For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Measuring the Impacts of Labor in the Platform Economy: New Work Created, Old Work Reorganized, and Value Creation Reconfigured"

by Bearson, Dafna; Kenney, Martin; Zysman, John (2019)


Though economists have examined labor displacement due to digitization, few have considered the new work and value created. Studies of platforms invariably focus on specific organizational forms such as sharing or gigs. They build taxonomies based on the platform’s organization – few consider the scope and scale of platform-enabled value creation. We consider all of the platform-enabled value creation activities including old work displaced or reorganized to new work created. We apply our framework to the work generated by Etsy and Amazon publishing.


Invisible Work, Platform Work, Platform Economies, Gig Economies, Hyperflexible Work, Algorithmic Labor, Precarious Work


Platforms, Gig Work, Automation

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