References by Keywords: F
- Fabian Society
- Fabrication
- Face To Face Groups
- Factores De Riesgo Psicosocial
- Factories
- Factory
- Factory Council
- Factory Occupation
- Factory Slavery
- Factory Work
- Factory Workers
- Fair Play
- Fair Work
- Fairclough
- Fairness
- Faith
- Fake News
- False Freedom
- Familistic Politics
- Family
- Family Life
- Family Power
- Family Values
- Family Wage
- Family Work
- Fantasy
- Farming
- Fascism
- Fashion
- Fashionable Ideas
- Fast Food
- Fatigue
- Fear
- Federalism
- Federici
- Feedom
- Feenberg
- Feininity
- Female Blue Collar Work
- Female Employment
- Female Labour
- Female Work
- Femininity
- Feminism
- Feminist Critique
- Feminist Discourse
- Feminist Economics
- Feminist Movement
- Feminist Movements
- Feminist Organisation
- Feminist Political Economy
- Feminist Politics
- Feminist Revolution
- Feminist Socialism
- Feminist Standpoint Theory
- Feminist Studies
- Feminist Study
- Feminist Theories Of Work
- Feminist Theory
- Fetishism
- Feudal Society
- Feudalism
- Feuerbach
- Fiance
- Fiction
- Field Work
- Fieldwork
- Fifteenth Century
- Film
- Finance
- Finance Industry
- Finance Sector
- Financial Crisis
- Financial Services
- Firm
- Firm-Market Boundary
- Firms
- Firth
- Fiscal Policy
- Flexibility
- Flexible Automation
- Flexible Work
- Flexible Work Arrangements
- Flexible Workforce
- Flexicurity
- Flextimers
- Flourishing
- Flux
- Food Sharing
- Food Shortages
- Foragers
- Forced Labor
- Forced Labour
- Ford
- Fordism
- Fordist
- Foreign Countries
- Foreign Labor
- Foreign Policy
- Foreign Trade
- Foresight
- Fortuna
- Foster
- Foucauldian
- Foucauldian Labour Process Theory
- Foucauldian Resistance
- Foucault
- Fourth Industiral Revolution
- Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Fourth Revolution
- France
- Franchise Governments
- Frankfurt School
- Frankfurt School Of Social Research
- Fraser
- Fraternity
- Free
- Free Labour
- Free Market
- Free Markets
- Free Time
- Free-Riding
- Freedom
- Freedom Fantasy
- Freedom Of Information
- Freelance Work
- Freelancing
- French
- French Context
- French Existentialism
- French Government
- French History
- French Language
- French Philosophy
- French Revolution
- French Social Theory
- Freud
- Frey And Osborne
- Friedmann
- Friedrich Hayek
- Friendship
- Fukuyama
- Full Employment
- Fully-Automated Luxury Communism
- Function
- Functional Relating
- Functional Stupidity
- Functionalism
- Fund Dividend
- Future
- Future Essentialism
- Future Of Work
- Future-Of-Work Question
- Futures
- Futurism
- Futurists
Fabian Society
- Cole, George Douglas Howard
- Gershenfeld, Neil
Face To Face Groups
- Zuboff, Shoshana
- Ekbia, Hamid; Nardi, Bonnie
- Glaeser, Edward
- Morozov, Evgeny
Factores De Riesgo Psicosocial
- McKinlay, Alan
- Altenried, Moritz
- Atzeni, Maurizio; Ghigliani, Pablo
- Garson, Barbara
- Gramsci, Antonio
- Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich Kni͡az
- Linhart, Robert
- Walsh, Adrian
Factory Council
- Gramsci, Antonio
Factory Occupation
- Rossi, Federico M
Factory Slavery
- Cole, George Douglas Howard
Factory Work
- O'Neill, John
Factory Workers
- Blauner, Robert
- Linhart, Robert
Fair Play
- Cholbi, Michael
Fair Work
- Curtis, Rowland
- Floridi, Luciano; Cowls, Josh
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- Rawls, John
- Tomasi, John
- Stiegler, Bernard
Fake News
- McCarthy, Ian P; Hannah, David; Pitt, Leyland F; McCarthy, Jane M
False Freedom
- Banks, Mark
- "Autonomy Guaranteed? Cultural Work and the “Art–Commerce Relation”" (2010) (p.256)
- "Autonomy Guaranteed? Cultural Work and the “Art–Commerce Relation”" (2010) (p.257)
- "Autonomy Guaranteed? Cultural Work and the “Art–Commerce Relation”" (2010) (p.260)
- "Autonomy Guaranteed? Cultural Work and the “Art–Commerce Relation”" (2010)
Familistic Politics
- Brenner, J
- Brenner, Johanna
- "Utopian Families" (2000) (p.142)
- Aassve, Arnstein; Fuochi, Giulia; Mencarini, Letizia
- Aristotle
- Politics (1932) (p.215)
- Bakker, Isabella
- Benston, Margaret
- Boulding, Elise
- Brenner, J
- Brenner, Johanna
- "Utopian Families" (2000) (p.142)
- Browne, Annette J
- Cette, Gilbert; Dromel, Nicolas; Méda, Dominique
- Corno, Lyn
- Dale, Angela; Holdsworth, Clare
- Dalla Costa, Mariarosa; Selma, James
- Davoine, Lucie; Méda, Dominique
- Delphy, Christine
- Dixon, Suzanne
- Elster, Jon
- Fallon, Kathleen Mary
- Ferber, M A
- Fildes, Valerie A
- Foucault, Michel
- The Care of the Self: Volume 3 of the history of sexuality (1986) (p.18)
- The Care of the Self: Volume 3 of the history of sexuality (1986) (p.32)
- The Care of the Self: Volume 3 of the history of sexuality (1986) (p.74)
- The Care of the Self: Volume 3 of the history of sexuality (1986)
- Fraser, Nancy
- Froines, Ann
- Gardiner, Rita A; Fulfer, Katy
- "Family matters: An Arendtian critique of organizational structures" (2017) (p.507)
- "Family matters: An Arendtian critique of organizational structures" (2017) (p.509)
- "Family matters: An Arendtian critique of organizational structures" (2017) (p.516)
- "Family matters: An Arendtian critique of organizational structures" (2017)
- Glenn, Evelyn Nakan; Chang, Grace; Forcey, Linda Rennie
- Hennessy, Rosemary; Ingraham, Chrys
- Hochschild, Arlie Russell
- The Second Shift: Working Parents and the Revolution at Home (1989)
- The Time Bind (1997)
- The Commercialization of Intimate Life: Notes from Home and Work (2003)
- The Outsourced Self: Intimate Life In Market Times (2012)
- Hochschild, Arlie
- Holmstrom, Nancy
- Jacobs, Jerry A; Gerson, Kathleen
- Joshi, Heather; Paci, Pierella; Waldfogel, Jane
- Kamerman, Sheila B
- Kloepfer, Deborah Kelly
- Kollontaĭ, Aleksandra
- Kung, Lydia
- Lake, Marilyn
- Lallement, Michel
- Laslett, Barbara; Brenner, Johanna
- Lysova, Evgenia I
- Mitchell, Juliet
- Molinier, Pascale
- "Temps professionnel et temps personnel des travailleuses du care: perméabilité ou clivage?. Les aléas de la «bonne distance»" (2009)
- "Au-delà de la féminité et du maternel, le travail du care" (2010)
- Nicholson, Linda J
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- Thus Spoke Zarathustra (2006) (p.128)
- Nippert-Eng, Christena
- Padios, Jan M
- Papanek, Hanna
- Parreñas, Rhacel Salazar
- Phizacklea, Annie
- Rawls, John
- Reynolds, Tracey
- Ribbens, Jane
- Ruddick, Sara
- "Maternal Thinking" (1980)
- "Maternal Thinking as a Feminist Standpoint" (2004)
- "On" Maternal Thinking"" (2009)
- Rye, Gill; Browne, Victoria; Giorgio, Adalgisa; Jeremiah, Emily; Six, Abigail Lee
- Schaff, Kory
- Sennett, Richard
- Silva, Elizabeth Bortolaia
- Teman, Elly
- Twine, France Winddance
- Valcour, Monique
- Weeks, Kathi
- Williams, Joan
- Xenophon
- Young, Iris Marion
- Zaretsky, Eli
Family Life
Family Power
- Berk, Sarah Fenstermaker
Family Values
- Folbre, Nancy
Family Wage
- Fraser, Nancy
- "Feminism, Capitalism, and the Cunning of History" (2012)
- "Contradictions of Capital and Care" (2016)
- Galerand, Elsa; Kergoat, Danièle
Family Work
- Folbre, Nancy
- Glenn, Evelyn Nakan; Chang, Grace; Forcey, Linda Rennie
- Robertson, Lindsey G; Anderson, Tamara L; Hall, M Elizabeth Lewis; Kim, Christina Lee
- "Mothers and Mental Labor: A Phenomenological Focus Group Study of Family-Related Thinking Work" (2019) (p.185)
- "Mothers and Mental Labor: A Phenomenological Focus Group Study of Family-Related Thinking Work" (2019) (p.187)
- "Mothers and Mental Labor: A Phenomenological Focus Group Study of Family-Related Thinking Work" (2019) (p.196)
- "Mothers and Mental Labor: A Phenomenological Focus Group Study of Family-Related Thinking Work" (2019)
- Williams, Joan
- Glynos, Jason
- Ali, Ali Abdalla; Others,
- Burford, Alison
- Curl, John
- Euripides
- Hesiod
- Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich Kni͡az
- Porcher, Jocelyne
- Terkel, Studs
- Xenophon
- Cole, George Douglas Howard
- Heinrich, Michael
- Oldfield, Sybil
- Sokel, Walter H
- Woodley, Daniel
- Carter, Chris
Fashionable Ideas
- Carter, Chris
Fast Food
- Ritzer, George
- Rabinbach, Anson
- Ebben, Maureen
- Steiner, Hillel
- Jacques, Roy
- Federici, S
- Federici, Silvia
- Oliver, Kelly
- Feenberg, Andrew
- Otis, Eileen; Wu, Tongyu
Female Blue Collar Work
- Bertaux-Wiame, Isabelle; Linhart, Danièle
- Bidet-Mordrel, Annie; Galerand, Elsa; Kergoat, Danièle
- Galerand, Elsa; Kergoat, Danièle
- "Le potentiel subversif du rapport des femmes au travail" (2008)
- "Le travail comme enjeu des rapports sociaux (de sexe)" (2013)
- Hirata, Helena; Jeantet, Aurélie; Kergoat, Danièle; Soares, Angelo
- Hirata, Helena; Kergoat, Danièle
- "The Sexual Division of Labour Re-examined" (2000)
- "Rapports sociaux de sexe et psychopathologie du travail" (2017)
- Kergoat, Danièle
- Les infirmières et leur coordination, 1988-1989 (1998)
- "Le syllogisme de la constitution du sujet sexué féminin" (2001)
- "Rapports sociaux et division du travail entre les sexes" (2005)
- "Le rapport social de sexe. De la reproduction des rapports sociaux à leur subversion" (2010)
- "Une sociologie à la croisée de trois mouvements sociaux" (2010)
- "Annexe n˚ 2. Note de travail. Le « métier »" (2017)
- "Le travail, un concept central pour les études de genre ?" (2018)
- Linhart, Danièle; Linhart, Robert
- Linhart, Danièle; Moutet, Aimée
- Linhart, Danièle; Rist, Barbara; Durand, Estelle
- Linhart, Danièle
- "A propos du post-Taylorisme" (1993)
- "The Shortcomings of an Organizational Revolution That Is out of Step" (1993)
- "What Change in French Firms? The Impact of Structural Change on French Industry" (1993)
- "Managerial Innovations: Some Main Tendencies" (1994)
- "The Paradoxical Conditions of Resistance at Work" (2009)
- Travailler sans les autres? (2009)
- La modernisation des entreprises (2010)
- "Une précarisation subjective du travail?" (2011)
- "Quand le management se fait Dibbouk" (2012)
- Pourquoi travaillons-nous ? Une approche sociologique de la subjectivité au travail, (2013)
- La comédie humaine du travail. De la déshumanisation taylorienne à la sur-humanisation managériale (2015)
- "When the Humanization of Work Makes the Employees Sick" (2015)
- "Les nouveaux corps du capitalisme" (2018)
- Miranda, Adelina; Ouali, Nouria; Kergoat, Danièle
Female Employment
- Fox, Bonnie
- Standing, Guy
Female Labour
- Aassve, Arnstein; Fuochi, Giulia; Mencarini, Letizia
- Abrams, Lynn
- Ameeriar, Lalaie
- "Pedagogies of Affect: Docility and Deference in the Making of Immigrant Women Subjects" (2015)
- "Preferences and Prejudices: Employers’ Views on Domestic Workers in the Republic of Yemen" (2015)
- Amodio, Suzanne M
- Arruzza, Cinzia
- Bakan, Abigail B; Stasiulis, Daiva K
- Bakker, Isabella
- Barker, Drucilla K
- Bergmann, Barbara R
- Berry, Marie E
- Bezanson, Kate; Luxton, Meg
- Bhachu, Parminde; Westwood, Dr Sallie
- Blau, Francine D
- Boulding, Elise
- Bowman, John R; Cole, Alyson M
- Brandth, Berit; Haugen, Marit S
- Bryan, Beverley; Dadzie, Stella; Scafe, Suzanne
- Chinchilla, Norma S
- Cruz-Torres, María L
- De Lattes, Zulma Recchini; Wainerman, Catalina H
- De Regt, Marina
- Ferber, M A
- Ferguson, S; LeBaron, G; Dimitrakaki, A; Farris, S R
- Ferree, Myra Marx
- Galerand, Elsa; Kergoat, Danièle
- Glenn, Evelyn Nakano
- Harley, Sharon
- "For the Good of Family and Race: Gender, Work, and Domestic Roles in the Black Community, 1880-1930" (1990)
- "Speaking up: The Politics of Black Women's Labor History" (1997)
- Hayden, Dolores
- "What Would a Non-Sexist City Be Like? Speculations on Housing, Urban Design, and Human Work" (1980)
- Higginbotham, Elizabeth; Romero, Mary
- Himmelweit, Susan
- Holmgren, Beth
- Holmstrom, Nancy
- Honey, Maureen
- Joshi, Heather
- King, Mary C
- Laws, Judith Long
- Lee, Sang E
- Lewis, Gail
- Lutz, Helma
- Markusen, Ann R
- Mazzarino, Andrea
- McCrate, Elaine
- Medard, Modesta
- Mies, Maria
- Miller, Jody; Carbone-Lopez, Kristin
- Mojab, Shahrzad
- Nelson, Charmeynne D
- Overall, Christine
- Papanek, Hanna
- "The Work of Women: Postscript from Mexico City" (1975)
- "Family Status Production: The" Work" And" Non-work" Of Women" (1979)
- Reynolds, Tracey
- Shiva, Vandana; Mies, Maria
- Williams, Colin C
- Xenophon
- Zatz, Noah D
Female Work
- Bertaux-Wiame, Isabelle; Linhart, Danièle
- Bidet-Mordrel, Annie; Galerand, Elsa; Kergoat, Danièle
- Caballero, Cecilia; Martínez-Vu, Yvette; Pérez-Torres, Judith; Téllez, Michelle; Vega, Christine
- Dejours, Christophe; Molinier, Pascale
- Delphy, Christine
- Federici, Silvia
- Fox, Bonnie
- Galerand, Elsa; Kergoat, Danièle
- "Le potentiel subversif du rapport des femmes au travail" (2008)
- "Le travail comme enjeu des rapports sociaux (de sexe)" (2013)
- Hirata, Helena; Jeantet, Aurélie; Kergoat, Danièle; Soares, Angelo
- Hirata, Helena; Kergoat, Danièle
- "The Sexual Division of Labour Re-examined" (2000)
- "Rapports sociaux de sexe et psychopathologie du travail" (2017)
- Kergoat, Danièle
- Les infirmières et leur coordination, 1988-1989 (1998)
- "Le syllogisme de la constitution du sujet sexué féminin" (2001)
- "Rapports sociaux et division du travail entre les sexes" (2005)
- "Le rapport social de sexe. De la reproduction des rapports sociaux à leur subversion" (2010)
- "Une sociologie à la croisée de trois mouvements sociaux" (2010)
- "Annexe n˚ 2. Note de travail. Le « métier »" (2017)
- "Le travail, un concept central pour les études de genre ?" (2018)
- Laugier, Sandra; Molinier, Pascale; Bisson, Frédéric; Querrien, Anne
- Laugier, Sandra; Molinier, Pascale
- Linhart, Danièle; Linhart, Robert
- Linhart, Danièle; Moutet, Aimée
- Linhart, Danièle; Rist, Barbara; Durand, Estelle
- Linhart, Danièle
- "A propos du post-Taylorisme" (1993)
- "The Shortcomings of an Organizational Revolution That Is out of Step" (1993)
- "What Change in French Firms? The Impact of Structural Change on French Industry" (1993)
- "Managerial Innovations: Some Main Tendencies" (1994)
- "The Paradoxical Conditions of Resistance at Work" (2009)
- Travailler sans les autres? (2009)
- La modernisation des entreprises (2010)
- "Une précarisation subjective du travail?" (2011)
- "Quand le management se fait Dibbouk" (2012)
- Pourquoi travaillons-nous ? Une approche sociologique de la subjectivité au travail, (2013)
- La comédie humaine du travail. De la déshumanisation taylorienne à la sur-humanisation managériale (2015)
- "When the Humanization of Work Makes the Employees Sick" (2015)
- "Les nouveaux corps du capitalisme" (2018)
- Miranda, Adelina; Ouali, Nouria; Kergoat, Danièle
- Molinier, Pascale; Vigoya, Mara Viveros
- Molinier, Pascale
- "Prévenir la violence: l’invisibilité du travail des femmes" (1999)
- "Travail et compassion dans le monde hospitalier" (2000)
- "Le continent noir de la féminité: sexualité et/ou travail?" (2002)
- "Psychodynamique du travail et rapports sociaux de sexe" (2004)
- "Le care à l'épreuve du travail. Vulnérabilités croisées et savoir-faire discrets" (2005)
- "Le masochisme des femmes dans le travail : mythe sexiste ou défense professionnelle ?" (2006)
- "Temps professionnel et temps personnel des travailleuses du care: perméabilité ou clivage?. Les aléas de la «bonne distance»" (2009)
- "Au-delà de la féminité et du maternel, le travail du care" (2010)
- "L’évitement du travail dans l’affaire des sœurs Papin. Une question toujours d’actualité?" (2012)
- "Et la tendresse, bordel !" (2013)
- "Histoire de la vieille bouchère et autres récits. L’autodérision et la création du semblable dans le travail de soin" (2015)
- "De la civilisation du travail à la société du care" (2016)
- Phizacklea, Annie
- Rogers, Rebecca; Molinier, Pascale
- Weller, Sally A
- Xenophon
- Freeman, Carla
- Hartsock, Nancy C M
- Ruddick, Sara
- Acker, Joan
- Adman, Per
- "Does workplace experience enhance political participation? A critical test of a venerable hypothesis" (2008) (p.116)
- "Does workplace experience enhance political participation? A critical test of a venerable hypothesis" (2008)
- Akbulut, Bengi
- All the Women Are White, All the Blacks Are Men, But Some of Us Are Brave
- Arruzza, Cinzia
- Autonomy, Welfare Reform and Meaningful Work
- Bakker, Isabella
- Barca, Stefania
- Barker, Drucilla K
- Barlow, Tani
- Beloso, Brooke Meredith
- Benston, Margaret
- Berardi, Franco
- "Anatomy of Autonomy" (1980) (p.70)
- Bergmann, Barbara R
- Berk, Sarah Fenstermaker
- Bezanson, Kate; Luxton, Meg
- Bhattacharya, Tithi
- Black British Feminism: A Reader
- Blum, Linda M
- Bologh, Roslyn Wallach
- Boris, Eileen
- Brenner, J
- Brenner, Johanna
- "Utopian Families" (2000) (p.142)
- Brewis, Joanna
- Brown, Kathryn
- Browne, Annette J
- Bruegel, Irene
- Collins, Patricia Hill
- Comerford, Lynn
- Connolly, Julie
- "Honneth on work and recognition: A rejoinder from feminist political economy" (2016) (p.104)
- "Honneth on work and recognition: A rejoinder from feminist political economy" (2016) (p.99)
- "Honneth on work and recognition: A rejoinder from feminist political economy" (2016)
- Costa, Mariarosa Dalla
- Cresswell, Tim
- Cukier, Alexis
- Dalla Costa, Mariarosa; Selma, James
- Davis, Angela Y
- Davis, Angela
- "Reflections on the Black Woman's Role in the Community of Slaves" (1981)
- "The Approaching Obsolescence of Housework: A Working-class Perspective" (1981)
- De Beauvoir, Simone
- The Second Sex (2011) (p.538)
- The Second Sex (2011) (p.68)
- de Bustillo, Rafael Muñoz; Fernández-Macías, Enrique; Antón, José-Ignacio; Esteve, Fernando
- Del Re, Alisa
- Delphy, Christine
- Dengler, C; Lang, M
- Eisenstein, Zillah R
- Eistenstein, Zillah
- English, Deidre; Epstein, Barbara; Haber, Barbara; MacLean, Judy
- Federici, Silvia
- "Precarious labor: A feminist viewpoint" (2008)
- Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle (2012)
- "Marx, Feminism, and the Construction of the Commons" (2013)
- Ferguson, Ann; Folbre, Nancy
- Ferguson, S; LeBaron, G; Dimitrakaki, A; Farris, S R
- Ferree, Myra Marx; Martin, Patricia Yancey
- Ferree, Myra Marx
- "Working-Class Jobs: Housework and Paid Work Assources of Satisfaction" (1976)
- "Between Two Worlds: German Feminist Approaches to Working-Class Women and Work" (1985)
- Folbre, Nancy
- Fox, Bonnie
- Fraser, Nancy
- Freeman, Carla
- Froines, Ann
- Galerand, Elsa; Kergoat, Danièle
- Glenn, Evelyn Nakan; Chang, Grace; Forcey, Linda Rennie
- Gurtler, Sabine
- Hagel, Alisa Von; Mansbach, Daniela
- Hartsock, Nancy C M
- Hennessy, Rosemary; Ingraham, Chrys
- Hochschild, Arlie Russell
- The Commercialization of Intimate Life: Notes from Home and Work (2003)
- The Outsourced Self: Intimate Life In Market Times (2012)
- Holmstrom, Nancy
- Honneth, Axel; Joas, Hans
- Hooks, Bell
- Jaggar, Alison M
- Feminist Politics and Human Nature (1983) (p.155)
- Feminist Politics and Human Nature (1983) (p.177)
- Feminist Politics and Human Nature (1983) (p.74)
- Feminist Politics and Human Nature (1983) (p.78)
- Feminist Politics and Human Nature (1983)
- Jenness, Valerie
- Joseph, Gloria
- Kain, Philip J
- "Marx, Housework, and Alienation" (1993) (p.122)
- "Marx, Housework, and Alienation" (1993) (p.127)
- "Marx, Housework, and Alienation" (1993)
- Keller, Jean
- Kergoat, Danièle
- Kershaw, Paul
- Kloepfer, Deborah Kelly
- Knights, David
- "Writing Organizational Analysis into Foucault" (2002) (p.576)
- "Writing Organizational Analysis into Foucault" (2002)
- Kollontaĭ, Aleksandra
- Kroløkke, Charlotte Halmø; Pant, Saumya
- Kymlicka, Will
- Lake, Marilyn
- Lallement, Michel
- Laslett, Barbara; Brenner, Johanna
- Lombardozzi, Lorena
- Lutz, Helma
- Mair, Simon; Druckman, Angela; Jackson, Tim
- Meagher, Gabrielle
- Mies, Maria
- Mill, John Stuart
- Mitchell, Juliet
- Mohanty, Chandra Talpade
- Feminism Without Borders (2003)
- "Transnational Feminist Crossings: On Neoliberalism and Radical Critique" (2013)
- Mojab, Shahrzad
- Molinier, Pascale
- Molyneux, Maxine
- Moore, Jason W
- Nicholson, Linda J
- Oksala, Johanna
- "Affective Labor and Feminist Politics" (2016) (p.289)
- "Affective Labor and Feminist Politics" (2016)
- Oliver, Kelly
- Overall, Christine
- Pande, Amrita
- Parker, Doctor Martin; Fournier, Valerie; Reedy, Patrick
- Perkins, Patricia E Ellie
- Robertson, Lindsey G; Anderson, Tamara L; Hall, M Elizabeth Lewis; Kim, Christina Lee
- "Mothers and Mental Labor: A Phenomenological Focus Group Study of Family-Related Thinking Work" (2019) (p.185)
- "Mothers and Mental Labor: A Phenomenological Focus Group Study of Family-Related Thinking Work" (2019) (p.187)
- "Mothers and Mental Labor: A Phenomenological Focus Group Study of Family-Related Thinking Work" (2019) (p.196)
- "Mothers and Mental Labor: A Phenomenological Focus Group Study of Family-Related Thinking Work" (2019)
- Rojek, Chris
- Ruddick, Sara
- Sandford, Stella
- Shiva, Vandana; Mies, Maria
- Shrage, Laurie
- Vogel, Lise
- "Their Own Work: Two Documents from the Nineteenth-Century Labor Movement" (1976)
- Marxism and the Oppression of Women: Toward a Unitary Theory (1983)
- Woman Questions: Essays for a Materialist Feminism (1995)
- Wajcman, Judy
- Weeks, Kathi
- "The Refusal of Work as Demand and Perspective" (2005)
- "Life Within and Against Work: Affective Labor, Feminist Critique, and Post-Fordist Politics" (2007)
- Williams, Joan
- Young, Iris Marion; Allen, Danielle S
- Young, Iris Marion
- "Socialist Feminism and the Limits of Dual Systems Theory" (1997)
- "Autonomy, Welfare Reform and Meaningful Work" (2003)
- Zaretsky, Eli
Feminist Critique
- Cukier, Alexis
- Weeks, Kathi
Feminist Discourse
- Jenness, Valerie
- Meagher, Gabrielle
Feminist Economics
- Bakker, Isabella
- Barker, Drucilla K
- Bezanson, Kate; Luxton, Meg
- Holmstrom, Nancy
Feminist Movement
- Bergmann, Barbara R
- Costa, Mariarosa Dalla
- Dalla Costa, Mariarosa; James, Selma
- Dalla Costa, Mariarosa
- Federici, Silvia
- Ferree, Myra Marx; Martin, Patricia Yancey
- Gorz, André
- Harley, Sharon
- Higginbotham, Elizabeth; Romero, Mary
- Rodgers, Daniel T
- Ruddick, Sara
Feminist Movements
Feminist Organisation
- Froines, Ann
Feminist Political Economy
- Arruzza, Cinzia
- Bakker, Isabella
- Bezanson, Kate; Luxton, Meg
- Ferguson, S; LeBaron, G; Dimitrakaki, A; Farris, S R
Feminist Politics
- Oksala, Johanna
Feminist Revolution
- Federici, Silvia
- Ferguson, Ann; Folbre, Nancy
Feminist Socialism
- Benston, Margaret
- Dalla Costa, Mariarosa; Selma, James
- Eistenstein, Zillah
- Hennessy, Rosemary; Ingraham, Chrys
- Holmstrom, Nancy
- Joseph, Gloria
- Kollontaĭ, Aleksandra
- Mitchell, Juliet
- Young, Iris Marion
- Zaretsky, Eli
Feminist Standpoint Theory
- Dengler, Corinna; Seebacher, Lisa Marie
Feminist Studies
- Black British Feminism: A Reader
- Browne, Annette J
- Bruegel, Irene
- Davis, Angela Y
- England, Paula
- Fraser, Nancy
- Galerand, Elsa; Kergoat, Danièle
- Glenn, Evelyn Nakan; Chang, Grace; Forcey, Linda Rennie
- Gurtler, Sabine
- Hagel, Alisa Von; Mansbach, Daniela
- Irani, Lilly
- Keller, Jean
- Kershaw, Paul
- Kingsley, Sara; Gray, Mary-Louise; Suri, Siddharth
- Kloepfer, Deborah Kelly
- Kroløkke, Charlotte Halmø; Pant, Saumya
- Lake, Marilyn
- Mohanty, Chandra Talpade
- Molinier, Pascale
- Oliver, Kelly
- Pande, Amrita
- Ribbens, Jane
- Ruddick, Sara
- Sandford, Stella
Feminist Study
- Autonomy, Welfare Reform and Meaningful Work
- Young, Iris Marion; Allen, Danielle S
- Young, Iris Marion
Feminist Theories Of Work
- Connolly, Julie
Feminist Theory
- Akbulut, Bengi
- Arruzza, Cinzia
- Bakker, Isabella
- Barca, Stefania
- Bennett, Judith
- Benston, Margaret
- Berg, Heather
- Bergmann, Barbara R
- Bezanson, Kate; Luxton, Meg
- Bhattacharya, Tithi
- Brownhill, Leigh; Turner, Terisa E; Kaara, Wahu
- Collins, Patricia Hill
- Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment (2002)
- "Black Women and Motherhood" (2005)
- Coulter, Kendra
- Cresswell, Tim
- Dalla Costa, Mariarosa; Selma, James
- De Beauvoir, Simone
- The Second Sex (2011) (p.538)
- The Second Sex (2011) (p.68)
- Delphy, Christine
- Dengler, C; Lang, M
- Federici, Silvia
- Ferguson, Ann; Folbre, Nancy
- Ferguson, S; LeBaron, G; Dimitrakaki, A; Farris, S R
- Ferree, Myra Marx; Martin, Patricia Yancey
- Fox, Bonnie
- Hennessy, Rosemary; Ingraham, Chrys
- Holmstrom, Nancy
- Joseph, Gloria
- Kollontaĭ, Aleksandra
- Lutz, Helma
- Mies, Maria
- Mitchell, Juliet
- Mojab, Shahrzad
- Nicholson, Linda J
- Perkins, Patricia E Ellie
- Shiva, Vandana; Mies, Maria
- Shrage, Laurie
- Vogel, Lise
- Weeks, Kathi
- Young, Iris Marion; Allen, Danielle S
- Young, Iris Marion
- Zaretsky, Eli
- Baudrillard, Jean
- Colletti, Lucio
- Rubin, Isaak Illich
Feudal Society
- Langland, William
- Kennedy, Geoff
- Barbour, Charles
- Fischbach, Franck
- Honneth, Axel; Joas, Hans
- Smith, Murray E G
- Bukowski, Charles
- Factotum (2009) (p.5)
- Chesterton, G K
- Christie, James William
- Fallon, Kathleen Mary
- Le Guin, Ursula K
- Polyp
- Rhodes, Carl
- "All I want to do is get that check and get drunk" (2009) (p.387)
- "All I want to do is get that check and get drunk" (2009) (p.388)
- "All I want to do is get that check and get drunk" (2009) (p.389)
- "All I want to do is get that check and get drunk" (2009) (p.394)
- "All I want to do is get that check and get drunk" (2009)
- Shteyngart, Gary
- Trott, Ben
- Westwood, Robert; Rhodes, Carl
Field Work
- Atzeni, Maurizio; Vieta, Marcelo
- Cheney, George
- Costas, Jana; Fleming, Peter
- Atzeni, Maurizio; Ghigliani, Pablo
Fifteenth Century
- Dale, Marian K
- Chaplin, Charles
- Linhart, Danièle
- Parker, Martin
- Belanche, Daniel; Casaló, Luis V; Flavián, Carlos
- "Artificial Intelligence in FinTech: understanding robo-advisors adoption among customers" (2019) (p.1422)
- "Artificial Intelligence in FinTech: understanding robo-advisors adoption among customers" (2019)
- Hodson, James
- Kunwar, M
- Lavrinenko, Alina; Shmatko, Natalia
- Moodie, Megan
- North-Samardzic, Andrea; Taksa, Lucy
- Turban, Efraim; Trippi, Robert R
Finance Industry
- He, David; Guo, Michael; Zhou, Jerry; Guo, Venessa
Finance Sector
Financial Crisis
- Jacob, Daniel; Neuhäuser, Christian
- Sayer, Andrew R
Financial Services
- Hodgson, Damian E
- McCabe, Darren
- Neary, Breda; Horák, Jakub; Kovacova, Maria; Valaskova, Katarina
- Alston, Lee J; Gillespie, William
- Dobson, John; Libri Publishing
Firm-Market Boundary
- Alston, Lee J; Gillespie, William
- Alchian, Armen A; Demsetz, Harold
- Arntz, Melanie; Gregory, Terry; Zierahn, Ulrich
- Baldwin, Carliss Y; Woodard, C Jason
- Bowles, Samuel; Gintis, Herbert
- "A Political and Economic Case for the Democratic Enterprise" (1993)
- "The Democratic Firm: An Agency-theoretic Evaluation" (1993)
- Brynjolfsson, Erik; Rock, Daniel; Syverson, Chad
- Dahl, Robert Alan
- A Preface to Economic Democracy (1986)
- "A Right to Workplace Democracy? Response to Robert Mayer" (2001)
- Fish, Adam; Srinivasan, Ramesh
- Gintis, Herbert; Bowles, Samuel
- González-Ricoy, Iñigo
- Hansman, Henry
- Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander
- Holmstrom, Bengt; Milgrom, Paul
- Hsieh, Nien-Hê
- Jacobson, Louis S; LaLonde, Robert J; Sullivan, Daniel G
- Jensen, Michael C; Meckling, William H
- Keat, R
- "Practices, Firms and Varieties of Capitalism" (2008) (p.84)
- "Practices, Firms and Varieties of Capitalism" (2008) (p.86)
- "Practices, Firms and Varieties of Capitalism" (2008)
- Koch, Richard; Godden, Ian
- Landemore, Hélène; Ferreras, Isabelle
- Lelle, Nikolas
- Linhart, Danièle
- Marx, Matt
- Meade, J E
- Poster, Winifred R
- Putterman, Louis
- Pérotin, Virginie
- Reed, Darryl; McMurtry, J J
- Susskind, Richard
- Vieta, Marcelo; Ruggeri, A
- Firth, Raymond
- Piddington, Ralph; Firth, Raymond
Fiscal Policy
- Cole, George Douglas Howard
- Mitchell, William F; Mosler, Warren B; Others,
- Mitchell, William; Reedman, Luke; Others,
- Jones, Bryn
- Kohn, Melvin L; Schooler, Carmi
- Kornelakis, Andreas
- Lefebvre, Alain; Méda, Dominique
- McLoughlin, Ian
- Méda, Dominique
- "Post-face: la flexicurité peut-elle encore constituer une ambition pour l’Europe?" (2011)
- "Quality of Employment: an Alternative to Flexicurity" (2014)
- "Repenser le travail et l’emploi par l’écologie" (2017)
- Phizacklea, Annie
- Sennett, Richard
- Smith, Chris
Flexible Automation
- Jones, Bryn
- McLoughlin, Ian
- Phizacklea, Annie
- Smith, Chris
Flexible Work
- Berger, Thor; Frey, Carl Benedikt; Levin, Guy; Danda, Santosh Rao
Flexible Work Arrangements
- Spurk, Daniel; Straub, Caroline
Flexible Workforce
- Minbaeva, Dana
- Lefebvre, Alain; Méda, Dominique
- Méda, Dominique
- Castells, Manuel
- Lefebvre, Alain; Méda, Dominique
- Méda, Dominique
- Cohen, Julie E
- Pasquale, Frank A
- Veltman, Andrea
- Ingold, Tim
Food Sharing
- Stibbard-Hawkes, Duncan N E; Attenborough, Robert D; Mabulla, Ibrahim A; Marlowe, Frank W
Food Shortages
- Berbesque, J Colette; Marlowe, Frank W; Shaw, Peter; Thompson, Peter
- Berbesque, J Colette; Marlowe, Frank W; Shaw, Peter; Thompson, Peter
- Marlowe, Frank W; Berbesque, J Colette; Wood, Brian; Crittenden, Alyssa; Porter, Claire; Mabulla, Audax
Forced Labor
- De Angelis, Massimo
- Homze, Edward L
Forced Labour
- Buggeln, Marc
- Arbeit & Gewalt: das Aussenlagersystem des KZ Neuengamme (2009)
- "„Menschenhandel” als Vorwurf im Nationalsozialismus. Der Streit um den Gewinn aus den militärischen Großbaustellen (1944/45)" (2010)
- Hobsbawm, Eric <li id="Forced Labour-Rüstung, Kriegswirtschaft und Zwangsarbeit im "Dritten Reich""> Rüstung, Kriegswirtschaft und Zwangsarbeit im "Dritten Reich" </li>
- Wildt, M
- Boyer, Robert; Freyssenet, Michel
- Ford, Henry
- Boyer, Robert; Freyssenet, Michel
- Fraser, Nancy
- Jaeggi, Rahel
- Lazzarato, Maurizio
- Méda, Dominique; Vendramin, Patricia
- Smith, Chris
- Smith, Tony
- Tausig, Mark; Fenwick, Rudy
- Vercellone, Carlo
- Zuboff, Shoshana
- Angella, Marco
Foreign Countries
- Shostak, Marjorie
Foreign Labor
- Homze, Edward L
Foreign Policy
- Aguilar, Filomeno V
Foreign Trade
- Cole, George Douglas Howard
- Hines, Andy
- Breen, Keith
- Under Weber’s Shadow: Modernity, Subjectivity and Politics in Habermas, Arendt and MacIntyre (2016) (p.168)
- Under Weber’s Shadow: Modernity, Subjectivity and Politics in Habermas, Arendt and MacIntyre (2016) (p.169)
- Under Weber’s Shadow: Modernity, Subjectivity and Politics in Habermas, Arendt and MacIntyre (2016) (p.185)
- Under Weber’s Shadow: Modernity, Subjectivity and Politics in Habermas, Arendt and MacIntyre (2016)
- Barca, Stefania
- Foucault, M
- On The Government of the Living: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1979-1980 (2014) (p.10)
- On The Government of the Living: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1979-1980 (2014) (p.128)
- On The Government of the Living: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1979-1980 (2014) (p.143)
- On The Government of the Living: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1979-1980 (2014)
- Foucault, Michel
- The Care of the Self: Volume 3 of the history of sexuality (1986) (p.18)
- The Care of the Self: Volume 3 of the history of sexuality (1986) (p.32)
- The Care of the Self: Volume 3 of the history of sexuality (1986) (p.74)
- The Care of the Self: Volume 3 of the history of sexuality (1986)
- The History of Sexuality: The use of pleasure (1988) (p.152)
- The History of Sexuality: The use of pleasure (1988) (p.155)
- The History of Sexuality: The use of pleasure (1988) (p.158)
- The History of Sexuality: The use of pleasure (1988)
- Abnormal: lectures at the Collège de France, 1974-1975 (2003) (p.48)
- Abnormal: lectures at the Collège de France, 1974-1975 (2003)
- Society must be Defended (2003) (p.194)
- Society must be Defended (2003) (p.241)
- Society must be Defended (2003) (p.31)
- Society must be Defended (2003) (p.35)
- Society must be Defended (2003)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.335)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.53)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.54)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.62)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.63)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.65)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.66)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.68)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.69)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.71)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.72)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.73)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.77)
- History of Madness (2013)
Foucauldian Labour Process Theory
- Wray-Bliss, Edward
Foucauldian Resistance
- Mumby, Dennis K; Thomas, Robyn; Martí, Ignasi; Seidl, David
- Adler, Paul S; du Gay, Paul; Morgan, Glenn; Reed, Michael
- Alakavuklar, Ozan Nadir; Alamgir, Fahreen
- "Ethics of resistance in organisations: A conceptual proposal" (2018) (p.32)
- "Ethics of resistance in organisations: A conceptual proposal" (2018) (p.35)
- "Ethics of resistance in organisations: A conceptual proposal" (2018)
- Alcadipani, R; Hassard, J; Islam, G
- "“I Shot the Sheriff”: Irony, Sarcasm and the Changing Nature of Workplace Resistance" (2018) (p.1454)
- "“I Shot the Sheriff”: Irony, Sarcasm and the Changing Nature of Workplace Resistance" (2018)
- Allard-Poesi, F; Hollet-Haudebert, S
- "The sound of silence: Measuring suffering at work" (2017) (p.1443)
- "The sound of silence: Measuring suffering at work" (2017)
- Atzert, Thomas; translated by Frederick Peters
- "About Immaterial Labor and Biopower" (2006) (p.58)
- "About Immaterial Labor and Biopower" (2006) (p.63)
- "About Immaterial Labor and Biopower" (2006)
- Bain, Peter; Taylor, Phil
- "Entrapped by the ‘electronic panopticon’? Worker resistance in the call centre" (2000) (p.16)
- "Entrapped by the ‘electronic panopticon’? Worker resistance in the call centre" (2000) (p.3)
- "Entrapped by the ‘electronic panopticon’? Worker resistance in the call centre" (2000) (p.4)
- "Entrapped by the ‘electronic panopticon’? Worker resistance in the call centre" (2000) (p.5)
- "Entrapped by the ‘electronic panopticon’? Worker resistance in the call centre" (2000)
- Banks, Mark
- "Autonomy Guaranteed? Cultural Work and the “Art–Commerce Relation”" (2010) (p.256)
- "Autonomy Guaranteed? Cultural Work and the “Art–Commerce Relation”" (2010) (p.257)
- "Autonomy Guaranteed? Cultural Work and the “Art–Commerce Relation”" (2010) (p.260)
- "Autonomy Guaranteed? Cultural Work and the “Art–Commerce Relation”" (2010)
- Bantwal Rao, Mithun; Jongerden, Joost; Lemmens, Pieter; Ruivenkamp, Guido
- Barratt *, Edward
- Barratt, Edward
- "The later Foucault in organization and management studies" (2008) (p.516)
- "The later Foucault in organization and management studies" (2008) (p.519)
- "The later Foucault in organization and management studies" (2008) (p.523)
- "The later Foucault in organization and management studies" (2008)
- Bell, Emma; Taylor, Scott
- "The Elevation of Work: Pastoral Power and the New Age Work Ethic" (2003) (p.337)
- "The Elevation of Work: Pastoral Power and the New Age Work Ethic" (2003) (p.340)
- "The Elevation of Work: Pastoral Power and the New Age Work Ethic" (2003)
- Biti, Vladimir
- "The Ethical Appeal of the Indifferent: Maurice Blanchot and Michel Foucault" (2021) (p.375)
- "The Ethical Appeal of the Indifferent: Maurice Blanchot and Michel Foucault" (2021)
- Blanchot, Maurice
- Michel Foucault Tel Que Je L'Imagine (1986) (p.17)
- Michel Foucault Tel Que Je L'Imagine (1986)
- The Work of Fire (1995)
- Brewis, Joanna
- Burrell, Gibson
- Carter, Chris
- "A Curiously British Story: Foucault Goes to Business School" (2008) (p.16)
- "A Curiously British Story: Foucault Goes to Business School" (2008) (p.26)
- "A Curiously British Story: Foucault Goes to Business School" (2008)
- Clegg, Stewart R; Courpasson, David; Phillips, Nelson
- Clegg, Stewart
- "Weber and Foucault: Social Theory for the Study of Organizations" (1994)
- "Foucault, power and organizations" (1998) (p.30)
- "Foucault, power and organizations" (1998) (p.38)
- "Foucault, power and organizations" (1998)
- "Bureaucracy, the Holocaust and Techniques of Power at Work" (2009)
- Crane, Andrew; Knights, David; Starkey, Ken
- "The Conditions of Our Freedom: Foucault, Organization, and Ethics" (2008) (p.300)
- "The Conditions of Our Freedom: Foucault, Organization, and Ethics" (2008)
- Curtis, Rowland
- "Foucault beyond Fairclough: From Transcendental to Immanent Critique in Organization Studies" (2014) (p.1755)
- "Foucault beyond Fairclough: From Transcendental to Immanent Critique in Organization Studies" (2014)
- Dalgliesh, Bregham
- "Foucault and creative resistance in organisations" (2009) (p.45)
- "Foucault and creative resistance in organisations" (2009) (p.46)
- "Foucault and creative resistance in organisations" (2009)
- Davis, George V
- Deetz, S
- Deleuze, Gilles
- Deranty, Jean-Philippe
- "Historical Objections to the Centrality of Work" (2015)
- "Lost Paradigm: the Fate of Work in post-war French Philosophy" (2016)
- du Plessis, Erik Mygind
- Ek, Richard; Fougère, Martin; Skålén, Per
- "Revisiting Foucault through reading Agamben: implications for workplace subjectification, desubjectification and the dark side of organizations" (2007) (p.4)
- "Revisiting Foucault through reading Agamben: implications for workplace subjectification, desubjectification and the dark side of organizations" (2007)
- Feldman, Alex J
- "Power, labour power and productive force in Foucault’s reading of Capital" (2019) (p.312)
- "Power, labour power and productive force in Foucault’s reading of Capital" (2019) (p.318)
- "Power, labour power and productive force in Foucault’s reading of Capital" (2019)
- Fernie, Sue; Metcalf, David
- (Not)hanging on the telephone: payment systems in the new sweatshops (1998) (p.2)
- (Not)hanging on the telephone: payment systems in the new sweatshops (1998) (p.8)
- (Not)hanging on the telephone: payment systems in the new sweatshops (1998) (p.9)
- (Not)hanging on the telephone: payment systems in the new sweatshops (1998)
- Findlay, Patricia; Newton, Tim
- "Re-Framing Foucault the Case of Performance Appraisal" (1998) (p.214)
- "Re-Framing Foucault the Case of Performance Appraisal" (1998)
- Fleming, Peter
- Foucault, M
- On The Government of the Living: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1979-1980 (2014) (p.10)
- On The Government of the Living: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1979-1980 (2014) (p.128)
- On The Government of the Living: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1979-1980 (2014) (p.143)
- On The Government of the Living: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1979-1980 (2014)
- Foucault, Michel
- The history of sexuality: An introduction, volume I (1978) (p.113)
- The history of sexuality: An introduction, volume I (1978) (p.120)
- The history of sexuality: An introduction, volume I (1978) (p.126)
- The history of sexuality: An introduction, volume I (1978) (p.136)
- The history of sexuality: An introduction, volume I (1978) (p.25)
- The history of sexuality: An introduction, volume I (1978) (p.36)
- The history of sexuality: An introduction, volume I (1978) (p.5)
- The history of sexuality: An introduction, volume I (1978) (p.95)
- The history of sexuality: An introduction, volume I (1978)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.120)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.121)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.150)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.174)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.200)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.202)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.203)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.205)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.215)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.232)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.233)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.240)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.241)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.242)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.244)
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979) (p.285)
- The Care of the Self: Volume 3 of the history of sexuality (1986) (p.18)
- The Care of the Self: Volume 3 of the history of sexuality (1986) (p.32)
- The Care of the Self: Volume 3 of the history of sexuality (1986) (p.74)
- The Care of the Self: Volume 3 of the history of sexuality (1986)
- The History of Sexuality: The use of pleasure (1988) (p.152)
- The History of Sexuality: The use of pleasure (1988) (p.155)
- The History of Sexuality: The use of pleasure (1988) (p.158)
- The History of Sexuality: The use of pleasure (1988)
- Archaeology of Knowledge (2002) (p.194)
- Archaeology of Knowledge (2002) (p.197)
- Archaeology of Knowledge (2002)
- Abnormal: lectures at the Collège de France, 1974-1975 (2003) (p.48)
- Abnormal: lectures at the Collège de France, 1974-1975 (2003)
- Society must be Defended (2003) (p.194)
- Society must be Defended (2003) (p.241)
- Society must be Defended (2003) (p.31)
- Society must be Defended (2003) (p.35)
- Society must be Defended (2003)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004) (p.107)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004) (p.13)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004) (p.352)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004) (p.74)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004) (p.79)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.107)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.127)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.152)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.154)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.156)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.213)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.214)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.49)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.51)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.65)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.70)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.72)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.73)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.75)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.79)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.80)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.81)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008) (p.83)
- Psychiatric power: Lectures at the college de france, 1973--1974 (2008)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.335)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.53)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.54)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.62)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.63)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.65)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.66)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.68)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.69)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.71)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.72)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.73)
- History of Madness (2013) (p.77)
- History of Madness (2013)
- Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (2017) (p.126)
- Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (2017) (p.135)
- Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (2017) (p.216)
- Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (2017) (p.41)
- Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (2017)
- Garrett, Paul Michael
- Harley, Bill
- Haunschild, Axel
- Hodgson, Damian E
- Hollinshead, Keith
- "Surveillance of the worlds of tourism: Foucault and the eye-of-power" (1999) (p.15)
- "Surveillance of the worlds of tourism: Foucault and the eye-of-power" (1999)
- Honneth, Axel; Joas, Hans
- Ibarra-Colado, Eduardo; Clegg, Stewart R; Rhodes, Carl; Kornberger, Martin
- "The ethics of managerial subjectivity" (2006) (p.46)
- "The ethics of managerial subjectivity" (2006)
- Jackson, Norman; Carter, Pippa
- Jones, Campbell
- Just, Daniel
- "A Biopolitics of Immaterial Labor" (2016) (p.403)
- "A Biopolitics of Immaterial Labor" (2016) (p.404)
- "A Biopolitics of Immaterial Labor" (2016) (p.405)
- "A Biopolitics of Immaterial Labor" (2016) (p.409)
- "A Biopolitics of Immaterial Labor" (2016) (p.414)
- "A Biopolitics of Immaterial Labor" (2016)
- "The Invention of Work in Modernity: Hegel, Marx, and Weber" (2017)
- Kelly, Peter
- Knights, David; Willmott, Hugh
- "Power and Subjectivity at Work: From Degradation to Subjugation in Social Relations" (1989) (p.550)
- "Power and Subjectivity at Work: From Degradation to Subjugation in Social Relations" (1989)
- Knights, David
- "Writing Organizational Analysis into Foucault" (2002) (p.576)
- "Writing Organizational Analysis into Foucault" (2002)
- "The grand refusal? Struggling with alternative Foucauldian inspired approaches to resistance at work" (2016)
- Lloyd, Anthony
- "Ideology at work: reconsidering ideology, the labour process and workplace resistance" (2017) (p.268)
- "Ideology at work: reconsidering ideology, the labour process and workplace resistance" (2017)
- Lotringer, Sylvère; Hochroth, Lysa; Johnston, John
- Foucault Live: Collected Interviews, 1961--1984 (1996) (p.187)
- Foucault Live: Collected Interviews, 1961--1984 (1996)
- McKinlay, A; Starkey, K
- McKinlay, Alan; Starkey, Ken
- McKinlay, Alan
- Mumby, Dennis K; Thomas, Robyn; Martí, Ignasi; Seidl, David
- Norbäck, Maria
- "Glimpses of resistance: Entrepreneurial subjectivity and freelance journalist work" (2019) (p.3)
- "Glimpses of resistance: Entrepreneurial subjectivity and freelance journalist work" (2019) (p.4)
- "Glimpses of resistance: Entrepreneurial subjectivity and freelance journalist work" (2019) (p.5)
- "Glimpses of resistance: Entrepreneurial subjectivity and freelance journalist work" (2019)
- O'Neill, John
- "The Disciplinary Society: From Weber to Foucault" (1986) (p.43)
- "The Disciplinary Society: From Weber to Foucault" (1986)
- Oksala, Johanna
- "Affective Labor and Feminist Politics" (2016) (p.289)
- "Affective Labor and Feminist Politics" (2016)
- Parker, Martin
- Porter, Roy
- "Foucault's great confinement" (1990) (p.47)
- "Foucault's great confinement" (1990) (p.49)
- "Foucault's great confinement" (1990)
- Raffnsøe, Sverre; Gudmand-Høyer, Marius; Thaning, Morten S
- "Foucault’s dispositive: The perspicacity of dispositive analytics in organizational research" (2016) (p.272)
- "Foucault’s dispositive: The perspicacity of dispositive analytics in organizational research" (2016) (p.274)
- "Foucault’s dispositive: The perspicacity of dispositive analytics in organizational research" (2016)
- Raffnsøe, Sverre; Mennicken, Andrea; Miller, Peter
- "The Foucault Effect in Organization Studies" (2019) (p.156)
- "The Foucault Effect in Organization Studies" (2019) (p.162)
- "The Foucault Effect in Organization Studies" (2019) (p.175)
- "The Foucault Effect in Organization Studies" (2019)
- Rowlinson, Michael; Carter, Chris
- "Foucault and History in Organization Studies" (2002) (p.527)
- "Foucault and History in Organization Studies" (2002)
- Sakolsky, Ron
- "“Disciplinary Power,” The Labor Process, and the Constitution of the Laboring Subject" (1992) (p.114)
- "“Disciplinary Power,” The Labor Process, and the Constitution of the Laboring Subject" (1992) (p.115)
- "“Disciplinary Power,” The Labor Process, and the Constitution of the Laboring Subject" (1992) (p.117)
- "“Disciplinary Power,” The Labor Process, and the Constitution of the Laboring Subject" (1992) (p.118)
- "“Disciplinary Power,” The Labor Process, and the Constitution of the Laboring Subject" (1992)
- Savage, Mikel
- "Discipline, surveillance and the'career': Employment on the Great Western Railway 1833-1914" (1998)
- Schaff, Kory
- Siebert, Sabina; Mills, Vince
- "The quest for autonomy: a Foucauldian perspective on work‐based research" (2007) (p.310)
- "The quest for autonomy: a Foucauldian perspective on work‐based research" (2007) (p.311)
- "The quest for autonomy: a Foucauldian perspective on work‐based research" (2007)
- Suuronen, Ville
- "Resisting Biopolitics: Hannah Arendt as a Thinker of Automation, Social Rights, and Basic Income" (2018) (p.48)
- "Resisting Biopolitics: Hannah Arendt as a Thinker of Automation, Social Rights, and Basic Income" (2018)
- "The rise of the homme machine: Carl Schmitt’s critique of biotechnology and utopias" (2020)
- Thompson, Paul; Ackroyd, Stephen
- Vallas, Steven P; Christin, Angèle
- "Work and Identity in an Era of Precarious Employment: How Workers Respond to “Personal Branding” Discourse" (2018) (p.10)
- "Work and Identity in an Era of Precarious Employment: How Workers Respond to “Personal Branding” Discourse" (2018) (p.7)
- "Work and Identity in an Era of Precarious Employment: How Workers Respond to “Personal Branding” Discourse" (2018) (p.9)
- "Work and Identity in an Era of Precarious Employment: How Workers Respond to “Personal Branding” Discourse" (2018)
- Villadsen, Kaspar
- "‘The Dispositive’: Foucault’s Concept for Organizational Analysis?" (2019) (p.2)
- "‘The Dispositive’: Foucault’s Concept for Organizational Analysis?" (2019)
- Välikangas, Anita; Seeck, Hannele
- "Exploring the Foucauldian interpretation of power and subject in organizations" (2011) (p.13)
- "Exploring the Foucauldian interpretation of power and subject in organizations" (2011) (p.8)
- "Exploring the Foucauldian interpretation of power and subject in organizations" (2011)
- Wang, Jing
- Watson, Tony; Korczynski, Marek
- Willmott, Hugh
- Wray-Bliss, Edward
Fourth Industiral Revolution
- Rainnie, Al; Dean, Mark
- "Industry 4.0 and the future of quality work in the global digital economy" (2020) (p.19)
- "Industry 4.0 and the future of quality work in the global digital economy" (2020) (p.20)
- "Industry 4.0 and the future of quality work in the global digital economy" (2020) (p.27)
- "Industry 4.0 and the future of quality work in the global digital economy" (2020)
Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Abe, Ethel Ndidiamaka; Abe, Isaac Idowu; Adisa, Olalekan
- Berger, Thor; Frey, Carl Benedikt
- Bessant, Judith; Watts, Rob
- Casilli, A A
- Dijmărescu, Irina; Ionescu, Luminița
- Hammer, Anita; Karmakar, Suparna
- Harayama, Yuko; Milano, Michela; Baldwin, Richard; Antonin, Céline; Berg, Janine; Karvar, Anousheh; Wyckoff, Andrew
- Morgan, Jamie
- "Will we work in twenty-first century capitalism? A critique of the fourth industrial revolution literature" (2019) (p.376)
- "Will we work in twenty-first century capitalism? A critique of the fourth industrial revolution literature" (2019) (p.377)
- "Will we work in twenty-first century capitalism? A critique of the fourth industrial revolution literature" (2019) (p.379)
- "Will we work in twenty-first century capitalism? A critique of the fourth industrial revolution literature" (2019) (p.380)
- "Will we work in twenty-first century capitalism? A critique of the fourth industrial revolution literature" (2019) (p.390)
- "Will we work in twenty-first century capitalism? A critique of the fourth industrial revolution literature" (2019) (p.391)
- "Will we work in twenty-first century capitalism? A critique of the fourth industrial revolution literature" (2019)
- Murcio, Ricardo; Scalzo, Germán; Pinto, Javier
- Schwab, Klaus; Samans, Richard
- Smith, Adrian; Fressoli, Mariano
Fourth Revolution
- Hong, Jisu
- DeGroat, Judith Ann
Franchise Governments
Frankfurt School
- Feenberg, Andrew
- "Critical theory of technology: An overview" (2008) (p.32)
- "Critical theory of technology: An overview" (2008) (p.33)
- "Critical theory of technology: An overview" (2008) (p.38)
- "Critical theory of technology: An overview" (2008) (p.44)
- "Critical theory of technology: An overview" (2008)
- Honneth, Axel
- Horkheimer, Max; Adorno, Theodor; Noeri, Gunzelin
- Postone, Moishe
- Smith, Nicholas H; Deranty, Jean-Philippe
- Tweedie, Dale
Frankfurt School Of Social Research
- Boston, Timothy
- "New Directions for a Critical Theory of Work: Reading Honneth Through Deranty" (2018) (p.111)
- "New Directions for a Critical Theory of Work: Reading Honneth Through Deranty" (2018) (p.112)
- "New Directions for a Critical Theory of Work: Reading Honneth Through Deranty" (2018) (p.115)
- "New Directions for a Critical Theory of Work: Reading Honneth Through Deranty" (2018) (p.116)
- "New Directions for a Critical Theory of Work: Reading Honneth Through Deranty" (2018) (p.119)
- "New Directions for a Critical Theory of Work: Reading Honneth Through Deranty" (2018)
- Fraser, Nancy; Jaeggi, Rahel
- Rosser, Gervase
- van Diest, Han; Dankbaar, Ben
Free Labour
- Anderson, Elizabeth
- Kennedy, Geoff
- Kessler-Harris, Alice
- Terranova, Tiziana
- Weber, Max
Free Market
- Cole, George Douglas Howard
- Kessler-Harris, Alice
- Standing, Guy
- Ward, Lee
Free Markets
- MacIntyre, Alasdair
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.146)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.147)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.148)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.156)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.181)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.182)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.184)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.185)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.191)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.192)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.193)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.196)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.197)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.199)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.28)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.34)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.35)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.39)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.64)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006) (p.70)
- Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2 (2006)
Free Time
- Estlund, Cynthia
- Gorz, André
- Critique of Economic Reason (1989) (p.122)
- Critique of Economic Reason (1989) (p.66)
- Critique of Economic Reason (1989) (p.68)
- Roediger, David R; Foner, Philip Sheldon
- Rojek, Chris
- Timmermann, Cristian
- Adorno, Theodor
- Free Time (2001) (p.187)
- Free Time (2001) (p.188)
- Free Time (2001) (p.189)
- Free Time (2001) (p.190)
- Free Time (2001) (p.192)
- Anderson, Elizabeth
- "The Quest for Free Labor: Pragmatism and Experiments in Emancipation" (2014)
- "Equality and Freedom in the Workplace: Recovering Republican Insights" (2015)
- Anthony, Peter D
- Arendt, Hannah
- The Human Condition (1958) (p.306)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.121)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.259)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.260)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.262)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.274)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.49)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.61)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.63)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.64)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.66)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.68)
- On Revolution (1963)
- Banks, Mark
- "Autonomy Guaranteed? Cultural Work and the “Art–Commerce Relation”" (2010) (p.256)
- "Autonomy Guaranteed? Cultural Work and the “Art–Commerce Relation”" (2010) (p.257)
- "Autonomy Guaranteed? Cultural Work and the “Art–Commerce Relation”" (2010) (p.260)
- "Autonomy Guaranteed? Cultural Work and the “Art–Commerce Relation”" (2010)
- Baum, Bruce
- Black, Bob
- Blauner, Robert
- Breen, K
- "Freedom, Democracy, and Working Life" (2015) (p.471)
- "Freedom, Democracy, and Working Life" (2015) (p.477)
- "Freedom, Democracy, and Working Life" (2015)
- "Non-domination, workplace republicanism, and the justification of worker voice and control" (2017)
- Breen, Keith; Hirvonen, Onni
- Breen, Keith
- "Freedom, Republicanism, and Workplace Democracy" (2015)
- "Meaningful Work and Freedom: Self-Realization, Autonomy, and Non-domination in Work" (2019)
- "Meaningful Work and Freedom: Self-realization, Autonomy, and Non-domination in Work" (2019)
- Calvão, Filipe
- Chamberlain, James A
- Chiaburu, Dan S; Thundiyil, Tomas; Wang, Jiexin
- Christman, John
- "Liberalism and Individual Positive Freedom" (1991)
- "Freedom in Times of Struggle: Positive Liberty, Again" (2015)
- Cohen, G A; Cohen, Gerald Allan
- Cole, George Douglas Howard
- Self-government in Industry (1917)
- Labour in the Commonwealth (1918)
- Chaos and Order in Industry (1920)
- Guild Socialism Restated (1920)
- Crane, Andrew; Knights, David; Starkey, Ken
- "The Conditions of Our Freedom: Foucault, Organization, and Ethics" (2008) (p.300)
- "The Conditions of Our Freedom: Foucault, Organization, and Ethics" (2008)
- Dalgliesh, Bregham
- "Foucault and creative resistance in organisations" (2009) (p.45)
- "Foucault and creative resistance in organisations" (2009) (p.46)
- "Foucault and creative resistance in organisations" (2009)
- Danaher, John
- "Will Life Be Worth Living in a World Without Work? Technological Unemployment and the Meaning of Life" (2017)
- "Freedom in an Age of Algocracy" (n.d.)
- Dashtipour, Parisa
- "Freedom through Work: The Psychosocial, Affect and Work" (2014) (p.6)
- "Freedom through Work: The Psychosocial, Affect and Work" (2014)
- Davis, George V
- De Beauvoir, Simone
- The Second Sex (2011) (p.538)
- Deetz, S
- Elliott, John E
- Ezorsky, Gertrude
- Fischbach, Franck
- Foucault, Michel
- The History of Sexuality: The use of pleasure (1988) (p.152)
- The History of Sexuality: The use of pleasure (1988) (p.155)
- The History of Sexuality: The use of pleasure (1988) (p.158)
- The History of Sexuality: The use of pleasure (1988)
- Gilliom, John; Monahan, Torin
- Gould, Carol C
- Rethinking Democracy: Freedom and Social Co-operation in Politics, Economy, and Society (1988)
- Rethinking Democracy: Freedom and Social Co-operation in Politics, Economy, and Society (1990)
- Gourevitch, Alex
- Gutman, Herbert George
- Hao, Luo
- Hodson, Randy
- Honneth, Axel
- Illich, Ivan
- Kennedy, Geoff
- Lafargue, Paul
- Linhart, Danièle
- Lovett, Frank
- Lovink, Geert; Scholz, Trebor
- Mansfield; Harvey, C
- McBride, Cillian
- Mei, Todd S
- Mill, John Stuart
- Méda, Dominique
- "Quelques notes pour en finir (vraiment) avec la « fin du travail »" (2001)
- "Est-il possible de libérer le travail ?" (2010)
- Nancy, Jean-Luc
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits (1996) (p.177)
- Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits (1996) (p.382)
- Pavlish, Carol L; Hunt, Roberta J; Sato, Hui-Wen; Brown-Saltzman, Katherine
- Pettit, Philip
- "Republican Freedom and Contestatory Democratization" (1999)
- A Theory of Freedom: From the Psychology to the Politics of Agency (2001)
- Just Freedom: A Moral Compass for a Complex World (2014)
- Raventos, Daniel
- Rawls, John
- Rojek, Chris
- Rostbøll, Christian F
- Schaff, Kory
- Schatz, Holger; Woeldike, Andrea
- Schoolman, Morton
- Sennett, Richard
- Shiva, Vandana; Mies, Maria
- van Diest, Han; Dankbaar, Ben
- Van Parijs, Philippe
- Widerquist, K
- Wolfe, Alan
- Xenophon
- Memorabilia. Oeconomicus. Symposium. Apology (1997) (p.161)
- Memorabilia. Oeconomicus. Symposium. Apology (1997) (p.163)
- Yeoman, Ruth; Bailey, Catherine; Madden, Adrian; Thompson, Marc
- Yeoman, Ruth
Freedom Fantasy
- Shymko, Yuliya; Frémeaux, Sandrine
- "Escaping the Fantasy Land of Freedom in Organizations: The Contribution of Hannah Arendt" (2021) (p.10)
- "Escaping the Fantasy Land of Freedom in Organizations: The Contribution of Hannah Arendt" (2021) (p.2)
- "Escaping the Fantasy Land of Freedom in Organizations: The Contribution of Hannah Arendt" (2021) (p.7)
- "Escaping the Fantasy Land of Freedom in Organizations: The Contribution of Hannah Arendt" (2021)
Freedom Of Information
- Monti, Matteo
Freelance Work
- Fish, Adam; Srinivasan, Ramesh
- Graham, Mark; Hjorth, Isis; Lehdonvirta, Vili
- Fayard, Anne-Laure
- Bataille, Georges
- Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 (1985) (p.106)
- Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 (1985) (p.125)
- Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 (1985) (p.138)
- Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 (1985) (p.217)
- Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 (1985) (p.228)
- Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 (1985) (p.8)
- Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 (1985) (p.99)
- Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 (1985)
- The Accursed Share (1988) (p.109)
- The Accursed Share (1988) (p.119)
- The Accursed Share (1988) (p.120)
- The Accursed Share (1988) (p.124)
- The Accursed Share (1988) (p.139)
- The Accursed Share (1988) (p.141)
- The Accursed Share (1988) (p.153)
- The Accursed Share (1988) (p.167)
- The Accursed Share (1988) (p.35)
- The Accursed Share (1988) (p.36)
- The Accursed Share (1988) (p.37)
- The Accursed Share (1988) (p.46)
- The Accursed Share (1988) (p.56)
- The Accursed Share (1988) (p.57)
- The Accursed Share (1988) (p.76)
- The Accursed Share (1988)
- Theory of Religion (1989) (p.101)
- Theory of Religion (1989) (p.41)
- Theory of Religion (1989) (p.49)
- Theory of Religion (1989) (p.51)
- Theory of Religion (1989)
- Bergson, Henri
- L'Evolution créatrice (1996) (p.138)
- Blanchot, Maurice
- The Space of Literature: A Translation of "l'Espace Littéraire" (2015) (p.20)
- The Space of Literature: A Translation of "l'Espace Littéraire" (2015) (p.21)
- The Space of Literature: A Translation of "l'Espace Littéraire" (2015) (p.53)
- The Space of Literature: A Translation of "l'Espace Littéraire" (2015)
- Cukier, Alexis
- Foucault, Michel
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004) (p.107)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004) (p.13)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004) (p.352)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004) (p.74)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004) (p.79)
- Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978 (2004)
- Habermas, Jürgen; Lawrence, Frederick
- Horn, Jeff
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
French Context
- Auer, Peter; Besse, Geneviève; Méda, Dominique
- Boyer, Robert; Freyssenet, Michel
- Dauvé, Gilles
- Davoine, Lucie; Méda, Dominique
- Derfler, Leslie
- "Paul Lafargue and the Beginnings of Marxism in France" (1991)
- Paul Lafargue and the Founding of French Marxism, 1842-1882 (1991)
- Paul Lafargue and the Flowering of French Socialism, 1882-1911 (2009)
- Georges, N; Méda, D; Trancart, D
- Howorth, Jolyon
- Lallement, Michel; Marry, Catherine; Loriol, Marc; Molinier, Pascale; Gollac, Michel; Marichalar, Pascal; Martin, Emmanuel
- Lallement, Michel
- Lefebvre, Alain; Méda, Dominique
- Linhart, Danièle
- "The Shortcomings of an Organizational Revolution That Is out of Step" (1993)
- "What Change in French Firms? The Impact of Structural Change on French Industry" (1993)
- Méda, Dominique; Vendramin, Patricia
- Méda, Dominique
- "Comment mesurer la valeur accordée au travail ?" (2010)
- "Réduire le temps de travail reste la solution !" (2013)
- "Pourquoi la gauche de gouvernement a-t-elle oublié le travail ?" (2017)
- "Repenser le travail et l’emploi par l’écologie" (2017)
- Pollard, Sidney; Salt, John
- Rebérioux, Madeleine
- Seidman, Michael
- Simonet, Maud
- "In Between Volunteer Work and Employment: Youth Civic Service in France and in the United States" (2009)
- Le travail bénévole. Engagement citoyen ou travail gratuit? (2010)
- "Le monde associatif: entre travail et engagement" (2012)
- Smith, Chris
- Touraine, Alain; Wieviorka, Michel; Dubet, François
French Existentialism
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
French Government
- Méda, Dominique
French History
French Language
- Blanchot, Maurice
- Cukier, Alexis
French Philosophy
- Deranty, Jean-Philippe
- Honneth, Axel
French Revolution
- Arendt, Hannah
- On Revolution (1963) (p.121)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.259)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.260)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.262)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.274)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.49)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.61)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.63)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.64)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.66)
- On Revolution (1963) (p.68)
- On Revolution (1963)
- Brown, Kathryn
- Hobsbawm, Eric
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- The Will to Power (1968) (p.175)
- The Will to Power (1968) (p.195)
- The Will to Power (1968) (p.349)
- The Will to Power (1968) (p.48)
- The Will to Power (1968) (p.58)
French Social Theory
- Findlay, Patricia; Newton, Tim
- Dejours, Christophe
- Deranty, Jean-Philippe
- Pelletier, Caroline; Buchan, Kay; Hall-Jackson, Megan
- "Learning from failure: Exploring the psychodynamics of work in a clinical simulation centre" (2019)
- Sennett, Richard
- Stiegler, Bernard
Frey And Osborne
- Bursley, Matthew
- Illéssy, Miklós; Huszár, Ákos; Makó, Csaba
- McLeod, Alister; Harris, Karleah; Smallwood, Jim
- Mkansi, Marcia; Landman, Nico
- Stephany, Fabian; Lorenz, Hanno
- Torrejón Pérez, Sergio; González Vázquez, Ignacio
- Wilson, Nikaela; Syed, Habeebullah Hussaini
- Smith, Nicholas H
- Stiegler, Bernard
Friedrich Hayek
- Zwolinski, Matt
- Plutarch
- Fournier, Valérie
Full Employment
- Mitchell, William; Reedman, Luke; Others,
- Murray, Michael J; Forstater, Mathew
- Tcherneva, Pavlina R
- "Keynes's Approach to Full Employment: Aggregate or Targeted Demand?" (2008)
- "Permanent On-The-Spot Job Creation—The Missing Keynes Plan for Full Employment and Economic Transformation" (2012)
- "Full Employment: The Road Not Taken" (2014)
- Wray, L Randall; Randall Wray, L
Fully-Automated Luxury Communism
- Smith, Adrian; Fressoli, Mariano
- Adorno, Theodor
- Minima Moralia: Reflections from Damaged Life (1991) (p.228)
- Minima Moralia: Reflections from Damaged Life (1991) (p.230)
- Aristotle
- Politics (1932) (p.571)
Functional Relating
- Follett, Mary Parker
Functional Stupidity
- Fagerberg, Johan; McKee, Kevin; Paulsen, Roland
- Paulsen, Roland
- Arruzza, Cinzia
- Bensman, Joseph; Gerver, Israel
- Deranty, Jean-Philippe
Fund Dividend
- Casassas, David; De Wispelaere, Jurgen
- Arendt, Hannah
- Between Past and Future (2006) (p.18)
- Between Past and Future (2006) (p.187)
- Between Past and Future (2006) (p.205)
- Between Past and Future (2006) (p.32)
- Between Past and Future (2006)
- Hines, Andy
- Mason, Paul
- Morris, William
- Russell, Stuart
- Stone, Peter; Brooks, Rodney; Brynjolfsson, Erik; Calo, Ryan; Etzioni, Oren; Hager, Greg; Hirschberg, Julia; Kalyanakrishnan, Shivaram; Kamar, Ece; Kraus, Sarit; Leyton-Brown, Kevin; Parkes, David; William Press; Saxenian, Annalee; Shah, Julie; Tambe, Milind; Teller, Astro
- "Artificial Intelligence and life in 2030: the one hundred year study on artificial intelligence" (2016) (p.38)
- "Artificial Intelligence and life in 2030: the one hundred year study on artificial intelligence" (2016) (p.8)
- "Artificial Intelligence and life in 2030: the one hundred year study on artificial intelligence" (2016)
Future Essentialism
- Smith, Adrian; Fressoli, Mariano
Future Of Work
- Abe, Ethel Ndidiamaka; Abe, Isaac Idowu; Adisa, Olalekan
- Aronowitz, Stanley; DiFazio, William
- Baldry, Christopher; Bain, P; Taylor, P; Hyman, J; Scholarios, D; Marks, A; Watson, A; Gilbert, Kay; Bunzel, Dirk; Gall, Gregor
- Beck, Ulrich
- Bergman, Ann; Karlsson, Jan Ch
- Bessant, Judith; Watts, Rob
- Bughin, Jacques
- Bursley, Matthew
- Casilli, A A
- Cholbi, Michael; Weber, Michael
- Dijmărescu, Irina; Ionescu, Luminița
- Eichhorst, Werner; Portela Souza, André; Cahuc, Pierre; Demazière, Didier; Fagan, Colette; Guimarães, Nadya Araujo; Fu, Huiyan; Kalleberg, Arne; Manning, Alan; McGinnity, Frances; Rapoport, Hillel; Scranton, Phil; Siegrist, Johannes; Thelen, Kathleen; Valfort, Marie-Anne; Visser, Jelle
- Fairtlough, Gerard
- Fleming, Peter
- Frank, Morgan R; Autor, David; Bessen, James E; Brynjolfsson, Erik; Cebrian, Manuel; Deming, David J; Feldman, Maryann; Groh, Matthew; Lobo, José; Moro, Esteban; Wang, Dashun; Youn, Hyejin; Rahwan, Iyad
- "Toward understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on labor" (2019) (p.6535)
- "Toward understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on labor" (2019) (p.6536)
- "Toward understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on labor" (2019)
- Frey, Carl Benedikt; Osborne, Michael A
- Granter, Edward
- Hammer, Anita; Karmakar, Suparna
- Harayama, Yuko; Milano, Michela; Baldwin, Richard; Antonin, Céline; Berg, Janine; Karvar, Anousheh; Wyckoff, Andrew
- Herzog, Lisa
- Illéssy, Miklós; Huszár, Ákos; Makó, Csaba
- Ivanov, Stanislav; Kuyumdzhiev, Mihail; Webster, Craig
- Levy, Frank
- "Computers and populism: artificial intelligence, jobs, and politics in the near term" (2018) (p.414)
- "Computers and populism: artificial intelligence, jobs, and politics in the near term" (2018)
- McLeod, Alister; Harris, Karleah; Smallwood, Jim
- Mkansi, Marcia; Landman, Nico
- Morris, William
- Méda, Dominique
- Noonan, Jeff
- Ponce, Aida
- "Labour in the Age of AI: Why Regulation is Needed to Protect Workers" (2020) (p.10)
- "Labour in the Age of AI: Why Regulation is Needed to Protect Workers" (2020) (p.12)
- "Labour in the Age of AI: Why Regulation is Needed to Protect Workers" (2020) (p.2)
- "Labour in the Age of AI: Why Regulation is Needed to Protect Workers" (2020)
- Rowe, Margie
- Schwab, Klaus; Samans, Richard
- Simon, Julian Lincoln; Easterlin, Richard A
- Sirianni, Carmen; Zuboff, Shoshana
- Sourdin, Tania
- Stephany, Fabian; Lorenz, Hanno
- Susskind, Richard
- "Artificial Intelligence and the Long Term" (2017)
- "The Future of Law, Revisited" (2017)
- Tomorrow's lawyers: An introduction to your future (2017)
- Torrejón Pérez, Sergio; González Vázquez, Ignacio
- Trusson, Clive; Woods, Frankie
- Wadley, David
- Wilson, Nikaela; Syed, Habeebullah Hussaini
Future-Of-Work Question
- Meacham, Darian; Tava, Francesco
- Mair, Simon; Druckman, Angela; Jackson, Tim