References by Keywords: V
- Value
- Value Scale
- Value Theory
- Value-Form
- Values
- Vendor Managed Services
- Victorian Era
- Video Games
- Vimo
- Violence
- Violence At Work
- Virgil
- Virtual
- Virtual Geographies
- Virtual Reality
- Virtual Space
- Virtual Work
- Virtual Workplace
- Virtue
- Virtue Ethics
- Virtues
- Visibility
- Vision
- Visual Culture
- Vita Activa
- Vita Contemplativa
- Vitality
- Vitamin Model
- Vocation
- Vocational Development
- Vocational Training
- Voice
- Voluntarism
- Volunteerism
- Volvo
- Vulnerability
- Vulnerable Workers
- Adorno, Theodor
- Minima Moralia: Reflections from Damaged Life (1991) (p.228)
- Minima Moralia: Reflections from Damaged Life (1991) (p.230)
- Baudrillard, Jean
- Colletti, Lucio
- Daly, Herman E
- Dejours, Christophe; Molinier, Pascale
- Dinerstein, Ana C; Neary, Michael
- Forget, Evelyn L
- Foucault, Michel
- Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (2017) (p.126)
- Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (2017) (p.135)
- Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (2017) (p.216)
- Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (2017) (p.41)
- Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (2017)
- Hall, Matthew
- Mansfield; Harvey, C
- Marx, Karl
- Mohun, Simon
- Méda, D
- Méda, Dominique
- "Comment mesurer la valeur accordée au travail ?" (2010)
- "Est-il possible de libérer le travail ?" (2010)
- "1. La question du travail départage-t-elle encore la gauche et la droite?" (2017)
- "The Future of Work: the Meaning and Value of Work in Europe" (2017)
- Rubin, Isaak Illich
- Saad-Filho, Alfredo
- Smith, Murray E G
- Trott, Ben
- Weeks, John
Value Scale
- Locke, John
Value Theory
- Burkett, Paul; Foster, John Bellamy
- Colletti, Lucio
- Corlett, William
- De Angelis, Massimo
- Dinerstein, Ana C; Neary, Michael
- Elson, Diane
- Ganssmann, Heiner
- Gleicher, David
- Hanzel, Igor
- Locke, John
- Mohun, Simon
- Negri, Antonio
- Pitts, Frederick Harry
- "Beyond the Fragment: Postoperaismo, Postcapitalism and Marx’s ‘Notes on Machines’, 45 Years On" (2017)
- "The Fragment on Machine" (2017)
- Postone, Moishe
- Rubin, Isaak Illich
- Saad-Filho, Alfredo
- Smith, Murray E G
- Smith, Paul
- Smith, Tony
- Tribe, Keith
- Trott, Ben
- Tyler, Gus
- Vincent, Jean-Marie
- Weeks, John
- Wood, Allen
- Ganssmann, Heiner
- Bailey, Catherine; Madden, Adrian; Alfes, Kerstin; Shantz, Amanda; Soane, Emma
- Boova, Laura; Pratt, Michael G; Lepisto, Douglas A
- Bratton, John; Helms Mills, Jean C; Sawchuk, Peter
- Brief, Arthur P; Nord, Walter R
- Cheney, George
- Feenberg, Andrew
- Moore, Jason W
- Wright, Erik Olin
- Yeoman, Ruth
Vendor Managed Services
- Hoque, Kim; Kirkpatrick, Ian; Lonsdale, Chris; De Ruyter, Alex
Victorian Era
- Rivers, Bronwyn
Video Games
- Ekbia, Hamid; Nardi, Bonnie
- Just, Daniel
- Clegg, Stewart; Cunha, Miguel Pina E; Rego, Arménio
- "Explaining Suicide in Organizations: Durkheim Revisited" (2016) (p.393)
- "Explaining Suicide in Organizations: Durkheim Revisited" (2016)
- Crago, Anna-Louise
- Dewey, John
- Froines, Ann
- Igrek, A Z
- "Violence and Heterogeneity: A Response to Habermas'“Between Eroticism and General Economics: Georges Bataille”" (2004) (p.418)
- "Violence and Heterogeneity: A Response to Habermas'“Between Eroticism and General Economics: Georges Bataille”" (2004) (p.419)
- "Violence and Heterogeneity: A Response to Habermas'“Between Eroticism and General Economics: Georges Bataille”" (2004)
- Kloepfer, Deborah Kelly
- Molinier, Pascale; Vigoya, Mara Viveros
- Molinier, Pascale
- "Prévenir la violence: l’invisibilité du travail des femmes" (1999)
- "Psychodynamique du travail et rapports sociaux de sexe" (2004)
- "Le masochisme des femmes dans le travail : mythe sexiste ou défense professionnelle ?" (2006)
- "L’évitement du travail dans l’affaire des sœurs Papin. Une question toujours d’actualité?" (2012)
- Tomba, Massimiliano
Violence At Work
- Dejours, Christophe
- Irvine, Robert P
- Daugherty, Paul R; James Wilson, H
- Zuboff, Shoshana
Virtual Geographies
- Zuboff, Shoshana
Virtual Reality
Virtual Space
- Bogard, William
- Cohen, Julie E
Virtual Work
- Cherry, Miriam A
Virtual Workplace
- Arendt, Hannah
- Between Past and Future (2006) (p.18)
- Between Past and Future (2006) (p.187)
- Between Past and Future (2006) (p.205)
- Between Past and Future (2006) (p.32)
- Between Past and Future (2006)
- Aristotle
- Nichomachean Ethics, Book VI, Chapter V (1879) (p.209)
- Politics (1932) (p.197)
- Politics (1932) (p.215)
- Politics (1932) (p.293)
- Politics (1932) (p.571)
- Arnold, Denis Gordon; Harris, Jared D
- Beadle, Ron; Knight, Kelvin
- Beadle, Ron
- Bowie, Norman E
- Euripides
- Gallie, Duncan
- Hesiod
- Theogony. Works and Days. Testimonia (2018) (p.111)
- Theogony. Works and Days. Testimonia (2018) (p.119)
- Higgins, C
- "Worlds of practice: MacIntyre's challenge to applied ethics" (2010) (p.240)
- "Worlds of practice: MacIntyre's challenge to applied ethics" (2010) (p.243)
- "Worlds of practice: MacIntyre's challenge to applied ethics" (2010) (p.245)
- "Worlds of practice: MacIntyre's challenge to applied ethics" (2010) (p.248)
- "Worlds of practice: MacIntyre's challenge to applied ethics" (2010) (p.249)
- "Worlds of practice: MacIntyre's challenge to applied ethics" (2010) (p.250)
- "Worlds of practice: MacIntyre's challenge to applied ethics" (2010) (p.251)
- "Worlds of practice: MacIntyre's challenge to applied ethics" (2010) (p.252)
- "Worlds of practice: MacIntyre's challenge to applied ethics" (2010)
- MacIntyre, A C
- Dependent rational animals: Why human beings need the virtues (1999) (p.42)
- Dependent rational animals: Why human beings need the virtues (1999) (p.60)
- Dependent rational animals: Why human beings need the virtues (1999) (p.64)
- Dependent rational animals: Why human beings need the virtues (1999) (p.90)
- Dependent rational animals: Why human beings need the virtues (1999)
- MacIntyre, Alasdair
- May, Douglas R; Chen, Jiatian; Schwoerer, Catherine E; Deeg, Matthew D
- Moore, Geoff
- "On the Implications of the Practice–Institution Distinction: Macintyre and the Application of Modern Virtue Ethics to Business" (2002) (p.28)
- "On the Implications of the Practice–Institution Distinction: Macintyre and the Application of Modern Virtue Ethics to Business" (2002)
- Virtue at Work: Ethics for Individuals, Managers, and Organizations (2017)
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- The Will to Power (1968) (p.400)
- The Will to Power (1968) (p.518)
- Plutarch
- Schaff, Kory
- Xenophon
Virtue Ethics
- Arnold, Denis Gordon; Harris, Jared D
- Gal, Uri; Jensen, Tina Blegind; Stein, Mari-Klara
- von Krogh, Georg
- MacIntyre, A C
- Dependent rational animals: Why human beings need the virtues (1999) (p.42)
- Dependent rational animals: Why human beings need the virtues (1999) (p.60)
- Dependent rational animals: Why human beings need the virtues (1999) (p.64)
- Dependent rational animals: Why human beings need the virtues (1999) (p.90)
- Dependent rational animals: Why human beings need the virtues (1999)
- Allard-Poesi, F; Hollet-Haudebert, S
- Hines, Andy
Visual Culture
- Kettering, Alison M
Vita Activa
- Arendt, Hannah
- The Human Condition (1958) (p.306)
- Jansson, Inger; Wagman, Petra
- "Hannah Arendt’s vita activa: A valuable contribution to occupational science" (2017)
- "Hannah Arendt’s thoughts in relation to occupational science: A response to Turnbull" (2018)
- Jansson, Inger
- "Occupation and basic income through the lens of Arendt’s vita activa" (2020) (p.135)
- "Occupation and basic income through the lens of Arendt’s vita activa" (2020)
- Kreuzhof, Rainer
- Lima, Elizabeth Maria Freire de Araújo
- Turnbull, David
Vita Contemplativa
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
Vitamin Model
- Warr, Peter
- Badcock, G D
- Bauman, Zygmunt
- Bunderson, J Stuart; Thompson, Jeffery A
- Dik, Bryan J; Duffy, Ryan D; Eldridge, Brandy M
- Duffy, Ryan D; England, Jessica W; Dik, Bryan J
- Gallie, Duncan
- Graeber, David
- Hirschi, Andreas
- Lysova, Evgenia I
- Méda, Dominique
- Rothmann, S; Hamukang’andu, L
- Schnell, Tatjana; Hoof, Matthias
- Taylor, Rebecca; Roth, Silke
Vocational Development
- Woods, Stephen A; Edmonds, Grant W; Hampson, Sarah E; Lievens, Filip
- "How our work influences who we are: Testing a theory of vocational and personality development over fifty years" (2020) (p.2)
- "How our work influences who we are: Testing a theory of vocational and personality development over fifty years" (2020) (p.8)
- "How our work influences who we are: Testing a theory of vocational and personality development over fifty years" (2020)
Vocational Training
- Anderson, Elizabeth
- Birnbaum, Simon; De Wispelaere, Jurgen
- Bogoch, Bryna
- Fairtlough, Gerard
- Méda, D
- Simonet, Maud
- "L'État et le bénévolat en France et aux États-Unis. La double erreur de Tocqueville" (2008)
- "In Between Volunteer Work and Employment: Youth Civic Service in France and in the United States" (2009)
- Le travail bénévole. Engagement citoyen ou travail gratuit? (2010)
- "(Book Review) Making Volunteers : Civic Life after Welfare's End . Princeton/Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2011, XVIII-308 pages" (2012)
- "Le monde associatif: entre travail et engagement" (2012)
- "Postface. La passion au travail, une ambivalence à ne pas dépasser" (2015)
- "Le revenu universel à l’épreuve du travail bénévole des femmes" (2018)
- Simonet-Cusset, Maud
- Black, Bob
- Blau, Francine D
- Gallie, Duncan
- Hartmann, Heidi I
- Hofmeister, Heather
- May, Douglas R; Chen, Jiatian; Schwoerer, Catherine E; Deeg, Matthew D
- Mueller, Marnie W
- Precarious Workers Brigade; Federici, Silvia
- Rodell, Jessica B
- Schnell, Tatjana; Hoof, Matthias
- Berggren, Christian
- Barry, John
- Jaeggi, Rahel
- Raingruber, Bonnie; Wolf, Terri
- Vrousalis, Nicholas
- Widerquist, K
- Wilson, William Julius
Vulnerable Workers
- Birnbaum, Simon; De Wispelaere, Jurgen