For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Getting Ready for a Post-Work Future"

by Hines, Andy (2019)


Mainstream policy and scientific debates on the future of labor markets are dominated by the “next job title” approach. We propose changing this framework by examining the plausibility of a future vision that eliminates the needs for jobs as such. The article describes the major drivers pushing us toward a post-work future that are already underway, such as the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, shifts in individual values, and blurring the line between daily life activities. There are also significant obstacles to a post-work future, related to the current central role of work in one’s social life. Even though these obstacles are being addressed it may take decades for this transition to occur. Despite this, in order to overcome related challenges, it makes sense to already begin preparing for the transition. In particular, we advocate for a serious policy discussion on the post-work future, the development of programs to manage the transition and the promotion of the value of purpose and personal futures planning.


Future, Foresight, Work, Vision, Skills, Jobs, Post-Work, Capitalism, Automation, Planning, Future, Foresight, Work, Vision, Skills, Jobs, Post-Work, Capitalism, Automation, Planning


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