For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

References for Theme: Logic as the Question [1934]

  • Heidegger, Martin
    • Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
      (p.105) One talks much today about the historicity of the human being, and yet one does not come to know the essence of this historicity. One does not comprehend the inner demand that lies in the essence of historicity. This comprehending is only possible in a  transformed relationship with time, in an original experience of time. In order to incorporate this transformed time-concept into our Dasein, it is necessary to subject our kind of experiencing and understanding of time to a  fundamental change, as well as to bring about and to carry through a fundamental experience. We do not experience time...
    • Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
      (p.106) § 24. The experience of time through the experience of our determination Yet, what does "determination" mean here? In our discussion, we use the expression "determination" in a clearly defined meaning-in a determinate meaning, we could have also said, "determinate," no longer comprehended as characterization of an arbitrary thing or concept. We want to give the word "determination" a fuller, more original sense. The word can be applied at will in everyday usage. We violate it. However, this violence with which philosophy uses words and deter-mines words belongs to its essence. Only in the eyes of the philistine and columnist is...
    • Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
      (p.107) § 24. b) Labor-The second sense, which we ground on the first sense, preserves the determination as we take it over in such a  manner that we create it. Determinateness in this sense means [a] forming and fitting-together of our entire comportment and our bearing from that which is mission and mandate for us. To effect our determination, to set to work and to bring to work, in each case, according to the sphere of the creating-that means to labor. Labor is not any occupation that we attend to out of calculation, need, pastime, boredom, but labor is here the determination that...
    • Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
      (p.110) [Extract from §25. Original and derived experience of being and of time. Temporality and within-timeness.]-We have tried to make time visible as fundamental power of our Dasein. With this, it  is  already indicated that time is characteristic of the human being and belongs to him alone, that, therefore, time-belonging to the human subject-is, accordingly, something subjec-tive. According to the current determination, which we experience as our own happening, the occurrences on the earth, in plants or animals are certainly flows and processes in the framework of time, but stones, animals, plants are themselves not temporal in the original sense as...
    • Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
      (p.111) To be sure, animal and plant do not labor, not because they are carefree, but because they cannot labor. Even the horse that pulls the wagon does not labor; it is only hitched up to an event-of-labor of the human being. The machine does not labor either. That it labors is a misinterpretation of the nineteenth century. This misinterpretation of labor goes so far that physics has taken up the concept "labor" as a concept of physics. Because labor was granted to the machine, then conversely the human being as laborer was degraded into a machine-a conception that is most...
    • Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
      (p.112) [Extract from §25]-Mandate and mission, future and beeness are an original power that is connected in itself, which closed in itself determines presentness and dominates our being as historical; we characterize it as labor of the human being-labor, not as arbitrary occupation, but as the execution of the forming of and disposing over that which poses itself as task to us in work in our historical Dasein. Mandate, mission, and labor are as this unifying power at the same time the power of the attunement that carries us. 
    • Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
      (p.125) The Experience of the Essence of the Human Being from His Determination -§ 27. The in-one-another of mood, labor, mission, and mandate -The experience of being-human in and from its determination in a three-fold sense is to be raised to the light more sharply in its rendering, to be made conceptually graspable and effective for the acting understanding. 
    • Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
      (p.127) The Experience of the Essence of the Human Being from His Determination -§ 27. B) Labor -We characterized labor as the present. That shall not mean that labor is that which is respectively present at the time. Labor, according to its spirituality, is present, insofar as it transposes our being in the binding appropriate to work, in the liberation of beings themselves. (We remind ourselves that we have made the following assignment: Mandate-future; mission-beenness; labor-present, respectively, moment.) In labor and through it beings first become manifest to us in their determinate regions, and as laborer the human being is  transported into the...
    • Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
      (p.128) The Experience of the Essence of the Human Being from His Determination -[Specific Extract from § 27. B) Labor] -That is why the enjoyment of one's labor is so important. It is not a mood that only accompanies our labor; it is no addition to labor, but joy as fundamental mood is the ground of genuine labor, which in its execution first makes human beings capable of existence. 
    • Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
      (p.129) The Experience of the Essence of the Human Being from His Determination -[Extract from]-§ 27. c) Mission and mandate -Precisely by virtue of mood, the human being is never an individual subject, but he stands always for-or against-one another, in a with-one-another. This is also valid when, as in longing, the other is not yet immediately there. The being-with-one-another of human beings is not in virtue of the fact that there are several human beings, but several human beings can only be in community, because being-human already means: attuned being-with-one-another, which is  not lost, if a  human being is alone. The exposedness...
    • Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
      (p.133) The Experience of the Essence of the Human Being from His Determination -[Extract from §28. The blasting of the being-subject through the determination of the Volk] -The lore of history is given only for him who stands in resoluteness; only he can and may know the inevitability of the historical Dasein. However, the unknowing ones, and even those who are drifting around in the unessence of history can, all the same, never release themselves from history and labor. For, even the irresoluteness [Unentschlossenheit], the self-shutting [das sich verschliej3ende] just-barely-still-staggering-along, is always, because essential, different from the snapping ensnarement of the animal in...
    • Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
      (p.136) [Extract from §28. The blasting of the being-subject through the determination of the Volk]- e) The State as the historical being of a Volk -Because the being of the historical Dasein of the human being is grounded in temporality, that is, [in] care, therefore, the State is  essentially necessary-the State, not as an abstract, and not [as] derived from a right [that is] invented and relative to a timeless human nature that is in itself, but the State as the law of the essence of historical being, by virtue of whose decree the Volk first secures for itself historical duration, that is,...
    • Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
      (p.53) [Extract from § 14. Reply to the first interposed question: What is that, a Volk?]- The first question can be set in motion in different ways. We intentionally take an external point of departure, namely, with the word ''Volk." We are briefly pursuing the fact that the word "Volk" diverges into a manifold of meanings; for this, we give examples of the most common word usage. In the review of the word "Volk," however, we remain conscious of the fact that, through the gathering together of the word meanings and the extraction of an average meaning, we are not able to grasp...
    • Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
      (p.55) [Extract from § 14. Reply to the first interposed question: What is that, a Volk?]- We came on this way, however, only to see the We, in a manner of speaking, from outside-as an assembly of individual human beings. We tried then another way, namely, from out of the moment. We said: We are here, admitted into the happening of education of this university and, with this, fitted into the vocation, which we willed with its professional tasks, [and] with this, fitted into the order and the willing of a State. We are here, fitted into this happening today, we are here...
    • Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009)
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