"What is the Point of Work? Pandemic's Lessons about Work Injustice and Social Inequality"
by Celentano, Denise (2020)
This crisis is prompting a self-reflection about the very way we conceive of work, its ends, its rewards and organization. This paper discusses how the pandemic reveals and exacerbates pre-existing tensions and inequalities in the division of labor. In particular: the mismatch between work’s value and its rewards, the unequal division of risk, unreciprocated advantages in the division of labor, the fragility of care chains and the conflict between the reasons of profit and the reasons of life as ends of work. Work involves many complementary dimensions relevant to social justice: wage and income, but also recognition, organization, voice – to consider during and after the pandemic.
Covid-19, Social Justice, Work Motivation, Work Values, Distributive Justice, InequalityThemes
Pandemics and WorkLinks to Reference
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