For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Feminism, Capitalism, and the Cunning of History"

by Fraser, Nancy (2012)


An introduction to my forthcoming book, this essay takes a broad, sweeping look at second-wave feminism, situating the movement’s unfolding in relation to three moments in the history of capitalism. In the irst moment, feminism posed a radical challenge to the pervasive androcentrism of “state-organized capitalism". In the second, the movement unwittingly supplied a key ingredient of what Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello call the “new spirit" of neoliberal capitalism. In the third (present) moment, of capitalist crisis, feminists have the chance to reactivate the movement’s emancipatory promise.


Feminism, Feminist Studies, Capitalism, Historiography, Historical Context, Historical Study, Family Wage, Wage, Domestic Labour, Welfare, Marx, Marxism, Colonisation, Recognition, Misrecognition, Weber, Socialism, Socialist Feminism, Postcolonialism


Social Reproduction, Women and Work, Capitalism

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