For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Des ruptures conventionnelles vues par les salariés : à la recherche des raisons de rompre"

by Dalmasso, Raphaël; Gomel, Bernard; Méda, Dominique; Serverin, Évelyne (2012)


This article studies the ways in which termination of contracts by negotiated agreement is used. It is a new way of terminating permanent employment contracts, alongside dismissal and resignation. It was introduced into the Labour Code by the law that was adopted on 25 June 2008 and came into force on 1 August 2008. Its specific features are that there is no indication as to the initiative and reasons for terminating the contract; it provides for legal compensation; it is validated by administrative recognition; and it opens up access to the unemployment insurance system. In order to find out about the circumstances surrounding such termination of contracts and the way in which it occurs, a survey was made of 101 employees who had signed such a termination in November 2010. By encoding the various data that were thus collected, the article highlights the similarities between the cases of termination of contracts by negotiated agreement and the types of termination of permanent contracts. Some concluding remarks regarding the criteria for assessing such a measure are proposed.


Méda, Sociology, Political Economy, Contract, Empirical Study, Termination Of Contract



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