For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

Fair Work: Ethics, Social Policy, Globalization

by Schaff, Kory (2017)


Fair Work explores topics relating to work and labor at the intersection of ethics, social justice, and public policy. The volume brings together essays by scholars in philosophy, education, economics, and law that draw our attention to significant issues raised by the transformation of modern work. The first part examines work in the context of traditional ethical issues such as virtue, dignity, and justice, while the second part includes critical investigations at the intersection of ethics, social policy, and globalization on topics such as education and job credentials, happiness in the workplace, women and exploitation, open borders and migrant labor, and human rights. This volume will be of interest to students, professors, social scientists, policy makers, and informed citizens trying to understand the complex issues facing workers in the era of globalization.


Fair Work, Virtue, Happiness, Gender, Exploitation, Open Borders, Migrant Labor, Human Rights, Globalisation, Social Justice, Political Economy


Ethical Centrality of Work

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