References for Theme: Middle Ages
- Bennett, Judith
- Bennett, Judith M
- Bennett, Judith; Froide, Amy
- Dale, Marian K
- Daley, Brian E; Ovitt, George
- Loengard, Janet S
- Rosser, Gervase
- "Communities of parish and guild in the late Middle Ages" (1988)
- "Going to the Fraternity Feast: Commensality and Social Relations in Late Medieval England" (1994)
- "Crafts, Guilds and the Negotiation of Work in the Medieval Town" (1997)
- The Art of Solidarity in the Middle Ages: Guilds in England 1250-1550 (2015)
- Sadlek, Gregory M
- Sisters and Workers in the Middle Ages
- Sweeney, Del
- The Oxford Handbook of Women and Gender in Medieval Europe
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