For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

Heidegger's Confrontation with Modernity: Technology, Politics, and Art

by Zimmerman, Michael E (1990)


The relation between Martin Heidegger's understanding of technology and his affiliation with and conception of National Socialism is the leading idea of this fascinating and revealing book. Zimmerman shows that the key to the relation between Heidegger's philosophy and his politics was his concern with the nature of working and production.

Key Passage

Heidegger's affiliation with National( Socialism may be understood, in part, in terms of his belief that only a corporatist, fascist community could protect German working people from the evils of wage slavery andatomistic individualism in capitalism, on the one hand, and from the ills of materialism and massification in communism, on the other. (p.40)


Heidegger, Technology, National Socialism, Junger, Production, Germany, Nazi


Technology, On Heidegger

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