For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Et la tendresse, bordel !"

by Molinier, Pascale (2013)


The presence of new experts in the field of care, specialized in ethics and with a mostly theoretical training, could be seen superficially as a step forward, a moral warrant. But this view does not resist the test of facts. Ethicists and other trainers in “best practices” owe their legitimacy to a generalized suspicion toward the moral capacities of the care givers; a suspicion which these experts widely contributed to maintain and to strengthen over the last fifteen years, through their one-sided fight against “ill-treatment,” a term imposed to legitimize and secure their market share in the management of affects.


Molinier, Sociology, Psychology, Psychodynamics, Care, Care Work, Care As Work, Ethics, Nurse, Nursing, Hospital Work, Invisible Work, Emotional Labour, Female Work, Women'S Work, Gendered Labour, Invisible Skills


Molinier, Pascale, Psychological Centrality of Work

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