For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"The Refusal of Work in Christian Ethics and Theology: Interpreting Work from an Anti-work Perspective"

by Posadas, Jeremy (2017)


Reviewing major accounts in Christian ethics and theology concerning work reveals a set of assumptions that together form the field's current “common sense” regarding this central human activity: work is part of what it fundamentally means to be a human; there is an aspect of work that is intrinsically good, because it reflects God's work; and work that is degrading can be transformed into this intrinsic good. An emerging body of social thought, however, interrogates work from an anti‐work perspective, rejecting capitalism's demand that people be integrated as fully as possible into the profit‐generating modern‐day work structure. After exploring core tenets of the anti‐work perspective, this essay reconsiders the assumptions often made about work in Christian ethics and theology and delineates some contours of anti‐work Christian normative interpretations of work.


Anti-Work, Religious Views On Work, Protestant Work Ethic, Refusal Of Work, Theology, Weber


Religious Views on Work

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