For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

Psychology of Religion and Workplace Spirituality

by Hill, Peter C; Dik, Bryan J (2012)


This book, the first of a groundbreaking series, provides a solid theoretical and empirical grounding from the psychology of religion and spirituality to the emerging field of workplace spirituality. Leading researchers in the psychology of religion have contributed uptodate reviews within their areas of expertise to help guide the emergence of this exciting new discipline. Each chapter is written with the workplace researcher in mind. Not only is the relevant literature from the psychology of religion reviewed, but it is also made relevant to the workplace setting. The religious and spiritual aspects of such topics as meaning making, emotional resilience, sense of calling, coping with stress, occupational health and wellbeing, and leadership, among others are discussed within the context of work life. Surely researchers interested in workplace spirituality will keep this book, as well as others in the series, within arm’s reach for years to come.


Psychology, Religion, Spirituality, Pathologies Of Work, Well-Being, Occupational Health, Emotion, Calling, Meaningful Work, Meaning Of Work


Religious Views on Work

Links to Reference



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