For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

Critical Social Theory and the End of Work

by Granter, Edward (2016)


Critical Social Theory and the End of Work examines the development and sociological significance of the idea that work is being eliminated through the use of advanced production technology. Granter’s engagement with the work of key American and European figures such as Marx, Marcuse, Gorz, Habermas and Negri, focuses his arguments for the abolition of labour as a response to the current socio-historical changes affecting our work ethic and consumer ideology. By combining history of ideas with social theory, this book considers how the 'end of work' thesis has developed and has been critically implemented in the analysis of modern society. This book will appeal to scholars of sociology, history of ideas, social and cultural theory as well as those working in the fields of critical management and sociology of work.


Critical Theory, Marx, Habermas, Negri, Technology, Sociology, History Of Ideas, Cultural Theory, End Of Work


End of Work

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