For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Artificial intelligence and the world of work, a co‐constitutive relationship"

by Østerlund, Carsten; Jarrahi, Mohammad Hossein; Willis, Matthew; Boyd, Karen; Wolf, Christine (2020)


Abstract The use of intelligent machines digital technologies that feature data-driven forms of customization, learning, and autonomous action?is rapidly growing and will continue to impact many industries and domains. This is consequential for communities of researchers, educators, and practitioners concerned with studying, supporting, and educating information professionals. In the face of new developments in artificial intelligence (AI), the research community faces 3 questions: (a) How is AI becoming part of the world of work? (b) How is the world of work becoming part of AI? and (c) How can the information community help address this topic of Work in the Age of Intelligent Machines (WAIM)? This opinion piece considers these 3 questions by drawing on discussion from an engaging 2019 iConference workshop organized by the NSF supported WAIM research coordination network (note:

Key Passage

Artificial intelligence (AI) and its relation to work have become central in our cultural discourse, clear to even a casual reader of contemporary news and media outlets.Technological breakthroughs in the field of AI promise to change the way we organize work (Davenport & Kirby, 2016). The artful integration of AI and work, however,remains an open challenge. There is currently limited empirical understanding and research to guide the information community in this area—for example, labor, motivation, cognition, machine learning, data science, human-computer interaction, and information science, among others—in coherent ways. Such interdisciplinarity is necessary if we are to push beyond assumptions and hype to open up possibilities for diverse and inclusive AIfutures. (p.1)


Artificial Intelligence, The Future Of Work, Machine Learning, Automation, Digital Technology


Future of Work, AI and Computerisation, Automation

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