For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

Odyssey, Book VI

by Homer (1919)


Key Passage

So he said and they went apart and told the princess. But with water from the river noble Odysseus washed from his skin the brine which covered his back and broad shoulders, and from his head he wiped the scurf of the barren sea. But when he had washed his whole body and anointed himself with oil, and had put on him the clothes which the unwed maiden had given him, then Athene, the daughter of Zeus, made him taller to look upon and stronger, and from his head she made the locks to flow in curls like the hyacinth flower. And as when a man overlays silver with gold, a cunning workman whom Hephaestus and Pallas Athene have taught all kinds of craft, and full of grace is the work he produces, even so the goddess shed grace upon his head and shoulders. (p.237)


Homer, Odyssey, Ancient Greece, Greek Mythology, Mythology, Craftsmanship


Odyssey, Ancient Greece

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Murray, A. T.



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