"Lawyers and the Future"
by Rowe, Margie (2016)
Being Well in the Law is a toolkit for lawyers. It has been well informed by the input of experts from the Australian National University and Sydney University, as well as a range of other experts. It draws heavily on multidisciplinary knowledge embracing mindfulness and meditation, and evokes ideas to help us switch off from other thoughts and focus only on the moment, helping to alleviate anxiety.
Law, Lawyers, Legal Profession, Future Of Work, Mental Health, Psychology, Well-Being, Australian ContextThemes
ProfessionsLinks to Reference
- https://trove.nla.gov.au/version/254099053
- https://www.lawsociety.com.au/sites/default/files/2018-08/Being%20Well%20in%20the%20Law%20Guide.pdf
How to contribute.