References for Theme: Post-Industrial Society
- Beck, Ulrich
- Bernstein, Paul
- Casey, Catherine
- Work, Self and Society: After Industrialism (1995)
(p.2) The industrial legacy of the centrality of production and work in social and self formation hovers precipitously with the post-industrial condition in which work is declining in social primacy. Social meanings and solidarity must, eventually, be found elsewhere.”
- Work, Self and Society: After Industrialism (1995)
- Castells, Manuel
- Dyer-Witheford, Nick
- Hardt, Michael; Negri, Antonio
- Kivisto, Peter
- Lopez, Maria Milagros
- Touraine, Alain
- The Post-industrial Society: Tomorrow's Social History: Classes, Conflicts and Culture in the Programmed Society (1971)
- "Post-Industrial Classes" (1995)
- Wilson, Shaun
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