The Inoperative Community
by Nancy, Jean-Luc (1991)
Key Passage
The work - be it what we designate as "a work" or be it the community presenting itself as work (and the one is always in the other, and can be made into capital, made profitable by the other, or else exposed again) - must be offered up for communication. This does not mean that the work must be "communicable": no form of intelligibility or transmissibility is required of it. It is not a matter of a message: neither a book nor a piece of music nor a people is, as such, the vehicle or the mediator of a message. The function of the message concerns society; it does not take place in community. (p.73)
Philosophy, Community, Mythology, Communism, Literature, Love, Divinity, Individuality, CommunicationThemes
The Inoperative Community, Nancy CitationsLinks to Reference
Connor, P.; Garbus, L.; Holland, M.; Sawhney, S.Citation
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