For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Will cognitive technology-driven automation lead to economic growth?"

by Hardingham, Eileen; Vrbka, Jaromír; Kliestik, Tomas; Kliestikova, Jana (2018)


This research synthesizes existing studies and investigates whether cognitive technology- driven automation leads to economic growth. Using and replicating data from Gartner CIO, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, PwC, and Statista, we performed analyses and made estimates regarding gross expenditure on R&D as of GDP (2018), adoption of specific artificial intelligence use cases (by category), impact of technologies on the IT department, and key concerns associated with AI-based customer service.


Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Technology, Cognitive Replacement, Worker Replacement, Customer Service, Chatbots


Economics, Automation

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