For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Organisationale Demokratie-anregungen fur innovative Arbeitsformen jenseits blosser Partizipation?"

by Weber, Wolfgang G (1999)


Several principles and current connections of organization democracy to research topics of industrial engineering and management will be considered. Criteria for the differentiation of democratic and undemocratic participation levels are proposed. Diffusion, forms, content, prerequisites, and problems of organizational democracy are described in the context of reform enterprises, collectivist enterprises, and communitarian organizations, which all have a democratic constitution. Results are summarized that refer to connections of democratic organization structures to criteria, which are of relevance for work and organizational psychology, as well as for industrial sociology, for example work motivation, job satisfaction, readiness for cooperation, prosocial work orientations, political involvement, and economic viability. With reference to some desiderata relating to contents and methodology, stimuli for future research as well as for a transfer of several result to innovative small and medium-sized firms are give.


Workplace Democracy, Democracy, Organisational Democracy, Codetermination, Self-Management, Participation


Workplace Democracy

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