"The Internationalisation of Cooperatives: The Case of the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation"
by Errasti, Anjel Mari; Heras, Inaki; Bakaikoa, Baleren; Elgoibar, Pilar (2003)
Abstract:? This paper outlines the internationalisation process of cooperatives in an economic environment determined by economic globalisation. The analysis is focused on the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation (MCC) in the Basque Country which is a point of reference for participatory enterprises all over the world. MCC is currently adapting to changing market conditions and pursuing a strategy of direct investment (joint ventures, greenfield investment and acquisitions) in priority international markets. Thus, the first part of the study is about the current situation: the problems and consequences related to the internationalisation process of the MCC. In the second part, we consider an analytical framework for developing measures and strategies which could facilitate international expansion but in a manner which is more in line with cooperative values. The third part focuses on the presentation and discussion, based on this analytical framework, of a number of proposals made within the MCC on international social-economic policy.
Cooperation, Cooperative, Basque, Spanish Context, Sociology, Empirical Study, InternationalisationThemes
Cooperatives, Spanish History, CooperationLinks to Reference
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