For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

References for Theme: Camus Citations

  • Camus, A
    • Myth of Sisyphus (1955)
      (p.10) It happens that the stage sets collapse. Rising, street-car, four hours in the office or the factory, meal, street-car,  four  hours  of  work,  meal,  sleep,  and  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  and Saturday  according to  the  same  rhythm—this  path  is  easily  followed  most  of  the  time.  But  one day  the  "why"  arises  and  everything  begins  in  that  weariness  tinged  with  amazement.
    • Myth of Sisyphus (1955)
      (p.88) The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone  would  fall  back  of  its  own  weight.  They  had  thought  with  some  reason  that  there  is  no  more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor. If  one  believes  Homer,  Sisyphus  was  the  wisest  and  most  prudent  of  mortals
    • Myth of Sisyphys (1955)
      (p.90) If  this  myth  is  tragic,  that  is  because  its  hero  is  conscious.  Where  would  his  torture  be,  indeed,  if  at every  step  the  hope  of  succeeding  upheld  him?  The  workman  of  today  works  everyday  in  his  life  at  the same  tasks,  and  his  fate  is  no  less  absurd.  But  it  is  tragic  only  at  the  rare  moments  when  it  becomes conscious.  Sisyphus,  proletarian  of  the  gods,  powerless  and  rebellious,  knows  the  whole  extent  of  his wretched  condition:  it  is  what  he  thinks  of  during  his  descent.  The  lucidity  that  was  to  constitute  his torture at the same time crowns his...
    • The Rebel (1962)
      (p.169) Man is born into a world of production and social relations. The unequal opportunities of different lands, the more or less rapid improvements in the means of production, and the struggle for life have rapidly created social inequalities that have been crystallized into antagonisms between production and distribution; and consequently into class struggles. These struggles and antagonisms are the motive power of history
    • The Rebel (1962)
      (p.170) the capitalist's interest lies in prolonging to the maximum the hours of work or, when he can do so no longer, of increasing the worker's output to the maximum. The first type of coercion is a matter of oppression and cruelty. The second is a question of the organization of labor. It leads first to the division of labor, and then to the utilization of the machine, which dehumanizes the worker. Moreover, competition for foreign markets and the necessity for larger and larger investments in raw materials, produce phenomena of concentration and accumulation. First, small capitalists are absorbed by big...
    • The Rebel (1962)
      (p.241) One can reject all history and yet accept the world of the sea and the stars. The rebels who wish to ignore nature and beauty are condemned to banish from history everything with which they want to construct the dignity of existence and of labor
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