For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

References for Theme: Law and Work

  • Bogoch, Bryna
  • Mars, Gerald
  • Ponce, Aida
    • "Labour in the Age of AI: Why Regulation is Needed to Protect Workers" (2020)
      (p.10) As surveillance technologies can lead to violations of human dignity and workers’ rights, monitoring and tracking policies need to be clearly justified and discussed on a case-by-case basis. This must cover such aspects as what is possible, what the limits are, and where and how the data collected from the workforce comes from (for instance, private email, social media posts or offline activity). Moreover, the right to disconnect or the right to be unavailable should be respected across the board, as is already the case in some EU countries such as France.
    • "Labour in the Age of AI: Why Regulation is Needed to Protect Workers" (2020)
      (p.12) With the development of AI, companies are looking after their own interests by upskilling or reskilling their employees. For workers, acquiring technical skills, although necessary, is not enough. They need to become ‘AI literate’, which is understood as being able to critically understand AI’s role and its impact on their work. This means learning to work alongside AI and to anticipate how AI will transform their career and role at work. Passively using AI systems or tools does not benefit the workers themselves; a certain distance needs to be established for them to see AI’s overall impact and influence.
    • "Labour in the Age of AI: Why Regulation is Needed to Protect Workers" (2020)
      (p.2) AI has the ability to affect the workforce in many ways, both as a standalone technology or when coupledwith other technologies (robotics, machine learning, blockchain, etc.). This Foresight Brief therefore argues that a governance framework needs to be developed, and one preferably based on regulation rather than ethicalguidelines, codes of conduct or standards. Practically speaking, AI systems can impact workers in many different ways: trackers for Uber drivers, Deliveroo riders and lorry drivers; nurses connected with apps and tablets; technicians collaborating with robots in a production line; software deciding who should be promoted next, predicting outcomes and scheduling activities; etc. The impacts are many and diverse, but AI should not...
    • "Labour in the Age of AI: Why Regulation is Needed to Protect Workers" (2020)
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