For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

The Concept of Work: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern

by Applebaum, Herbert (1992)


[Summary from Amazon] This book presents an analysis amd review of work, starting with the Homeric period, then dealing with classical Greece and classical Rome, the early Christians and Jews, the early Middle Ages, the era of Charlemagne, the high Middle Ages, the views of Luther and Calvin, the English and French Enlightenment, the nineteenth century, the twentieth century, and prospects for the future of work. It offers a rich and varied tapestry on the complexity of values regarding work, criss-crossing through crafts, occupations and professions, through slave and free-born employments, through lay and religious figures, and through rural and urban contexts. The permutations of work and its meanings are traced and related to the social and cultural contexts of each period of history dealt with ― ancient, medieval, and modern.


Greek, Roman, Ancient, Medieval, Classic


History of Work, Concepts of Work, Applebaum, Anthropology of Work

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