For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"To Have Lived Well: Well-being and Meaningful Work"

by Chalofsky, Neal; Cavallero, Elizabeth (2019)


This chapter draws on Aristotelian thinking to differentiate between hedonic and eudaimonic understandings of well-being. A sense of purpose and meaning are fundamental to the more profound experience of eudaimonic well-being, which is associated with authenticity and living in accordance with one’s “true self.” A framework for well-being and meaningfulness is proposed which highlights the interactive effects between the two. Fundamental to both is a sense of self, the work performed by individuals, and the workplace itself. Framing eudaimonic well-being as a fundamental, overarching aim of living, the chapter argues that our work is a significant and influential factor in how we live, and the search for meaningful work is an inherent part of our pursuit of the life well lived.


Meaningful Work, Eudaimonia, Well-Being, Authenticity, Self, Identity, Agency


Meaningful Work

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