For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Performances nordiques et flexicurité : quelles relations ?"

by Lefebvre, Alain; Méda, Dominique (2008)


The Nordic performances – and specially the Danish success – as regards employment, but also in the field of fighting poverty and inequalities, have developed for several years the interest of the French researchers and political leaders. These results are often considered as a product of “flexicurity”, at least concerning Denmark, and attributed only to one of its component, the flexibility of the labour market, sometimes limited to a low level of employment protection. This article tries to appreciate the flexibility of the Danish labour market, to define it and to position it among other forms of flexibility and other components of the “Danish golden triangle” (the generous compensation for unemployment and active employment policies). The authors also try to assess if this specific configuration makes it possible to understand the good results of other Nordic countries. After having clarified the role of the flexibility of the labour market in three Nordic countries, they identify the common features of the Nordic active employment policies to support the individual along his/her working life. They formulate the assumption that the systematic social investment of the Nordic countries in human capital is closely related to their success as regards employment.


Méda, Sociology, Political Economy, Nordic Context, French Context, Flexicurity, Flexibility, Flextimers, Work-Life Balance



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