For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Post-Work Selves and Entitlement" Attitudes" in Peripheral Postindustrial Puerto Rico"

by Lopez, Maria Milagros (1994)


In November of 1991, the Institute of Puerto Rican Policy in Manhattan hosted a panel to discuss Linda Chavez's controversial book Out of the Barrio: Towards a New Politics of Hispanic Assimilation. The main concern was with the chapter on the" Puerto Rican Exception." According to Chavez, Hispanics in the United States were moving slowly but surely into the mainstream. There was only one exception: Puerto Ricans! Chavez, a member of a conservative social science think tank in Manhat-tan, expressed her concern …


Puerto Rican Context, Globalisation, Subproletarianization, Post-Industrial, Welfare Subsidy, Social Welfare, Post-Work, Subjectivity, Gender Issues, Unwork, Politics, Historical Analysis


Post-Work Society, Post-Industrial Society

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