For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Meaning in Life and Work: A Developmental Perspective"

by Allan, Blake A; Duffy, Ryan D; Douglass, Richard (2015)


This study examined linear and nonlinear relations between age and the presence and search for meaning in life and examined if these relations were moderated by the presence of meaning in work. Age did not significantly relate to the presence of meaning in life, but age had a significant, negative linear relation with the search for meaning in life. Moreover, work meaning moderated the quadratic relation between age and life meaning. Specifically, people high in work meaning demonstrated negative quadratic curves, with high life meaning during middle adulthood, and people low in work meaning had positive quadratic curves, with low life meaning during middle adulthood. Work meaning also moderated the linear relation between age and the search for meaning in life with people highest in work meaning showing the strongest negative relation between age and the search for meaning in life. Limitations and implications for future research are discussed.

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Meaningful Work, Meaning Of Work, Psychology, Happiness, Well-Being, Developmental Psychology, Meaning Of Life


Meaningful Work

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