References for Theme: Feminist Arguments For Work Centrality
- De Beauvoir, Simone
- The Second Sex (2011)
(p.538) It is through work that woman has been able, to a large extent, to close the gap separating her from the male; work alone can guarantee her concrete freedom. The system based on her dependence collapses as soon as she ceases to be a parasite; there is no longer need for a masculine mediator between her and the universe. The curse on the woman vassal is that she is not allowed to do anything; so she stubbornly pursues the impossible quest for being through narcissism, love, or religion; when she is productive and active, she regains her transcendence; she affirms herself concretely as subject in her projects;...
- Delphy, Christine
- Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
- Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution (1997)
- Human Work (2005)
- Gurtler, Sabine
- Kergoat, Danièle
- Martin, Hélène; Messant, Françoise; Pannatier, Gaël; Roca i Escoda, Marta; Rosende, Magdalena; Roux, Patricia
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