For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

Proletarian Nights: The Workers' Dream in Nineteenth-century France

by Rancière, Jacques (2012)


Proletarian Nights, previously published in English as Nights of Labor and one of Rancière's most important works, dramatically reinterprets the Revolution of 1830, contending that workers were not rebelling against specific hardships and conditions but against the unyielding predetermination of their lives. Through a study of worker-run newspapers, letters, journals, and worker-poetry, Rancière reveals the contradictory and conflicting stories that challenge the coherence of these statements celebrating labor. This updated edition includes a new preface by the author, revisiting the work twenty years since its first publication in France.


Rancière, Labour History, Saint-Simon, Marx, Gauny, Alienation


Equality and Work, Rancière, Acceleration, Knowledge and Work, French History, History of Work

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