For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Travail et santé mentale : approches cliniques"

by Molinier, Pascale; Flottes, Anne (2012)


This article is devoted to the history of clinical approaches to work in France since the 1950s. It briefly deals with the very first researches in work psychopathology, then with a few key concepts of work psychodynamics (“psychodynamique du travail”) and of the clinic of activity (“clinique de l’activité”). It finally reviews the different forms of work-related psychopathologies in the recent scientific literature (from 2000 onwards).


Molinier, Sociology, Psychology, Psychodynamics, Care, Care Work, Care As Work, Ethics, Psychopathology, Mental Well-Being, Clinic Of Activity, Historical Context, Emotional Labour, Harassment, Gendered Labour


Molinier, Pascale, Psychological Centrality of Work

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