Housing, Urban Design, and Human Work" (1980)
- Himmelweit, Susan
- Hirata, Helena; Jeantet, Aurélie; Kergoat, Danièle; Soares, Angelo
- Hirata, Helena; Kergoat, Danièle
- "The Sexual Division of Labour Re-examined" (2000)
- "Rapports sociaux de sexe et psychopathologie du travail" (2017)
- Hirata, Helena
- Hofmeister, Heather
- Honey, Maureen
- Honneth, Axel
- Jones, Bryn
- Kamerman, Sheila B
- Kergoat, Danièle
- Les infirmières et leur coordination, 1988-1989 (1998)
- "Le syllogisme de la constitution du sujet sexué féminin" (2001)
- "Rapports sociaux et division du travail entre les sexes" (2005)
- "Le rapport social de sexe. De la reproduction des rapports sociaux à leur subversion" (2010)
- "Une sociologie à la croisée de trois mouvements sociaux" (2010)
- "Annexe n˚ 2. Note de travail. Le « métier »" (2017)
- "Le travail, un concept central pour les études de genre ?" (2018)
- Kershaw, Paul
- King, Mary C
- Lallement, Michel
- Lee, Sang E
- Lewis, Gail
- Linhart, Danièle
- "When the Humanization of Work Makes the Employees Sick" (2015)
- "Les nouveaux corps du capitalisme" (2018)
- Massey, Douglas S; Rothwell, Jonathan; Domina, Thurston
- Meagher, Gabrielle
- Mies, Maria
- Miranda, Adelina; Ouali, Nouria; Kergoat, Danièle
- Molinier, Pascale
- "Psychodynamique du travail et rapports sociaux de sexe" (2004)
- "Le masochisme des femmes dans le travail : mythe sexiste ou défense professionnelle ?" (2006)
- Morris, William
- Méda, Dominique; Vendramin, Patricia
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- The Will to Power (1968) (p.387)
- On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo (1989) (p.276)
- Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits (1996) (p.168)
- Owen, David
- Parreñas, Rhacel Salazar
- Phizacklea, Annie
- "Minority Women and Economic Restructuring: The Case of Britain and the Federal Republic of Germany" (1987)
- "Gender, Racism and Occupational Status" (1988)
- Ruddick, Sara
- Sayer, Andrew
- Simonet, Maud
- Smith, Adam
- Stavig, Lucía Isabel
- Vercellone, Carlo
- Walby, Sylvia
- Weller, Sally A
- Williams, Joan
Divisions Of Labor
- Kovacova, Maria; Kliestikova, Jana; Grupac, Marian; Grecu, Iulia; Grecu, Gheorghe
- Foucault, Michel
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004) (p.107)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004) (p.13)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004) (p.352)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004) (p.74)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004) (p.79)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004)
Domestic Economy
- Laslett, Barbara; Brenner, Johanna
Domestic Labor
- Berk, Sarah Fenstermaker
- Boydston, Jeanne
- Costa, Mariarosa Dalla
- Dalla Costa, Mariarosa; James, Selma
- Dalla Costa, Mariarosa
- Ehrenreich, Barbara; English, Deirdre
- Federici, Silvia
- Freeman, Caroline
Domestic Labour
- Aassve, Arnstein; Fuochi, Giulia; Mencarini, Letizia
- Amodio, Suzanne M
- Bakan, Abigail B; Stasiulis, Daiva K
- Borgeaud-Garciandia, Natacha; Lautier, Bruno
- Boulding, Elise
- Bowman, John R; Cole, Alyson M
- Cleaver, Harry
- Cowan, Ruth Schwartz
- Davis, Angela
- De Regt, Marina
- Delphy, Christine
- D’Alisa, Giacomo; Cattaneo, Claudio
- Ehrenreich, Barbara; Hochschild, Arlie Russell
- Fagan, Colette; Grimshaw, Damian; Rubery, Jill; Smith, Mark
- Fallon, Kathleen Mary
- Federici, Silvia
- Ferber, M A
- Fortunati, Polda
- Fox, Bonnie
- Fraser, Nancy
- "Feminism, Capitalism, and the Cunning of History" (2012)
- "Contradictions of Capital and Care" (2016)
- Froines, Ann
- Galerand, Elsa; Kergoat, Danièle
- Gheaus, Anca
- Glazer, Nona Yetta
- Glenn, Evelyn Nakan; Chang, Grace; Forcey, Linda Rennie
- Hayden, Dolores
- "What Would a Non-Sexist City Be Like? Speculations on Housing, Urban Design, and Human Work" (1980)
- Himmelweit, Susan
- Hochschild, Arlie Russell
- The Second Shift: Working Parents and the Revolution at Home (1989)
- The Time Bind (1997)
- The Commercialization of Intimate Life: Notes from Home and Work (2003)
- The Outsourced Self: Intimate Life In Market Times (2012)
- Hochschild, Arlie
- Hofmeister, Heather
- Jacobs, Jerry A; Gerson, Kathleen
- Jany-Catrice, Florence; Méda, Dominique
- Joshi, Heather; Paci, Pierella; Waldfogel, Jane
- Joshi, Heather
- Kamerman, Sheila B
- Kilkey, Majella; Lutz, Helma; Palenga-Möllenbeck, Ewa
- Kung, Lydia
- Laslett, Barbara; Brenner, Johanna
- Leicht, Kevin T
- Lutz, Helma
- Malos, Ellen
- The Politics of Housework (1980)
- "The Politics of Household Labour in the 1990s: Old Debates, New Contexts" (1982)
- Markusen, Ann R
- Meagher, Gabrielle
- Messer, Jane
- Molinier, Pascale
- "Des féministes et de leurs femmes de ménage : entre réciprocité du care et souhait de dépersonnalisation" (2009)
- "Temps professionnel et temps personnel des travailleuses du care: perméabilité ou clivage?. Les aléas de la «bonne distance»" (2009)
- "Au-delà de la féminité et du maternel, le travail du care" (2010)
- "L’évitement du travail dans l’affaire des sœurs Papin. Une question toujours d’actualité?" (2012)
- Molyneux, Maxine
- Nippert-Eng, Christena
- Nye, David
- Papanek, Hanna
- Picchio, Antonella
- Reynolds, Tracey
- "The (Mis)Representation fo the Black (Super)Woman" (1997)
- "Black Mothering, Paid work and Identity" (2001)
- Ribbens, Jane
- Ruddick, Sara
- Rye, Gill; Browne, Victoria; Giorgio, Adalgisa; Jeremiah, Emily; Six, Abigail Lee
- Sandford, Stella
- Silva, Elizabeth Bortolaia
- Simonet, Maud
- Smith, Paul
- Vogel, Lise
- Weeks, Kathi
- "The Refusal of Work as Demand and Perspective" (2005)
- The Problem with Work: Feminism, Marxism, Antiwork Politics, and Postwork Imaginaries (2011)
- Williams, Joan
Domestic Violence
- Holmstrom, Nancy
Domestic Work
- Boris, Eileen
- Brenner, J
- Brenner, Johanna
- "Utopian Families" (2000) (p.142)
- Raventós, Daniel
- Rodriguez, Robyn Magalit
Domestic Worker
- Bakan, Abigail B; Stasiulis, Daiva K
- Bowman, John R; Cole, Alyson M
- De Regt, Marina
- Meagher, Gabrielle
- The Oxford Handbook of Women and Gender in Medieval Europe
- Williams, Joan
- Alcadipani, R; Hassard, J; Islam, G
- "“I Shot the Sheriff”: Irony, Sarcasm and the Changing Nature of Workplace Resistance" (2018) (p.1454)
- "“I Shot the Sheriff”: Irony, Sarcasm and the Changing Nature of Workplace Resistance" (2018)
- Berardi, Franco
- "Anatomy of Autonomy" (1980) (p.70)
- Bogoch, Bryna
- Borgeaud-Garciandia, Natacha; Lautier, Bruno
- Boris, Eileen
- Breen, Keith
- Dagger, Richard
- Deetz, S
- Deranty, Jean-Philippe; Renault, Emmanuel
- Dow, Gregory K
- Galerand, Elsa; Kergoat, Danièle
- Grey, Christopher
- Hartsock, Nancy C M
- Heinrich, Michael
- Holmstrom, Nancy
- Honneth, Axel
- Illich, Ivan
- Jubb, Robert
- Kergoat, Danièle
- Klein, Naomi
- Linhart, Danièle
- Lovett, Frank
- Mill, John Stuart
- Molinier, Pascale
- "Travail et compassion dans le monde hospitalier" (2000)
- "Des féministes et de leurs femmes de ménage : entre réciprocité du care et souhait de dépersonnalisation" (2009)
- Méda, Dominique
- Paperman, Patricia; Molinier, Pascale
- Pettit, Philip
- Postone, Moishe
- Rostbøll, Christian F
- Schuppert, Fabian
- Touraine, Alain
- Vrousalis, Nicholas
- "Exploitation, Vulnerability, and Social Domination" (2013)
- "Exploitation as Domination: A Response to Arneson" (2016)
- Yeoman, Ruth
- Zimmerman, Michael
Double Exposure
- Radel, Claudia; Schmook, Birgit; Carte, Lindsey; Mardero, Sofia
- Sennett, Richard
- Simpson, Ruth; Slutskaya, Natasha; Hughes, Jason
- Foucault, Michel
- Foucault, Michel
- Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (2017) (p.126)
- Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (2017) (p.135)
- Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (2017) (p.216)
- Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (2017) (p.41)
- Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (2017)
- Coeckelbergh, Mark
- "E-care as craftsmanship: virtuous work, skilled engagement, and information technology in health care" (2013) (p.808)
- "E-care as craftsmanship: virtuous work, skilled engagement, and information technology in health care" (2013) (p.809)
- "E-care as craftsmanship: virtuous work, skilled engagement, and information technology in health care" (2013)
- Dreyfus, Hubert L; Spinosa, Charles
- "Further Reflections on Heidegger, Technology, and the Everyday" (2003) (p.339)
- "Further Reflections on Heidegger, Technology, and the Everyday" (2003) (p.348)
- "Further Reflections on Heidegger, Technology, and the Everyday" (2003)
- Dreyfus, Hubert L
- "Between Technē and Technology: The Ambiguous Place of Equipment in Being and Time" (1984) (p.25)
- "Between Technē and Technology: The Ambiguous Place of Equipment in Being and Time" (1984) (p.32)
- "Between Technē and Technology: The Ambiguous Place of Equipment in Being and Time" (1984)
- "Heidegger on gaining a free relation to technology" (1997) (p.25)
- "Heidegger on gaining a free relation to technology" (1997) (p.26)
- "Heidegger on gaining a free relation to technology" (1997) (p.31)
- "Heidegger on gaining a free relation to technology" (1997)
- Martin, Tom
- Sandberg, J; Pinnington, A H
- "Professional competence as ways of being: An existential ontological perspective" (2009) (p.1144)
- "Professional competence as ways of being: An existential ontological perspective" (2009) (p.1145)
- "Professional competence as ways of being: An existential ontological perspective" (2009)
- Taylor, James Michael
- Leonard, John J; Mindell, David A; Stayton, Erik L
- Radel, Claudia; Schmook, Birgit; Carte, Lindsey; Mardero, Sofia
Drug Discovery
- Ekins, Sean; Puhl, Ana C; Zorn, Kimberley M; Lane, Thomas R; Russo, Daniel P; Klein, Jennifer J; Hickey, Anthony J; Clark, Alex M
- Fleming, Nic
- Mak, Kit-Kay; Pichika, Mallikarjuna Rao
- Peiretti, Franck; Brunel, Jean Michel
- Gieser, Thorsten
Dual Systems Theory
- Young, Iris Marion
Dual-Career Family
- Hochschild, Arlie Russell
- King, Thomas C; Aggarwal, Nikita; Taddeo, Mariarosaria; Floridi, Luciano
- Dunphy, Dexter; Stace, Doug
- Castel, Robert
- Clegg, Stewart; Cunha, Miguel Pina E; Rego, Arménio
- "Explaining Suicide in Organizations: Durkheim Revisited" (2016) (p.393)
- "Explaining Suicide in Organizations: Durkheim Revisited" (2016)
- Durkheim, Emile
- Durkheim, Émile
- Poole, Michael
Dutch Art
- van Haute, Bernadette
Dutch Context
- De Witte, Marco; Steijn, Bram
Dutch History
- Kettering, Alison M
- "Men at Work in Dutch Art, or Keeping One's Nose to the Grindstone" (2007) (p.694)
- "Men at Work in Dutch Art, or Keeping One's Nose to the Grindstone" (2007) (p.696)
- "Men at Work in Dutch Art, or Keeping One's Nose to the Grindstone" (2007)
- van Haute, Bernadette
- "Ryckaert at work: A Flemish painter's view of labour" (2008) (p.16)
- "Ryckaert at work: A Flemish painter's view of labour" (2008)
- Veldman, Ilja M
- "Images of Labor and Diligence in Sixteenth-Century Netherlandish Prints: The Work Ethic Rooted in Civic Morality or Protestantism?" (1992) (p.227)
- "Images of Labor and Diligence in Sixteenth-Century Netherlandish Prints: The Work Ethic Rooted in Civic Morality or Protestantism?" (1992) (p.228)
- "Images of Labor and Diligence in Sixteenth-Century Netherlandish Prints: The Work Ethic Rooted in Civic Morality or Protestantism?" (1992) (p.239)
- "Images of Labor and Diligence in Sixteenth-Century Netherlandish Prints: The Work Ethic Rooted in Civic Morality or Protestantism?" (1992) (p.242)
- "Images of Labor and Diligence in Sixteenth-Century Netherlandish Prints: The Work Ethic Rooted in Civic Morality or Protestantism?" (1992)
- Chrysostom, Dio
- Cicero
- On Duties (1991) (p.57)
- On Duties (1991) (p.58)
- On Duties (1991) (p.66–68)
- Meckled-Garcia, Saladin
- Schaff, Kory
- Weil, Simone
- Heidegger, Martin; Wolin, Richard
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.29)
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.31)
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.32)
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.33)
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.34)
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.36)
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.37)
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.47)
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.53)
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.54)
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.55)
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.56)
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.57)
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.58)
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.59)
- The Heidegger controversy: A critical reader (1992) (p.61)
- Heidegger, Martin
- Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) (p.105)
- Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) (p.106)
- Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) (p.107)
- Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) (p.110)
- Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) (p.111)
- Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) (p.112)
- Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) (p.125)
- Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) (p.127)
- Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) (p.128)
- Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) (p.129)
- Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) (p.133)
- Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) (p.136)
- Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) (p.53)
- Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) (p.55)
- Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
- Locke, John
- Muirhead, Russell
- Rawls, John
Duty Of Care
- Westwood, Robert; Rhodes, Carl
Duty To Work
- Becker, Lawrence C
- Finn, D
- "Human work in Catholic social thought" (2012) (p.878)
- "Human work in Catholic social thought" (2012) (p.880)
- "Human work in Catholic social thought" (2012) (p.881)
- "Human work in Catholic social thought" (2012)
- Rawls, John
- Anderson, Elizabeth
Dynamic Administration
- Follett, Mary Parker