For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Meaningfulness, Commitment, and Engagement:The Intersection of a Deeper Level of Intrinsic Motivation"

by Chalofsky, Neal; Krishna, Vijay (2009)


The problem and the solution. The work motivation literature suggests the existence of a level of motivation that goes beyond the commonly known typologies of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The purpose of this article is to explore that deeper level of intrinsic motivation, meaningfulness, and to discuss the connections between meaning of work and meaning at work, represented by the concepts of employee commitment and engagement. This multidimensional approach combines the individual and psychological aspects of work motivation with the contextual and cultural factors that influence employee motivation.

Key Passage



Meaningful Work, Meaning Of Work, Well-Being, Psychology, Happiness, Job Satisfaction, Motivation, Work Engagement


Meaningful Work

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