For Work / Against Work
Debates on the centrality of work

"Mental Work: A study in psychodynamics"

by Dodge, R (1913)


Attempts to develop a consistent scientific concept of mental work and to discover a practicable experimental measure of the dynamic facts. Mental work is dynamic, and can be conceived of in terms of processes and operations. Experimental studies have demonstrated the correlation between pulse rate and mental processes. The telephone-galvanometer-sphygmograph has been suggested as the most satisfying pulse-recording device. Data obtained with this instrument showed that mental work used up much less energy than did analogous muscle action. An analysis of the distribution of pulse rates of three Ss during a written examination revealed that it showed certain rhythms and oscillations: the pulse rate was regularly high throughout the exam, and reduced from the beginning to the end. The work requires further refinement.


Psychodynamics Of Work, Mental Work, Empirical Study, Empirical Research


Psychological Centrality of Work

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