For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"A Survey of the Psychodynamics of Work in a Department of Industrial Research"

by Molinier, Pascale (2012)


"The article concerns a survey of the psychodynamics of work within the department of applied research of a private company. After a presentation of the methodology, the survey is described as it progresses over time. The participants at first minimize their difficulties. The story told by two young men of a pathogenic situation allows the group to go beyond the “taboo” of suffering at work in order to analyze it. The suffering results (1).from a discrepancy between the uncertainties of research and the imperative of excellence which is the focus of the company’s communication; (2) an appropriation of innovative production by the most privileged and influential in the work network; and (3) the relocation and dematerialization of the supporting departments."


Psychodynamics Of Work, Empirical Research, Organisational Structure, Organisational Communication, Taboo


Molinier, Pascale

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