For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Are machines stealing our jobs?"

by Gentili, Andrea; Compagnucci, Fabiano; Gallegati, Mauro; Valentini, Enzo (2020)


This study aims to contribute empirical evidence to the debate about the future of work in an increasingly robotised world. We implement a data-driven approach to study the technological transition in six leading Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. First, we perform a cross-country and cross-sector cluster analysis based on the OECD-STAN database. Second, using the International Federation of Robotics database, we bridge these results with those regarding the sectoral density of robots. We show that the process of robotisation is industry- and country-sensitive. In the future, participants in the political and academic debate may be split into optimists and pessimists regarding the future of human labour; however, the two stances may not be contradictory.

Key Passage

Although robots will not completely replace the human workforce in the short run, the issue of labour dislocation must be addressed by targeted policies because of its negative effects on employment and wealth polarisation in our countries. Specifically, because robotisation seems to be growing faster than the capacity of workers to acquire new skills, policies based on sustained income in conjunction with adult learning will be increasingly necessary for the near future. (p.168)


Artificial Intelligence, Macines, Technology, Work Loss, The Future Of Work, Robotics



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