For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

In Praise of Bureaucracy

by Du Gay, Paul (2000)


In this provocative study, Paul du Gay makes a compelling case for the continuing importance of bureaucracy. Taking inspiration from the work of Max Weber, du Gay launches a staunch defence of `the bureaucratic ethos' and highlights its continuing relevance to the achievement of social order and good government in liberal democratic societies. Through a comprehensive engagement with both historical and contemporary critiques of bureaucracy and a careful examination of the policies of organizational change within the public services today, du Gay develops a major reappraisal of the so-called `traditional' ethic of office. In doing so he highlights the ways in which many of the key features of bureaucratic conduct that came into existence a century ago still remain essential to the provision of responsible democratic government.


Bureau Critique, Bureaucracy, Bureaucrats, Politicians, Politics, Morality, Ethics, Work Ethic, Religion, Weber, Sociology


Weber, Organisation and Management Studies

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