For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

References for Theme: Han Citations

  • Han, Byung-Chul
    • The Burn-Out Society (2015)
      (p.11) The disappearance of domination does not entail freedom. Instead, it makes freedom and constraint coincide. The achievement subject gives himself over to compulsive freedom—that is, to the free constraint of maximizing achievement. Excess work and performance escalate into auto-exploitation
    • The Burn-Out Society (2015)
      (p.19) The society of laboring and achievement is not a free society. It generates new constraints. Ultimately, the dialectic of master and slave does not yield a society where everyone is free and capable of leisure, too. Rather, it leads to a society of work in which the master himself has become a laboring slave
    • The Burn-Out Society (2015)
      (p.44) The loss of all ideal values leaves, other than the exhibition value of the ego, only health value behind. Bare life makes all teleology vanish—every in-order-to that would give reason to remain healthy. Health becomes self-referential and voids itself into purposiveness without purpose
    • The Burn-Out Society (2015)
      (p.44) The loss of all ideal values leaves, other than the exhibition value of the ego, only health value behind. Bare life makes all teleology vanish—every in-order-to that would give reason to remain healthy. Health becomes self-referential and voids itself into purposiveness without purpose
    • The Transparency Society (2015)
      (p.48) Today’s compulsive transparency no longer has an explicitly moral or biopolitical imperative; above all, it follows an economic imperative. People who illuminate themselves entirely surrender to exploitation. Illumination is exploitation. Overexposing individual subjects maximizes economic efficiency ... the social degrades into a functional element within the system of production and undergoes operationalization
    • Topology of Violence (2017)
      (p.90) everything grows and proliferates beyond its goal, beyond its purpose, indeed, beyond the economy of use
    • Capitalism and the Death Drive (2021)
      (p.128) The term ‘neoliberalism’ captures well the condition of today’s society as one that exploits freedom. The system wants to constantly increase productivity, and it switches from exploitation by others to self-exploitation because the latter is more efficient and more productivity—and all this under the guise of freedom
    • Capitalism and the Death Drive (2021)
      (p.77) Burnout is not a sickness caused by work but by the pressure to perform. The human soul is affected not because of work but because of performance, this new neoliberal principle
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