"Work of the Detective, Work of the Writer: Paul Auster's City of Glass"
by Nealon, Jeffrey T (1996)
In the good mystery there is nothing wasted, no sentence, no word that is not significant. And even if it is not significant, it has the potential to be so—which amounts to the same thing. . . . Since everything seen or said, even the slightest, most trivial thing, can bear a connection to …
Literature, Blanchot, Writing, Detective, City Of Glass, AusterThemes
Work in Literature, On BlanchotLinks to Reference
- https://muse.jhu.edu/article/21024/summary?casa_token=wZ7GDduXCHYAAAAA:_bLI4uRSsjvHiNHcK3YD83otokMxugchfXygqa5aJaTivk8RYXbiyfaL5u3l9Q-TtjqkJRm3Yw
- http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/mfs.1995.0011
- https://muse.jhu.edu/article/21024/pdf?casa_token=jQrcpbnK3GcAAAAA:EPMkYXO8SuNqsLgNhTzHpLu6kMRl8q37t_qT6BGQjG5a3TO1k4m1OhiUDVAWVID8wHB7eqdr4A
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