For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Prévenir la violence: l’invisibilité du travail des femmes"

by Molinier, Pascale (1999)


Womanly activities are socially oriented by the concern for the other. Relying on the analysis of the work of nurses and medical assistants, the author sustains the idea that the arising of undergone and generated violence in feminine activities cannot be studied before having shown the invisible work that women do to prevent from violence.


Molinier, Sociology, Psychology, Psychodynamics, Care, Care Work, Care As Work, Nurse, Nursing, Female Work, Women'S Work, Gendered Labour, Invisible Skills, Invisible Work, Authenticity, Social Construction, Hospital Work, Medicine, Violence


Molinier, Pascale, Psychological Centrality of Work



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