For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Measuring Meaningful Work: The Work and Meaning Inventory (WAMI)"

by Steger, Michael F; Dik, Bryan J; Duffy, Ryan D (2012)


Many people desire work that is meaningful. However, research in this area has attracted diverse ideas about meaningful work (MW), accompanied by an equally disparate collection of ways of assessing MW. To further advance study in this area, the authors propose a multidimensional model of work as a subjectively meaningful experience consisting of experiencing positive meaning in work, sensing that work is a key avenue for making meaning, and perceiving one?s work to benefit some greater good. The development of a scale to measure these dimensions is described, an initial appraisal of the reliability and construct validity of the instrument?s scores is reported using a sample of university employees (N = 370) representing diverse occupations. MW scores correlated in predicted ways with work-related and general well-being indices, and accounted for unique variance beyond common predictors of job satisfaction, days reported absent from work, and life satisfaction. The authors discuss ways in which this conceptual model provides advantages to scholars, counselors, and organizations interested in fostering MW.

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Meaningful Work, Meaning Of Work, Well-Being, Psychology, Work And Meaning Inventory, Empirical Study


Meaningful Work

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