References for Theme: Social Centrality of Work
- Beck, Ulrich
- Bernstein, Paul
- Bezanson, Kate; Luxton, Meg
- Social Reproduction: Feminist Political Economy Challenges Neo-Liberalism (2006)
"Social reproduction, when valued by the market, is gendered, often racialized, and poorly remunerated. Where states no longer provided support and where purchasing services on the market was not feasible, the burden of providing additional care and work fell onto families, especially women. In Ontario under the Conservatives (1995-2003), this familializing and individualizing thrust was underlined by a rhetoric about family values and a nostalgic idealization of motherhood and community. As material supports for communities and families were cut, this family ideology blamed families--and mothers in particular--for failing to take responsibility for their members." p. 6
- Brenner, J
- Casey, Catherine
- Castel, Robert
- Castells, Manuel
- Cleaver, Harry
- De Angelis, Massimo
- Dinerstein, Ana C; Neary, Michael
- Fischbach, Franck
- Manifeste pour une philosophie sociale (2009)
- Gini, Al
- Lazarsfeld, P; Jahoda, M; Zeisel, H
- Renault, Emmanuel
- Social Suffering: Sociology, Psychology, Politics (2017)
- The Experience of Injustice: A Theory of Recognition (2019)
- Schuppert, Fabian
- "Being Equals: Analyzing the Nature of Social Egalitarian Relationships" (2015)
"The relationship between workers and managers is in many cases ultimately an issue of decision-making power and authority. In many workplaces management enjoys a wide range of decision-making powers with regard to the workers. This decision-making power includes the determination of a worker’s actual work activity (e.g., whether a worker carries out task A or task B, with A and B possibly varying quite significantly in complexity, demandingness and fulfillingness), the change of fundamental working conditions (e.g., hours of employment, access to and quality of tools and equipment, location and actual workplace, etc.) as well as the prescription of strategic...
- Smith, Nicholas H; Deranty, Jean-Philippe
- "Work, Recognition and the Social Bond: Changing Paradigms" (2011)
- "Work and the Politics of Misrecognition" (2012)
- Smith, Nicholas H; Deranty, Jean-Philippe Dr
- Standing, Guy
- Veltman, Andrea
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