For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"The Working-Class Woman and Recruitment Propaganda during World War II: Class Differences in the Portrayal of War Work"

by Honey, Maureen (1983)


Researchers have been drawn to the World War II period as a time when women were encouraged to enter nontraditionaljobs in manufacturing, white-collar work, and service/trade fields. They have been interested in two primary questions: how war work challenged restrictive notions of the role women ought to play in public life, and why the massive employment of women in male fields did not have a greater impact on discriminatory labor patterns and conventional views of woman's place in the postwar world …

Key Passage



Social Class, Working Class, Female Labour, Womens Work, Gendered Labour, War, Warfare, World War, Division Of Labour


Women and Work, Women's Work in History

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